staying with rogues!

1463 Words
The night was dark and eerie, as if it carried a curse meant just for me. I never thought I would encounter a day where I blame myself for everything. Like any other girl, I once harboured desires for my mate, I saw many dreams for him. but now just thinking about my mate makes me feel guilty. Maya was sleeping on her bed. But I was restless. I had no idea what I should do now, I was clear about a thing that My mate was not going to accept me now. He will surely reject me because I was already pregnant with someone else's child. I was just sixteen. I had seen that Maya was worried about me but she didn't scold me. That made me feel even more bad. I don’t want to abort this baby, it belongs to me. I stared out of the window, it was a full moon night. The night when the moon goddess listened to everyone’s prayer but I guess she was turning deaf ears to my prayers. "Moon Goddess, my mate was the only hope I had to have a better life. But you snatched it from me. I was suffering the punishment for the crime I never did. Is it my fate? Why did you do this with me? Why?" I asked her, I caressed my stomach. I stared at Maya too. I know she would be scared of giving an answer to this pregnancy. I decided to stay in this pack until I found my mate. Now this thing doesn't even matter. Now I won't care about my mate at all. I need to protect this baby, because it belongs to me. I packed my clothes and some necessary things in my bag. The entire packhouse was sleeping peacefully, so I opened the door and walked out. In my wolf form, I fled from the packhouse, under the moonlight, running as fast as I could. I wanted to go far away from my pack, where no one could recognize me. Where no one could even catch a scent of my presence. I crossed the boundary of the pack Euphoria, the city went away and the dark forest was ahead. I have never been out of the pack, not this way. I was a little scared, the night was darker. My steps were trembling. The area where Maya always prohibited me to go, I remember when I was small, Me and Maya came here to gather some wood but she strictly warned me not to come here because this area was famous for deadly rogues. rogues that hated pack members, they would never tolerate any pack member in this vicinity. that’s why I was more scared as my step paused at the entry of the forest. I looked around to search for another way but returning back and searching for another way would take morning. I gathered some courage and took a step into the forest. It was dead silence, not a sound was coming from the forest. It was scary. I took a deep breath and started running at full speed. I could hear my heavy breath, the only sound which was echoing through the trees. Suddenly, a huge wolf jumps out of the bushes. The wolf growled and jumped at me, I took a sharp turn and the wolf fell on the ground. I started running again and this time the wolf was behind me, he was growling and following me. They were black and brown. they seemed like those deadly rogues that Maya told me about. Few more wolves started chasing me from behind., I was tired, they were gaining on me. The wolves were catching up, I took a glance back, the wolves were a few feet away from me. My speed doubled, I didn’t know how I was more worried about the baby in my stomach rather than myself. Due to a lack of training and practice, I was not that fast runner. I was so engaged in household chores that I almost forgot how to protect myself. While running, the way almost ended and I faced a large brick wall in front of me. My legs paused there. One of the wolf jumped and hit me in the side. My body flew a few feet away from the ground, I fell on the hard floor and started bleeding on my elbow and forehead. My heart was beating fast and I could hear the blood pumping. The wolves started gathering around me. “Gabriel, Did our terror end that such a loser wolf tried to come here.” One brown wolf asked her companion, Gabriel, She was staring at me with her sharp eyes. They were older than me. "Please leave me. Please..” I knew what terror felt like, but I had no other way.” I almost pleaded with them. I knew no one passed away from this rogue clash, but I don't want my baby die without seeing the world. I was scared to death. “You're dead now... You should regret coming here." Gabriel gritted his teeth, and jumped to attack me with his sharp paws that were ready to penetrate my skin and bleed me to death. I was so scared that I quickly hid my stomach with my arms. "Don't do this.. I am pregnant.." I told him, I paused midway. He was shocked and stared at his companion. His companion nodded and gave approval. He stepped back and stood there for a while, yet in alert mode. "If you're pregnant, then why are you here?" She asked me, her face was still doubtful. They must be thinking that I was faking it, but she came and checked me. Her eyes widened with surprise. "She is two months pregnant." She said, and helped me to get up. The wolves that gathered around slowly began leaving. My forehead was bleeding as I was smashed on the stone a while before. "You can come with us, we will treat you." She said, but I was scared to death. I didn't want to trust them. I already experienced how deadly they could be. But she caressed my head. "You're bleeding and it's not good for your baby. You can come with us." She asked me. I didn't know if another pair of rogues were waiting for me on the way. I slowly followed both of them to the rogue house. "Are you coming with us?" She asked me, I nodded and in a short while we arrived at the corner of that forest. there mysterious bunch of houses were waiting for us. The gigantic gate welcomed me in, and my gaze fell upon a row of small quarters. The quarters are small but cosy, with just enough room for two. Packhouse-like chaos was not here but the house provided everything one needed to survive. You won't find fancy amenities like a packhouse, but the powerful rogues that guard the area ensure your safety and security. We changed our wolf form and a beautiful woman around age thirty was standing in front of me. Her husband was the same age. She began treating my wound on my forehead with her kit. Her touch was soothing, a while before she was so rude and deadly but now her hands were gentle. "Where did you come from? Which pack do you belong to?" She asked me, I knew they hated packs. "I ran away from my pack because of my pregnancy," I told her, everything about how I got pregnant and why I decided to leave the pack. "This is me, Amara and my husband Gabriel, We are rogue leaders." She introduced herself. Now I became more comfortable with her and her husband. She fed me food, and asked me to take a rest. I took a rest for a while, but when I was about to leave, she stopped me. "If you have no place to live, you can stay here until you give birth to your child." She asked me, I really had no place to go. Even if I leave this place, I would still be searching for a better place to give birth. The woman in front of me, Amara, was so kind to me. I almost melted by their hospitality and decided to stay there. And I guess it turned out to be the best decision of my life. Gabriel and Amara had no child, they lost their baby when she was just born. That's why they were worried about me. They were deadly to the pack members because they didn't want their house to be destroyed in the name of modernity. When I began living with them, I started realising their lives.
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