Mistake that I am pregnant!

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"I guess you guys forgot me." I smiled, trying to make them remember about last evening. "What? do you have anything that we should remember you, We are not fools. We don't want to have nightmares by recalling your face." Austine again made another joke but I took it as a joke. I laughed too, I knew they would be so happy to know that girl was me. "How was the dance with me Austin, You loved it right?" I asked him, which made him even more shocked. I turned towards Rowen. "And Rowen, You taught me to play the piano right? But I guess I still need a few lessons to learn it better." I told him that even Rowen was so shocked. Then I faced Ethan. "Ethan, Thank you for saving me from that drunk man. You said I am more beautiful than Venus. So what do you think about it?" I found they were stunned. "How do you know about it?" Austin got up from his seat and asked me aggressively. Their expressions were different than I expected. "Because I am that girl," I told them, but disbelief appeared on their faces. "No! Not at all. We don't believe it. You are an imposter. You are not that girl. I can be sure. You were around when we were..." Rowen gritted his teeth. Seemed he was not ready to believe that girl was me. I knew It was hard to convince them. "It was me... Diana... I can show you.." I told them, I placed my hands on my face to rub off the mud and show them I was the same girl. But then I heard something Ethan said. "You're ugly duckling. How could you compare yourself with her." He said, My brows furrowed. "Forget ugly duckling... She is an ugly pig. Who can't even compare with a worm." Ethan continued. "She is a monster. She can't even match the standard of a pig. No one will love her." Austin finished those lines and they gave a high five to each other. I heard them calling me s**t an what not, I stared them with sharp eyes as I already stopped explaining them. I was listening everything opposite what I heard last evening. The praise already disappeared and turned into a traumatic humiliation. I stood there like a rock, listening to utter disgrace from their mouth. "You not only look like a crow but you sound the same. Your figure, I think buffalo had a better figure than you.” Austin laughed and gave a high-five to his brothers. They were trying to use the worst compliment for me, as if they were trying to rip my heart apart. And truely it happened, I never felt this bad when Cherry and her sisters insulted me but today I felt like these three princes kept a hot iron on my heart. I gave a sarcastic laugh, did they forget it was the same voice they were falling for last evening. Overnight everything changed, Everything they praised about turned out to be a thing I should shame. "But why do this girl kept appearing in front of us, is she our mate?" Ethan asked them, he was doubting about it because the muddy smell already overlapped thw fragrance of mate. Perhaps they couldn't have my original fragrance. "Moon goddess cannot be this unfair with us that she would chose this girl as our mate. I won't believe this." Rowen smirked, he wasn't ready to accept that I was his mate. "Even if you are turning out mate, we better reject you." Austin told them, I stared them shockingly. "I bet you guys never be my mate. If you think I like you then you are wrong, I just considered you a good person but that was my mistake. You three are just a piece of trash." I gritted my teeth. I was extremely angry on them that I would never ready to show my real face to them. If they are searching for Diana, I want them to search her for their entire life. Even if they are princes, they had no right to say such kind of things for me. Monster, pig and s**t. Rowen came ahead and pushed me in the pond angrily. I just fell in the pond that was in the school garden. "This is a better place for you." Ethan said, they didn't s emerged from the pond, the laughter of those three princes echoing in my ears. They had left, leaving me covered in mud. My body was visible, but I understood that they were not infatuated with me but with Diana, who had appeared before them yesterday. But I wasn't Diana; I was Daisy. I pulled myself out of the water and began to head back towards my pack. My heart had no desire to go to school; it felt like there was a sharp pain piercing through it. I returned to the pack and started doing the dishes. Maya was surprised to see me doing chores, but she gestured asking why I didn't attend school today. With other servants around, she couldn't speak freely. "I am taking a holiday," I answered her and continued doing my chores. Next day I returned to the school and the news of yesterday's incident spread overall the school. "Hasn't she seen herself? How dare she propose to the princes?" Laughter erupted among the students, and news of my attempted proposal spread throughout the school. Everyone looked at me as if I had committed a grave sin when the truth was that Austin, Rowen, and Ethan had started to love me and even tried to kiss me. This humiliation continued for the month, every time I was trashed by those princes and they accused me of chasing them. I tolerate everything silently thinking I just need to graduate for myself. sometimes they poured a rotten egg on my head and sometimes they just made me slip into the classroom. Making fun of because I was weak in my studies, I had not taken two classes and directly came to my final year. Things were not easy for me, I was just working hard to get a good score before finding my mate and leaving the Euphoria packhouse. My life turned worse as I was bullied in the school and in Packhouse too. It’s been two months happened to that night and I woke up to get back to school. I was studying late night as my exams were near. it was a mid term exam and teacher already asked us to score better. I borrowed book from school that I need to return. I took my bag and arranged my books according to lectures. Maya came with a tiffin in her hand and she kept it on the table. "What's in the tiffin?" I asked and just opened the tiffin. Strong steak smell entered my nostrils and I felt like puking. "Yaak.." I held my mouth and ran to the bathroom. I could not understand what was going on. I was puking early morning, I was feeling so nauseous. I washed my face with water and walked out of the washroom. Maya was already standing there. I was feeling so sick. Maya grabbed my wrist and her eyes widened. "Whose child is it?" She asked me, When I heard her question I felt like a lightening struck over my head. I just shook my head, I didn't ready to believe it. "I don't know.. I have no..." I was telling him then I remembered the day I went to party, Someone f****d me in the night. "You are pregnant and you have no idea about it's father." Maya was disappointed, I never seen her this upset. Obviously she would be. "What should I tell your mom? I didn't take care of her daughter well? Her daughter is pregnant without finding her mate?" Maya's voice turned heavy. The tears gathered in my eyes. I had no idea about pregnancy, If I really had, I would have take every precaution not to get pregnant but I was naive. "I am sorry Maya, I should have listen to you. I left the pack without informing anyone and this happened." I touched my stomach, I was two months pregnant and I was unaware of it. Perhaps I was busy in my studies that I didn't pay attention that I missed my periods already. "Do you think about aborting it?" Maya asked me, she hurried to the wardrobe and took out something from her purse. It seemed a medicine for abortion. She grabbed it in her hand and brought it to me. I was scared to see it, I immediately shook my head. "No Maya, this baby must be mistake but killing it would be the biggest mistake of my life. I cannot kill it." I said holding my stomach, a dead baby, a baby who had not seen the world. Still in the hope that it would come out, just like me dying to see the world, I had no guts to kill it. "Do you want to keep it?" Maya asked me, I nodded. She was stunned to hear my answer. She threw the medicine on the bed and left. I was crying but Maya left the room. I fell on my knees. Why every worst thing happened with me only, When I was small My mom got arrested, I couldn't find a mate till now and right now I was pregnant with unknown person's child. I could not imagine another worst thing.
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