Ugly duckling

1614 Words
As soon as I came downstairs, I saw all three of my stepsisters standing in front of me. They were all coming towards me. I had been avoiding them, but now there was no way out. "Hey... Hello.." Cherry came with a creepy smile on her face. I smiled at her too, now I will tackle them instead of ignoring them. Clara was already staring at my gown, while Catty gazed at me from head to toe. "Which pack are you from?" I asked them before they asked me. They stared at each other, and then Clara spoke. "Euphoria pack, and you?" She asked me. "Super moon pack, it's in Texas," I answered, I knew they had never been to Texas, that's why I used this name. "We want to be your friends, will you join our squad?" Cherry asked me, I already know them well that they won't be talking to me if they don't need anything. "Friends?" I asked them surprisingly. They nodded, and Catty showed excitement. "You seemed closer to Austin, Rowen and Ethan. We see you with them. You can tell us some of your beauty tips." Catty blinked her eyes. I had no other way, they three surrounded me. I unwillingly nodded and shook hands with them. They started bragging about their background and how they were going to lead the pack Euphoria. I was bored of listening to their lies about the training they went through. But it's good to hear the lie when you know the truth, it looked like they were trying to impress me by exaggerating their stuff. My heart was pounding as I glanced at the clock. It was almost eleven thirty and fear gripped me. What if Maya woke up and discovered I wasn't there? She must be frantically searching for me. With no personal phone, I felt helpless. As I got up to leave, the girls stopped me. "Wait a minute! You can't leave before we cut the cake," they protested. But I couldn't wait any longer. I had to leave before anyone else and find my way back to Maya. "I'm sorry, but I have to go," I said, grabbing my purse as I hurried out the door. The night was dark and full of unknown dangers, but I was determined to get back to Maya before it was too late. "You didn't share a meal with us, At least have a drink with us," Cherry called a waiter who was holding a tray in his hands. He had some cold drinks in the tray. Cherry, Catty and Clara grabbed one for themselves. "Have this." They said, I unknowingly picked up the glass in my hand. Thinking that they would allow me to leave after having a drink, I gushed it in my throat. "Woah... You are something..." Catty's jaws dropped. I nodded and wiped my mouth with the tissue. "Now I am leaving.." I told them and hurried to leave. They exchanged their glances with each other and just laughed. I was unaware of their evil plan. I began stepping out of the palace. Suddenly my head started aching. I felt nauseous, and the entire palace in front of my eyes started moving. "Ahh..." I held my head, it was blasting inside. I turned back and found Cherry and my other sisters having fun with each other. I realised that they mixed something in my drink, I didn't even know what they mixed. I rushed outside, but my knees turned weaker. The Euphoria packhouse was still far from this place, what if I fainted in the middle of the road? I just experienced being chased by a drunk middle-aged man a while before. Walking at this hour wouldn't be safe for me. But I need to leave this place right now. I stepped out of the palace and walked ahead. I searched for a cab outside, but it was almost eleven thirty and not a single cab was seen there. My gaze went to a small hut-like place which was just beside the Vampire Packhouse where the party was held. I went there to get help but as soon as I opened the door, I found it was empty. It had nothing inside except dry grass. I began losing consciousness and I was no longer able to see anything. I closed and tried to recollect myself, but eventually, my eyes closed and I almost fainted there. As I slowly opened my eyes, the blazing sun rays pierced through my eyelids, urging me to wake up and explore my surroundings. My vision slowly cleared and I found myself lying on a bed of hay, surrounded by the remnants of a horse stable. I watched my naked body, I was stunned to see that there was not a single piece of clothing over my body. I looked around, my bra- my panties everything was scattered over the hay. My gown, which was not my gown but Clara's gown was almost torn. I tried to recall what happened last evening when I ended up here. a flash appeared where I was searching for a better place after getting drugged. I tried to get up and felt pain between my legs. A sharp pain as if a road roller moved through my body. I sniffed there and it smelled so weird. I turned pale, Someone had s*x with me when I was unconscious. My body turned cold, I was scared to death. I don't remember a single thing about what happened. Whether I was asleep or I just lied like a dead, I couldn't remember. I checked my body, there were blue hickeys all over my neck and my shoulder. Even my lips, had bruises as if someone kissed me harshly. I began crying, someone took my virginity. I tried to find out, who did this. But nothing came to my mind. I could only recall, how I searched the building and got tired, and then I fell on this hay. That was the reason Mom asked Maya to keep me hidden. Just a day of being myself and I was chased by that elderly man and now this. How could I face Maya, How could I tell her about it? No, I won't. I cannot tell her what happened to me. I wore my innerwear and the clothes that were already hanging outside. After gathering all the clothes, I went outside the stables. “Maya would kill me..” I muttered and rushed to the packhouse. Before leaving for the pack, I again hid the beauty of my face as I didn't want to face trouble again. As soon as I entered the packhouse, Maya saw me. She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. I could tell she was so angry and if I told her about what happened to me, I don't know what she do. She closed the door and confronted me. "Where were you? Why did you leave for the party when I asked you not to." She asked me, her brows knitted in the middle. She stared at my clothes. "What is this all?" She asked me but instead of answering I just hugged her tightly. My body was shaking. "Maya.. I realised why you asked me not to show myself until I found my mate." I was crying, she held my shoulder and sensed something wrong happened to me. "What happened? Has anything happened with you?" She was worried about me, but I knew I could not reverse whatever happened so it was better I keep quiet. My hickey was already hidden by the muddy layer. "Nothing... I promise that I will listen to you." I told her, she wiped my tears and nodded. She must have realised my first experience with this cruel world. After finishing my work, I got ready for school, grabbed my bag and began leaving. When I stepped out of the packhouse. I heard Cherry and my other two sisters laughing. "I told you I know how to chase that b***h away.." Cherry told Clara and Catty. They gave five to each other. "She thought she would snatch those princes from us. But she is wrong. I don't care if she kept f*****g anyone in the road." Cherry added. I clenched my fist tightly. So it was her, Cherry who poisoned my drink. I thought of confronting them, but I stopped myself. I would expose myself if I asked them, And they would act innocent like they did every time. I was helpless. I ignored them and cycled to my school. I was eager to find Austin, Rowen and Ethan. I hoped they recognised me. In a short while I arrived at the school, and I was excited to meet them again, the way they touched me, still lingered over my skin. As I reached school, I found them sitting at the stairs just beside the school garden. Perhaps they don't have lectures and their football match too. They were having fun. I just went and stood a few metres away from them. "Have you sensed anything?" They asked each other, sniffing around. Seemed they recognised some fragrance. “yeah! Why does it feel like our mate?” Ethan asked Austin. They nodded as they were feeling the same. "What's up, friends?" I asked them, With excited faces. But the smile on their faces disappeared as soon as they saw me. "Why are you here? Didn't we ask you not to try to impress us?" Rowen's face turned colder than ice. It was the opposite of what I saw last evening. When he was so close that he wanted to kiss me.
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