He is not a father!

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“Right now you’re just hurting me.” She said, looking at my face with pain. My fangs were sharpened and she was startled to see it. “What… What are you going to do with me?” She asked me, I was so angry that even if she begged in front of me, I didn't want to leave her. "It doesn't take me even a minute to see whose you are. I would have f**k you hard so you will not forget whom you belong to, But because of what you did, my hatred is increasing more and more." I told her, I really wanted to claim her in front of everyone. Within a few minutes, Harris would have understood his place. If I had not bent down I would have found out what was going on there. Daisy was recklessly flirting with Harris, her hands holding his and he gripped her thighs, just imagining it was making me crazy. Rowen... What did I do? Why are you being like this?" She was baffled. Making an innocent face like she knew nothing, but I was so raged that I gripped her neck hard, choking her hard. "I never thought you would be such a big liar. You were Crying in the morning that you are innocent and you have nothing with Harris, and right now you were just acting so lovey-dovey with him. Why the f**k you behaved this way?" I asked her, her eyes tapered. She was struggling to get my hands away from her neck. "Are you mad, Rowen?" She asked. "Answer the damn question, Daisy!" I shouted, her body jerked. “If you piss me off again, I will f**k your ass and spank you in front of that f*****g Harris, that he won't able to save you," I told her, her eyes widened. She pushed me against my chest. She began coughing hard. Her face almost turned blue. My Vampire was still not calm yet. "Oh, really, then what were you doing with Cherry? Isn't it a flirt too? But I had trust in you, that's why I never objected." She asked me, her voice tinted with jealousy. "Stop troubling me again." She aggressively left my room. **** Daisy POV I rubbed my neck as it was aching like hell, I felt as if I was really about to die. Rowen had held my throat tight, I was having trouble even taking a breath. I couldn't understand what Rowen had seen that made him hate me so much. Flirting? I was only answering Harris's question, and I had to take a hint from his words as to what his real intentions were. I don't know what Rowen was talking about, flirting with Harris. How can he even say that? When we were having our dinner, Harris suddenly grabbed my thighs, I got so irritated that I asked him to remove his hand. But he didn't listen. He began groping it like a pervert, I held his hand and tried to move it away. As soon as I stepped out of Rowen's room, I ran into Ethan and Austin. It appeared on their faces that they had heard all the conversation between me and Rowen. They might be standing there for a long time. Their faces filled with anger. "Austin and Ethan, are you feeling the same thing that Rowen was feeling? Do you think that I was flirting with Harris?" I asked both of them, they exchanged glances with each other. The atmosphere was serious, I was tired of asking them to trust me. "If Rowen has seen it, it will be true. Harris is getting closer to you and we are getting away. This is all happening as per your wish. If you had not wanted this, it would never have happened." Ethan said, there was seriousness and pain in his voice. His eyes darted to my face, my eyes and my lips. The lips he said he wanted to kiss every time he saw them. My mate Bond feels so affectionate when it comes to Ethan, but now he thinks too that I might be flirting with Harris. "Ethan... This is not what you think..." I raised my hand ahead to touch his hands but he swept his hands away from me. My heart broke to see it. "Enough Daisy. Enough." Ethan stepped away from me. "Stop faking your emotions, We know Gideon is his baby. We have accepted the fact. Not only that, you like him too. We came to know that" Austin said, the resentment was throbbing in his neck. Both of them were so angry. "Please, believe me.." I told them but Austin and Ethan walked away from there. They ignored me and closed the door. I walked to Harris's room immediately, just to ask him why he was doing this. Who told him to get intimate with me? He was not there, perhaps he left somewhere. I looked around in his room. I did not find anything in his room or bag that could prove that he was wrong. I came to his bathroom and started looking here and there. Even in the bathroom, I didn't find anything special, soap, his clothes and shaving material. I started coming back, suddenly my eyes fell on a small box kept near the wash basin. I opened that box, it was not an ordinary box but a tiny lens box. That lense box had two parts, one for the left eye and one for the right one. I was a little shocked, It looked brand new, the same brand as used by Catty and Luna Betty. I have seen the same box as them, that's why I knew about it. In the entire packhouse, the only people who use lenses are Luna Betty and Catty because they have weak eyesight. But they never even came to the guest room. This means this could belong to Harris. I grabbed that box and got back to my room. "Maya, what are you doing?" I asked Maya, Gideon was already sleeping. I caressed his head and felt bad about him. Because of all this hustle and bustle, I was unable to pay attention to Gideon. Even after Harris' arrival, the princes were less attentive towards Gireon, and they stopped playing with Gideon too. I knew that Gideon must be missing those guys a lot, he also played a lot with them. "Gideon's clothes have been ironed. Tomorrow Gideon will wear these clothes at the party." Maya said, I started looking at her shockingly. "Party? Which party?" I asked, packhouse always had parties for different occasions. "It's your step-sister's birthday. Have you forgotten?" Maya asked, I almost forgot. I nodded and lay on the bed. I was tired as hell. Tomorrow, there will be a big party in the pack because all three of my step sisters are turning fifteen years old. fifteen years ago, I just went through my first heartbreak. The day when the three daughters of Dad came, "Mom. Why is there a big party in the house? What is a big surprise?" I asked my mom, she was sitting in the corner with her head between her knees. "You got your three little sisters." Mom said and smiled holding my chin. My sisters, then why are you here? Let's go to the party." I shook her arms and tried to take her out but she insisted on sitting there. She shook her head. "Mom has a lot of work today. I have to check those files and approve the winter budget. You attend it with your dad." Mom told me, I had never seen Mom this upset before. She was there in the study room since morning, not even stepping out as if she locked herself there. I thought whatever mom said was true, I followed her advice and went to my dad. "Dad.." I hugged him and he made me sit on his lap. It was my everyday routine. Sitting there and seeing other members from the top was my favourite thing to do then. But I didn't know it would be the last day when I would be sitting on his lap. "Alpha Newton. Why is she sitting here? Isn't this a special day for my girls?" Luna Betty asked me, her daughters were just born. She had three assistants to hold them. They could not even sit on Dad’s lap. "Daisy is just playing, she came to see her sisters, Let her play for a while" Dad told her, but Luna Betty grabbed my hand and threw me down from Dad's lap. The grip was so harsh that almost dislocated my arms for a week. "Oops... Did you fall?" She asked me, I shook my head. "By the way, now my daughters need some pampering. You are a big girl now. Be responsible and don't act like a kid." She told me, I was just three years old, but I remember that day because it was the last day when I got pampered by my dad. Tomorrow was the same day for me!
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