Heir of Vampire clan?

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Daisy POV I woke up the next morning as if I had seen a nightmare the previous night. I really thought it could be a nightmare for a while, until I saw my clean face in the mirror. Gideon was sleeping so I quickly ran to the bathroom. It was a good opportunity for me to take a bath. I quickly stood below the shower and dried myself with a warm towel. I wore a white puff-sleeved house with a black and white skirt. I never wore white as I As soon as I stepped out of the room, I found Rowen already standing at the door. I was startled to see him. My heart began throbbing as he was my mate. Now I cannot get away from him even if I want to. "Rowen, you here." I asked him. My hands gripped around Gideon tightly. Even though his eyes were on me, his eyes darted from my head to toe and were not ready to blink. Seemed he was about to say something but then he paused. "I was waiting for my son to get ready." He said, and took Gideon from my arms. I was stunned, "Hey, where are you taking him?" I asked him, annoyingly. "Son and Daddy day out." Rowan said, I was baffled, How can I accept that someone just came and took my baby away from me. Isn't it weird. I followed him who recklessly taking my son away from me. Rowen stepped out of the packhouse, he took his jeep. He made Gideon sit on the seat and fastened his seatbelt. Rowen pushed me aside and opened the door of jeep. He sat in the driver's seat. It made me baffled. I only left my child with Amara and Gabriel, they have raised numerous orphan babies as rogues, and Rowen was aggressive teenager in my eyes when we were back in the school. I was not really trusting him as a father. "How can he stay without me?" I stood in front of his jeep. Not letting him drive, his cold face turned even paler as if a giant iceberg was placed in front of him. "Gideon is my son and he loves me. I don't find any other reason not to take him with me." He said, i turned my eyes to Gideon. He was smiling and enjoying. What the hell! He never likes any stranger but every time he was with Rowen he smiles and laughs like I mean I was happy that he was laughing, but with the coldest person Rowen. An iceberg that would not even melt at the scorching summer heat. "He is on breast feed. You cannot take him away. He will need me." I told him. It was early morning and instead of having a wonderful day, I was just arguing with him outside the packhouse. "Then why don't you come with us?" He asked me, my heart skipped a beat. "What?" I thought he must be kidding. "Does your ears need treatment?" He said instead, explaining to me. My eyes tapered at him. "Me and Gideon are leaving. You can come with us if you are curious." He said and pulled the gear. I had no other option than taking the seat beside me. I took Gideon on my lap and sat on the seat. He started driving his jeep, I stared at his pale sharp knuckles as his fingers gripped around steering. My heart was pounding when we both were in the jeep alone. "Where are we heading though?" I asked him, the weather was beautiful. The quiet sunny, and clear atmosphere. "Atlanta park." He said, I was shocked to listen to him. It was a holiday today and Atlanta was the biggest amusement park in the city. Obviously the crowd would be more than hell. "It would be so crowded today." I told him, I never took Gideon to crowded places before. Even last evening, he went to the swimming pool because it was less crowded. "It won't be." He said, I don't even think he would have attended the amusement park in his life, and Atlanta park, never. I remember I used to insist Maya take me there but she won't. Luna Betty never gave us permission to visit it. "I have been there and it would be too crowded. You will end up irritating Gideon." I said, playing with Gideon. He loves clapping. "I won't. I am his dad and I know better." He tapered his eyes. As soon as we arrived there, I found the entire amusement park was empty. I was a little scared to see it because it was never like that. I grabbed the griddles of the giant gate and stared at him. "Looks like a slide must be damaged." I said, he nodded. "I brought the entire amusement park." Rowen said and I was stunned to hear that. "What? You brought the entire park? Are you crazy?" I asked him. "Yeah! when Gideon grows up, he will bring his friends to play in this park," Rowan said. I thought he was joking, but no, his face was quite serious. Gideon was only two years old, and Rowan had bought the entire Atlanta amusement park for him. He opened the door for the park and we both went inside. I have never seen a park this silent and Empty. Rowen kept Gideon on his shoulder. He could have come here with his friends without buying the park," I said, there was no need to buy the park for that. Rowen's reason seemed very pointless to me. But I was happy to see that Gideon was quite happy with him. He was enjoying himself, and Rowen's coldness had also decreased from his face. "You want to wait my son stand in the queue? He is the future hire of the Vampire clan." Rowan said, I curled my lips and we headed to the ride. "Which one do you want to ride first, Gideon?" Rowen asked, I thought he was being a fool by asking a question to a one and a half year old baby. But he looked at him and said, "That." "The carousel?" Rowan said, pointing to the carousel. Gideon nodded. "Okay then, we will start from this ride." Rowen said. The Carousel was made of steel and there were horses in the ride, Gideon got excited as Rowen made him sit on one of the horses. He tied Gideon with a safety belt, he was already excited as if the little one knew what a fun it would be. I was glad to see him enjoying the things I had to beg for. "See, how he is going to have fun now. isn't he?" He asked me, I pressed my lips. "I don't know. I have always wanted to go in the carousel but Maya had less money with her." I said Rowen and he looked at me. He gave a thought to something. "Come. Get up on the horse." He said and I was baffled. It was for small kids, how can I sit on it. There was a sign board that it was for less than Twelve year kid, and I was f*****g eighteen. Not only that, I was a mother of a baby. "No... It's not for me." I shook my head and refused. "Whom are you scared of. Now this Amusement park belonged to me. You can sit on any ride if you want to." Rowen told me but I hesitated. "Get on." He said and grabbed my waist. He lifted me in the air and placed me on the horse. His fingers brushed under my top on my bare waist and a current ran through my veins. He looked at me, our eyes met, and we stayed there for a moment. I couldn't say what his eyes were speaking, but I feel he had the same feeling as me. I could feel the senses of his fingers even though he took his hands away from me. I could not think if a little touch of his fingers made me this crazy, what would have happened that night when he f****d me. My body covered with goosebumps just as I imagined it again. Just it's imagination was enough to give me an orgasm, that moment must be so intense. He turned his face and stepped back. I saw the control room was empty. I was scared that he would push the lever and the ride will begin, but he didn't. "What will happen if we start the ride?" I asked. "We can try." Rowen said and pulled the lever. The music started to play and the ride began. I was happy, it was like a dream. Gideon was sitting on his horse, he was laughing hard with every turn. I laughed with Gideon but when I found Rowen watching me, I pressed my lips. I didn't want him to get offended as we were having fun. The ride stopped after a while. Rowen came near me and placed his arm on the backrest of the horse.
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