Jealous Princes!

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Looking at their faces it seemed that all three of them were quite shocked by what I said. "This is what you've decided?" Rowen asked me, his brows were knitted in the middle, and each word was full of aggression. Not even him, Austin and Ethan were upset with whatever I said. I took a deep breath and nodded. "If you have decided to break your mate bond with me because a person suddenly came out of nowhere and claimed Gideon, then what can I even say?" I replied. There should be something called trust. "If I am wrong, I am ready if you reject me too. If you think I have slept with anyone other than my mates, I will accept your rejection." I said, weighing heavy on my heart. It was easier to say but just imagining being rejected by them crashes my heart. "You haven't been able to prove yourself right. You don't even have any evidence. You are already proved wrong." Ethan said, I shook my head. "Evidences are for others, not for ones who are closer to you. Your closer ones will trust you, but I am more saddened by you not trusting me." I told him, my heart crushed into a million pieces. "Trust. A girl like you talking about trust is a joke." Rowen taunted me, I clenched my fist and was about to reply to him in the same harsh way he said right now. But then suddenly my phone started ringing, it was Joshua's call. I was about to answer the call but Rowen grabbed my wrist and stopped me. "Who is Joshua? Why is he calling you?" Maybe Rowen had seen Joshua's name on my phone. His eyes are way sharper than anyone else. He gritted his teeth, his eyes turned darker. "If you don't trust me, you have no right to ask this question." I tried to get my hands away from him. "Have you seduced him too? What if he is another man coming to claim the father of your baby." Rowen said this and the resentment blew up within me. My nostrils flared up. "What do you think of me?" What do you think of me?" I was so angry that I had raised my voice to Rowen. My whole body was trembling, my chest was rising and falling. "You know what I think of you," Rowen replied I felt tears pooling in my eyes, but I didn't want to cry in front of him, I was not going to show my weakness. I yanked my hand back and turned to leave the room. But when I reached the door, my knees went weak and I leaned on the door to keep standing. I wiped the tears with the back of my hand and took a deep breath. I can't do this anymore, I can't take their accusation anymore. The phone started ringing again, Joshua called me. A while ago, I sent Harris's identity card to Joshua, Joshua was Gabriel's sister's son who also helped me a lot in my training. I was a newbie and Joshua was very helpful in making me a pro. He was five years younger than me, yet he taught me many life-saving attacks that I will be indebted to him for the rest of my life. One more special thing about Joshua was, that he was tech-savvy, and helped Gabriel track the locations of the rogues. The Rogues were very difficult to spot since they were not a pack, but Joshua was an expert in that task. "Hello, Joshua. What did you find out about Harris?" I asked him as soon as I answered the phone. I was curious. "Yes, his real name is same as per ID card but I have learned something, he is not a Beta. He is an omega, the omega of the Meteor pack." I was shocked to see this. That means it was written false in his werewolf card, I already knew that this person had some fault. "Okay, this information is not enough to prove Harris wrong, but thank you. Maybe with your help, I can find out more." I said this and tried to hang up, I didn't feel like talking to anyone. "Wait. Daisy.." Joshua said to me again, "One more thing has been revealed. Meteor pack and Vampire pack are rivals of each other. These two have been feuding for years." Joshua explained. This sounded a bit strange to me. If the Meteor pack is a rival pack to the Vampires, then no member of the Meteor pack should have been in the party two years ago. And if he had not been invited, how could Harris have come to me that night? Did he come to the party secretly that night? I don't know why there was so much doubt about him. The entire thing appeared like a toxic plan just to trap me. Things were getting more complicated. "Josh, can you get me the guestlist for the vampire night party that happened two years ago?" I asked him, My tone was so requesting. I was ready to give a treat to him in the finest restaurant as he said. "It could take some time," Joshua said I was still very concerned. I wanted to get out of this problem as soon as possible. With a very impatient tone, I just asked him. "How much time?" "Two days? It's the guestlist of two years before. I need to search deeply about it." Joshua said. I knew that these two days were going to be heavier for me than the two years I spent. But I have to keep patience, I will expose Harris soon. "Please try to hurry up. I have no time." I requested him and he assured me. I hung up the phone and came out of my room. I was suffocating, I felt quite strange and I needed fresh air. Maya took Gideon for a walk in the park, thanks to her I was able to think about getting out of this problem. I walked down the stairs and noticed chaos at the dining table. Cherry, Clara and Catty were feeding the three princes. "Rowen.. I have made this especially for you. You like goat brains very much, don't you?" Cherry was serving food to Rowen. My three step-sisters had never even prepared a plate for themselves but today they were taking advantage of the prince's displeasure over me and buttered up them so much. "Austin... Wait a minute. Let me wipe your mouth for you." Clara grabbed a tissue and almost leaned over Austin's body. She wiped his mouth with her hand as if Austin was a small baby and could not do this stuff with his hands. Her body pressed over him even more. My fist clenched after seeing that. Austin glanced at me, but he ignored me as if I wasn't there. He continued wiping his mouth by Clara. "Clara, you are a very talented girl and I liked the food very much." Austin praised Clara and I felt like I was placed in a hot oven. Something was burning inside my heart. "Catty, thank you. Your food improved my mood a bit. Otherwise, it was already f****d up." Ethan also did the same thing. I was feeling very bad because in the morning these three princes were playing with every part of my body in the Jacuzzi, taking pleasure from them and now they are ignoring me as if I didn't even exist. It was painful to see My mates talking to someone else and they are very close to them. I stood in front of the princes, and all the princes started looking at me. Cherry was feeding Rowen with her hands and Austin and Ethan were also in the same situation. My step sisters again succeeded in taking my place, just within a few hours, everything had changed. I became a stranger in Prince's eyes. My heart was set on fire. Then someone put his hand on my shoulder, I saw it was Harris. "Darling.. Why won't you come to have dinner?" Harris whispered near my ear. I found Rowen, Austin and Ethan's eyes turned sharper when they saw it. I could see their faces turned offended, just like a small kid whose stuff was taken away by someone else. I walked ahead and sat in front of them on the dining table. I took a plate and served myself food. I didn't feel like eating but I was a lactating mother and to have a good supply of milk I needed to have plenty of meals. I took a few bites hurriedly, and as my entire attention was shifted to princes, I choked food and coughed hard. Princes were worried to see me coughing and they were just ready to leave their places but then Cherry immediately gave me water. "Thanks," I said and put the glass back on the table. I held my spoon again to eat but Cherry interrupted me. "I think you have something on your face, Daisy." Cherry pointed at my mouth and then she said to Harris, "Harris, please wipe it for her.
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