Chapter 7, Kanika:

2726 Words

Chapter 7, Kanika: The best way to describe the feeling while at sea is peace punctuated by moments of pure terror. When the sun is shining and the wind is right, the rhythm of the ship riding the waves will lull the unsuspecting person to sleep. The terror comes from the unknown. The cry of “Ship ho!” The shadow of an unknown creature swimming under your craft or an unsuspected squall can ruin a perfect day. No one would call this day a perfect day for sailing. The southern wind had brought with it the rain. It had been storming the past few days. Kanika was ready to leave the damp of the sea for the warmth of a harborside inn and perhaps a body to keep her warm at night. Her torture in the belly of the slave ship had not left her, but there came a time for every person to move on or b

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