How to calm a Vampire?

1459 Words
Rowen POV I looked at Cherry angrily. Daisy herself had hands and was not a little girl who couldn't wipe her mouth. I expected Daisy to deny it wisely and wipe her mouth for herself, I don't even f*****g care if she kept that thing stuck to her mouth even for days, but whatever Cherry asked right now was not appealed to me. "Oh yeah sure," Harris said and he grabbed a tissue from the table. My brows knitted in the middle just by thinking he was going to do that. He leaned closer to Daisy and slowly wiped her mouth. I felt a strange pain in my chest, so sharp and loud that I felt like turning the table here. I want to smash all the crockeries over his face one by one. and beat this Harris in the same way I beat the sandbag yesterday. Everything was pissing me off, "Rowen, What happened to you?" Cherry asked me, I shook my head. It was hard to pretend like nothing happened when you had a storm within you. A storm can destroy this entire packhouse in a moment if it comes out. "Austin, Ethan.. Just have this dessert. I made this." Clara served everyone dessert, but even Austin and Ethan seemed to have no appetite. Their plates were still full and their gazes shifted to Daisy and Harris. They were annoyed too. Seeing a mate with someone else was the most painful thing for anyone. We were experiencing it right now. And the worst thing is, I couldn't stop him even if I wanted to. "Daisy still looks the same as she did that night we slept. You wore a similar ice-coloured gown, didn't it?" Harris asked her, I hated the way he stared at her. She was stealing her eyes from me, her gaze was full of guilt and regret. I wished I could tear off her clothes right now and f**k her recklessly on this dining table in front of everyone so that everyone would know who Daisy belongs to. I want to make her scream so hard with my name so that even Harris can hear it. I wanted to show her and make her understand that there's no one better than me. I am the only one who can pleasure her, make her cry, make her scream, make her beg, and make her c*m. Even Daisy would understand who has the right to her body and soul. I wanted to assert my right over Daisy in front of everyone. "Rowen.. Oh.. Rowen..." Cherry screamed, I jumped out of my imaginary actions, "Your hand.." He gestured at my hand. I didn't notice that I was going to cut the steak into pieces and held the knife tightly that my hand got cut and blood was dripping down from it. "Rowen, your hand is bleeding.." Daisy said she appeared so worried. She got up from her chair and was ready to help me. But I was already more than frustrated. "You don't need to worry about it. When you're the reason for it." I said, my teeth crushed with each other. Cherry brought a tape and wiped around my wound. Daisy's face filled with pain and she sat again. I smirked seeing her upset because she deserved it. "Have you not slept well? You have dark circles under your eyes. Has my son Gideon not let you sleep well?" Harris was talking to her. His hand caressed Daisy's hair and he tucked them behind her ears. As his fingers touched Daisy's face, aggression bubbled up within me. If someone else touching her could hurt me so much, then how can I imagine Daisy sleeping with someone? I could have destroyed the whole world but I couldn't think of this. "No, Gideon slept well. He didn't trouble me last night." Daisy said, moving his hands away from her face. She was about to serve food to herself when Harris again tried to pick at her hair. Suddenly he grabbed her hand and I lost my temper. "This is a f*****g dining table. We all are sitting and eating peacefully here. Don't you even know this much? Why don't you f**k yourself somewhere else." I scolded Daisy aggressively. My all anger venting out on her at once, for letting someone touch herself, letting touch her face and everything that I think belongs to me. I found that everyone stared at me like I was some ghost. I was afraid that I would do something right now that would embarrass me later. "Rowen, let Harris express his love to Daisy. He has met Daisy after a long time, he missed her so much. And seeing his face I guess that he loves Daisy very much." Clara said this and it boiled my blood even more. "What nonsense is this?" Austin asked her, he also burst out in rage. "This is not a loving park. We all came here to eat. So stop talking about that night." Austin shouted, thankfully Harris stopped touching Daisy. And Daisy too started eating her food slowly. I nodded at Austin, in consideration that he did a great job right now. We all were having our food, and suddenly I heard the sound of the spoon falling. I stared at Cherry. "Rowen, will you pick up the spoon that fell near your chair?" Cherry asked me. I grabbed another spoon and passed it to her. "Take it," I said but she refused to take it. She pointed her finger down at my feet. "No, I want the one that fell there. It was my favourite." She said, I pressed my lips and bent down to pick up the spoon that had fallen from the table. But my heart broke into pieces after seeing the scene in front of me. Harris gripped Daisy's thighs tightly, His fingers almost penetrating her skin. Daisy was wearing denim shorts on an ice-coloured top, That grip was way too intimate and seemed like his hands were about to go inside shorts. The rage throbbed in my veins, and then Daisy placed her hand on his hand. I was not ready to tolerate this nonsense even more. I got up and sat back on my chair. "Did you get the spoon?" Cherry asked me, I shook my head. But Whatever I saw had already made me crazy. I was experiencing many emotions at once, pain, anger, regret, disgust and everything at an extreme level. Not a single emotion was minute. I threw a fork over the plate even before finishing my meal. "I am done!" I said and Daisy stared at me and then her eyes darted over my plate with worry. I turned my face away, I knew if I looked at her one more second, I would do something hostile. "But you haven't started yet," Ethan asked me, I shook my head. "I don't have an appetite, I am leaving," I said and walked out of the dining room. I came upstairs, I was sitting in my room. Clenching my fist so hard, my vampire began crying and grunting. I was thinking about how to calm it. It had never been this aggressive before. Suddenly a step echoed into my ears, I guessed that it was Daisy. The only way to calm the Vampire was to have its way. Let him do whatever he wants. Otherwise, It will destroy an innocent life around him. I released my vampire quickly so it would calm itself down. I hid behind the door and waited for Daisy to come there. As soon as she passed by my room, I grabbed her wrist. She was startled but before she could say anything, I held her hand and pulled her into my room. "Rowen..." Daisy spoke in pain, I could understand how much it hurt her because I gripped her hand so hard. But her painful face gives me satisfaction right now. I was enjoying the show. She looked at me with an annoyed look. She tried to escape from my grip but I closed the door behind me. I was not ready to let her go this easily. "Let go of me!" Daisy said angrily. She was trying to remove my grip but I kept a strong hold on her, "What are you doing Rowen?" She asked me with a scared face, perhaps she was scared to see me this angry. I pinned her against the wall and pushed my body over her, obstructing her to leave. I put my hand against the wall, beside her head and stared at her. "You don't know what I am doing right now?" I whispered she looked at me in confusion, and then her lips quivered.
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