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Clara POV "That dirty b***h, she ruined my plan. How dare she, how could she forget that she is not more than a servant in this pack? I will ruin that whore." Cherry was screaming, taking out her frustration. We were slamming her door helplessly. She was not even opening the door, but we could hear the noise of throwing things. The breaking stuff. "Enough Cherry. Open the door. Mom would be worried about you." I told her, trying to explain to her. It's not like we are hurt by what happened, but Cherry was someone who was not ready to accept her defeat. And it's all her plan to bring someone like Harris to create a rift between Daisy and the princes. "Cherry.. Please open the door." Catty slammed on the door again. We heard the loud noise of a mirror breaking and I exchanged glances with Catty. We realised that we should go inside before something bad happens. I didn't want to think that Cherry was cutting her veins with those pieces of broken glass. Me and Catty both started banging on Cherry's door. We pushed against it almost four times and the door finally opened. When it opened, I was shocked to see the sight in front of me. Every corner of the room had become a victim of Cherry's anger. The clothes from the wardrobe were scattered on the floor, her makeup products were spread everywhere. The expensive wine she brought for the afterparty was broken and the entire room filled with the smell of that wine. The mirror was broken and Cherry's hand was injured, the blood dripping from her wound drip by drip and mixing with the wine. "Cherry.. Are you okay?" I held her hand and asked her. I grabbed a tissue and placed it on her wounded finger. The atmosphere of the room turned so tense. Cherry was breathing heavily, her chest showing heavy up-down movement as if her anger had still not subsided. "Okay..? Okay? Have you asked me "Okay?" Cherry kicked the couch in front of her aggressively. It was obvious that she was not okay. Catty and I held Cherry and made her sit on the couch. I gestured at Catty, she poured cold water into the glass and handed it to me. "Calm down. Cherry. You are getting very angry. Harris's plan failed miserably, but the good thing is that he did not expose us." I explained to her. Whatever happened already made me upset, but I was glad that he escaped before exposing us, otherwise we would have lost princes. I took the glass close to her lips so that she would drink the cold water and it would calm her down, but she pushed the glass aside and it fell. My words were making Cherry even more angry. "Good thing? Do you even think any good thing happened with us today? Rowen didn't even care about me." Cherry's voice filled with pain. I had never seen her before this way. She must have cried a lot because her mascara ran off her face. Her beautiful makeup was already spoiled and she looked so horrible. "Do you know I planned a surprise for Austin, but he said he wanted to be alone? He didn't even ask about the surprise." I told her, Catty nodded. "Yeah! Our birthday was spoiled too." Catty said, we all were facing the same situation and that too because of the same person. "Spoiled? We cut our cake at one in the night, Three princes left the party just right after Daisy left. They didn't wait for five minutes." Cherry screamed. It was heartbreaking that the entire event was about Daisy. She stole the show and just left. And talking about princes, they did not even wish us a birthday. "Princes have come closer to Daisy and we have become distant. We became strangers to them." Catty cried. Till today we have never been insulted so much. But with Daisy's arrival everything was getting ruined, we won't be able to forget this day. It became a black day of our lives. "this won't happen. Don't cry, babies. I am here. I won't let that happen." I said as my palm turned into a fist. I will never forget this humiliation and am ready to take revenge for my sisters. *** Rowen POV "Why didn't you apologise to her? Was that hard?" Austin asked me, Passing the beer can in my hand. It was almost three in the night, we were there for a while. My eyes were stuck on the main gate hoping that I could see Daisy and Gideon getting back in the packhouse. But she was nowhere to be seen, my heart aching badly. I was dying to see both of them, just a glance from Daisy would make me feel better but she wasn't around. I sighed heavily. My chest was in pain, my heart was in pain, and I couldn't think straight. "See, she left because of you. You hurt her so much that she decided to get away from us." Ethan said to me, I pretended as if I didn't hear him and opened the can. They were both annoyed to see it. What would I do? They were blaming me since we were sitting there. Ethan and Austin were upset with me. They think that if I had apologised, Daisy would not have left the party angrily. But I had hurt her so much that mere forgiveness would not help. I need to get her back, I need to win her back. She was the mother of my son, Gideon. She was my mate and her upsetness made me crazy. I crushed the can in my hand and threw it aside. I grabbed another one. "Rowen, You should have apologised and stopped her. Just beg on your knees," Ethan almost commanded me, I glared at him with colder eyes. Now it was enough, I was not in the mood to hear the same thing a thousand times. "You guys are drunk, shut up. Go to your rooms." I ordered them. Austin shook his head in disbelief, "You have a problem. You need to learn how to control your emotions." He said to me, Pointing his finger at my chest, Austin wasn't wrong too, but my vampire was not. I was angry at my vampire for hurting Daisy, and for making her leave the house like this. "She is angry. Give her some time and she will come around." Austin tried to convince me. I took a sip and felt a bit relieved. But I still wanted to see her face, my vampire was howling to go after her, to bring her back. "Then what should we do? Daisy's heart is not that easy to win again. And this time her heart has been hurt so much. What should we do?" Austin asked us, I was thinking the same. There is a lot of difference between Daisy and other girls. Daisy was never happy with a fancy thing. Like Cherry or her other step sisters who were ready to throw themselves because of diamond rings or the latest version of the phone. Winning Daisy's heart would be the toughest task ever. "I don't think she will forgive us and everything will turn normal," Ethan said, as he added some water to the wine. I watched him dilute the wine for the first time. I wondered what made him do that. Does he think the wine is strong? "What's done is done. Now it is over, she will not forgive us. We will not be able to meet her until and unless Gideon doesn't want to meet us." Austin said to me, trying his best to cheer me up. As soon as he mentioned Gideon's name, something came to my mind. "I have an idea," I told the boys, their eyes widened in shock. I explained to them my entire plan. They were ready to be part of it, and we were ready to take a step to get our mate back. We knew she could not stay away because of her mate's tendency, Morning arrived and we stepped down the stairs just to see the preparation. All the props were ready. Ethan, Austin and I wore the tuxedos and went to eat and wait for Daisy. The photographer was ready with the props, the garden area was decorated beautifully. In a short while, Daisy stepped down the stairs and was shocked to see the pack area, Gideon was there with her, and she was slowly stepping down. I gestured at the photographer girl, Shelly and she immediately approached Daisy. "Madam, Come with me. You have to get ready." Shelly raised her hands ahead to take Gideon in her arms. Daisy stared at me with an aggressive face. Her anger still has not subsided. "What happened? Why are you asking me to come with you?" Daisy asked that girl, Shelly. "Rowen sir asked us for a photo shoot of his son. You're Gideon's mother so he asked you to join too." She told Daisy. Daisy's eyes tapered and stared at me. I knew she wouldn't be ready for it, so I already made it so special that she would never deny it. I gestured at the Garden where almost all baby props, Gideon's name, were written.
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