Chapter 19

1110 Words
Saying her mother's visit was unwanted was an understatement. The woman hovered around her constantly nitpicking at every turn Kaia, loved her mother dearly but the woman was a nuisance. Kaia had barely been able to do any of her usual routines in the past few days since her mother took up all her time and insisted it all be helping her become the perfect Luna which at this point felt very doubtful to Kaia since she couldn't even get her mate to step up beside her and claim to be Alpha and the man who insists on the title is a giant pain in the a*s “Are you listening to be Kaia?” her mother's voice snapped her out of thought. Glancing across the table to her mother's direction Genevieve Laurent, they certainly shared a resemblance though Kaia got her height from her Lycan father the blonde hair and blue eyes were all her mother the epitome of grace and poise no matter the situation and that was exactly what she wanted to reflect in Kaia. “No, sorry mother” she squirmed in her seat before continuing eating another thing she could curse over. Since her arrival, Genevieve had insisted on dining with the Lycan Alpha and unfortunately Actaeon who seemed to be enjoying Kaia’s misery. Genevieve sighed “honestly Kaia...” shaking her head she stared at her daughter “please sit up straight dear” she pushed and Kaia gritted her teeth and complied much to Actaeon's amusement. “Ms Laurent, how long will you be staying with us?” the Alpha suddenly interrupted. He was such a kind man and Kaia would always wonder how he ended up with a demon as an offspring. “A week if that is alright Alpha” Kaia spoke respectfully. “Of course” he smiled “our lovely future Luna’s mother you are welcome to stay as long as you please” it was the first time Kaia could have shouted at the Alpha but she appreciated his formality. The conversation fell once again to her mother prattling on about things that Kaia tuned out occasionally she would catch Actaeon smirking but quickly averted her gaze it was the longest dinner in her lifetime and she couldn't wait for it to end. ::: Finally, by eight-thirty she was making her way back to her room. The hallways were barely lit and she found herself glancing outside the constant arch windows along the hall. Kaia didn't mind spending time with the Alpha but her mother's pestering and Actaeon’s staring made it intolerable. Getting to her room Kaia slumped against the wall wondering how her life as Luna will be, will it be like this every night “You haven’t been training” she stilled against the wall at the sound of his voice. Kaia didn’t need to open her eyes to know who it was, she could already feel him, her heart already longed for him and she was beginning to hate it. Having what you can’t have when it’s rightfully yours is quite the cross to bear. “What are you doing here?” Kaia sighed it had been a long night and she wasn’t in the mood for his hot and cold behaviour. “You haven’t been to training,” he said again, stepping closer. His large arms were folded over his chest. “I’ve been busy, my mother is visiting,” Kaia explained “is there anything else you want or can I go to bed now I’m tired” she snapped in no mood for Valen. “You aren't happy your mother’s here” he wasn't asking. Kaia already knew he knew though there was no point in hiding it when he could no doubt feel it. “I love my mother” Kaia sighed letting her head rest against the wall “she can just be overwhelming at times...” “Kaia...” Valen stepped closer; he was practically right in front of her. She wanted nothing more than to lean into him, let her face hide in the crook of his neck and drag him to her bed. Some days it felt harder and harder and now in her tired state she struggled further. “What, Valen...” She wanted to turn away and leave but his golden eyes were always able to hold her in place. It was frustrating, to say the least. “Are you alright?” It was a simple question and Kaia wondered why Valen would even ask when he has spent so much of his time pushing her away and the thought of the whole thing made her frown. “Why do you care?” her blue eyes set on him taking in with curiosity. She could feel their bond, his hesitancy towards it “are you finally succumbing to the bond?” her voice was a whisper as she spoke, staring at the man before her. There was hesitation, a nervousness in his eyes before he spoke “no... I was ah just checking if you were alright?`` For such a strong man the lack of confidence in his words was certainly a change of pace. Kaia sighed with his hesitancy she would have preferred he just stay away “it has been a long day... A long few days, Valen and I are tired so the next time you decide to check if I am okay. Please reframe” the anger that fueled her at this Lycan man was an overwhelming one “unless you were planning on getting over your cowardice otherwise good night” Kaia turned away her hand only just getting to the door handle when Valen’s large hand curled around it pulling her to face him. Kaia’s body was almost against his own making her breath that little more unsteady. “What can I do? What would you have me do, Kaia?” it was almost a plea as he held her hand to his chest “Actaeon is my cousin...” “And he isn't stupid, he knows we aren't mates, Valen. He knows besides me isn't the place for him” Kaia grumbled attempting to pull away. “Kaia...” he sighed before placing a kiss on the hand he held. She wanted nothing more than to embrace him but she knew she couldn't. Valen was strong in many ways but if he needed to be mentally and emotionally too. “Don't start something you can't finish” she whispered, pulling her hand free from his hold “goodnight” she spoke before leaving him alone in the hallway.
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