I heard I love you for the first time!

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"Yes Austin, I think she should leave. We don't want the guest to keep discussing how many fathers Gideon has. Let her leave, the party was already spoiled enough." Cherry walked ahead and told Austin. I could see that my step-sister's face turned dull. All three of them were hardly able to control their anger. Their fist was clenched, and their eyes were red. Their friends were already left seeing it was no fun at the party at all. "No, It's not spoiling," Austin told Cherry and turned to me. "This birthday party won't be the same after you leave. I don't think we would be able to enjoy it once you leave it." Austin told me he was insisting that I stay, but I didn't want to. He restrained me, I had Gideon in my hand. "Austin is right, please Daisy don't leave. I know you're upset with us and that's why you're leaving." Ethan came ahead, he supported Austin. Guests again became busy with the meal and chit-chatted as if nothing happened. Everything turned normal except the turmoil within me. I stared at Rowen's face. He had not said a word till now. He didn't even stop me, his face was confused and angry. If anyone had given me the most trouble so far, it was Rowan. He had also said that he would break his mate's bond with me. "Daisy.. Don't go. I know we hurt you so much. We failed as a mate. Please don't go." Rowan said, The word spilt out of Rowen's mouth and I laughed sarcastically. Now his face turned upset because he realised he was wrong. "Why would I? The pain you gave me these days, do you think it's not enough?" I asked him, he stared at my face with blank eyes. Perhaps no one dared to talk to him like I do. "You are mistaking us? We know we did wrong by not trusting you. But anyone else would have been at our place, I am sure they would have done the same thing." Austin justified. I wanted to laugh at his words. "Someone else won't be my mate. I thought you were my mate so our hearts were connected. You knew me more than anyone else but I was living in my delusion. I was crying and begging you all to trust me. To believe me, but you were stuck with your beliefs." I said to them, they stared at my face. My anger, which I had been suppressing for so long, felt as if it had come out. I wanted to leave immediately after proving myself right. But now it seemed that my frustration was boiling in my heart like lava. "Please, Daisy. We all want you to stay here. Please don't leave. The pain I gave to you. I want to. " Rowen paused, as if he was about apologising to me but the words were not coming out of his mouth. As if it was so hard to accept his mistake. "You are so proud of yourself that you can't even apologise for what you did. The pain you cause to me, Was it hard to accept it." I asked Rowen, just like the spring of a hot volcano, in the same way, these words also came out of my mind. My anger had increased so much that now I was not ready to calm down. Rowen walked ahead grabbed my hand, he pulled me closer to him. I looked into his eyes, and till now his face was enveloped with ego, unlike Austin and Ethan who appeared to deeply regret what they did. "Daisy, I am brave enough to accept my mistake. I knew I did wrong that I didn't trust you but my biggest mistake was I didn't love you enough. I am apologising for what I did." His hands held my hand tightly, as if was not ready to leave it. But my heart was deeply sad, so I pulled my hands away from him. He stared at me with a shocked face. "Every relation, every love is based on trust. Where there is no trust, there is no room for love. You have said that you love me but this incident showed how much you trust me. If someone else comes tomorrow and says that in the two years I have been with him, will your love vanish for me?" I asked, their faces were down. They were speechless. "I know Daisy, you're with us is justified. You should have scolded me. I can't understand how much I have hurt you. Please forgive me." Ethan started saying. He was very ashamed of his actions. He was asking for forgiveness, Regret was visible in his words. "Maya, give me Gideon. I want to spend some time with him. Because of all these things, he did not give him enough time." Saying this, I took Gideon in my hand. The three princes tried their best to stop me and I ignored them and went away from there. “Where are you leaving? Where are you taking him at this hour? Have you seen the time?" Rowen stared at his wristwatch, it must be almost twelve in the night. He seemed worried but he had no right to be now. Last few days when he thought of Gideon as Harris's son, I was not ready to accept that concern. "I had enough pain, now I needed peace, some me time. Where I would focus on myself and Gideon. This incident made me realise that you need to fight for yourself, you cannot expect someone else to fight for you. So I deserve my winning celebration and it only includes me and my son, Gideon." I told them, Rowen was stunned by my answer and I started stepping out of the packhouse. "Daisy, please. Try to listen to us. We are sorry that we behaved rudely with you." Ethan came ahead but I shook my head. I didn't want to give further excuses and walked away with Gideon. Leaving the crowded party behind, to find peace. To have quality time with my baby. I wrapped Gideon's legs around my waist and we both walked out of the pack house. The deep night appeared more appealing than the sparkling night in the packhouse. I walked ahead fearlessly, knowing nothing could harm me, nothing could be in my way. I was brave enough to handle my child and myself alone. If anyone dared to touch us, I would rip their skin off. Anyone should never mess with a mother, not even by mistake. After a short while, We arrived at the beach, I looked for a safe spot and made Gideon sit there. The wind was blowing and the sea waved rose high in the horizon. I decided to spend our time there till the party was over. "Gideon, let's make a sand castle," I told him, Gideon was playing with sand. I sat beside him and started teaching Gideon how to make sand castles. I held his tiny fist and pressed over the sand to make beautiful patterns. We were playing under the shadow of the moon, thankfully it was bright enough. "From here you will take out the sand," I told Gideon. We made the small doors and a few windows using Gideon's hand to carve out excess sand in the castle. I wanted to raise Gideon to be a strong and independent child. Who will always work patiently? Gideon gave me a lot of maturity, a lot of power that I had never felt before. In my eighteen years, I have got the maturity of my thirties just because of him. Otherwise, I would be the same reckless girl who ran away from home just to attend a party. "Now. Our little prince Gideon would take the throne." Our castle was ready within half a house. Gideon started clapping after seeing it. "Wow. Gideon, you did a great job." I praised him. He walked towards me, came so close and grabbed my chin. I was wondering what he wanted to say because he never held my chin this way. "Mama. I love You.." Gideon said and my eyes widened. I couldn't believe that Gideon told me I love you. "What... What did Gideon say to you?" I asked Gideon, I knew he wouldn't repeat it, but I was ready to die just to hear it. Gideon held my face and confessed. "Mumma.. I love you so much." Gideon unexpectedly repeated it and I was on cloud nine. I was in a very bad mood, but within a moment everything changed. I felt like the dark clouds disappeared and spring flowers bloomed. A few days ago I was wondering who among Rowen, Austin and Ethan would say 'I love you' first. This moment will be very special for me because no one has ever proposed to me before. I wasn't like that someone would propose to me before and that's why I was very excited to hear those three words. But I felt very happy to know that the one who said these words was my son. "I love you, Gideon." I hugged Gideon. My eyes started shedding the tears of happiness. Gideon brought a miracle to my life.
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