Chapter 20

983 Words
Kaia was there on the field in the morning for training. Irritation was radiating off her Valen had been the straw that broke the camel's back really. Duties, her mother and Actaeon were already weighing on her shoulders day in and out she thought if she pushed for a work out maybe it would relieve her stress but she was wrong, her warm-up alleviated nothing and when Bas finally showed up it didn't help either “Easy, Kaia easy” Bas calmly spoke as Kaia threw heavy, unsteady punches. They were fierce and hard but lacked focus. Kaia didn't listen however in her momentum and finally, Bas captured her fist midswing and shoved her to the floor “sorry” he sighed watching her land on her a*s with a groan. Kaia rubbed at her hip “it's okay I should have slowed” she acknowledged her overdoing it. “What's wrong? You haven't been here in days and now you're all over the place?” extending his hand to help her up. “Just a lot going on” Kaia took his hand letting him help her stand up. Her tailbone hurt slightly but would no doubt stop soon; mostly her pride was what hurt not that she was used to getting knocked down but this was different from her lack of concentration and that felt more embarrassing. Bas only nodded respecting that she didn't seem to want to continue talking “how about we focus on strikes okay?” he suddenly instructed he held up his hands “left, right, left, left, right. Just keep repeating” he gave her an encouraging nod before she began to strike. “Left, right, left, left, right,” they said together as she struck at his padded hands. Over and over they repeated the action and words keeping Kaia on task. “Kaia!” The sound of her name suddenly disrupted her momentum; she didn't have to turn to know that disapproving tone. Kaia sighed she wanted to escape from her mother's pestering. “Mother” Kaia straightened up and gave Bas a grateful smile “how did you know where I was?” “Actaeon told me...” “Of course he did” Kaia grumbled no doubt he knew her every move though now she thought that it worried her if he got news of last night when she was with Valen. “Kaia come here” her mother practically ordered. She knew she was in for a scolding already but giving Bas another small smile and reluctantly walking over to her mother who stood their arms folded over her chest Kaia wondered if her mother was meant to be Luna and not her with the way she acted “you shouldn't be out here, Kaia training with warriors” her mother scoffed “you are going to be the Luna for goodness sakes” she began to lecture. “Mother...” “No Kaia, listen to me. I went through enough with you when you refused to get out of your wolf form. You should be inside learning to be a Luna and standing beside Actaeon I've spoken to him you know and he said you've distanced yourself” shaking her head she continued “distanced yourself from your own mate--” “Enough mother” Kaia snapped “I will be Luna here and I will do it as I see fit...” her mother opened her mouth once again to speak but was quickly interrupted. “Kaia, has worked tirelessly since she has gotten here perfectly her duties, she helped take care of her warriors and training to fight by her pack is admirable” she hadn't even noticed he had come by but the sound of his voice even if unintentionally her heartfelt as though it would beat from her chest. “Commander...” Genevieve nodded in respect but it was clear she was biting her tongue not to retaliate. “She is doing a great job and when she officially becomes Luna there is no doubt she will be a great one” Bas joined in on the defence. Kaia glanced at the Lycans giving a smile in appreciation. “Right,” Genevieve huffed, “we will speak of this later,” she said before hurrying off. “Thank you” Kaia truly appreciated their words and couldn't hide the small smile curling on her lips. “It was the truth, Kaia '' Bas gave a smile as he remained on the field with Valen standing not too far from Bas and Kaia couldn't help but look to Valen his staunch demeanour gave nothing away, however. “You will be an amazing Luna” Valen suddenly said she wanted to tell him he would be an amazing Alpha as well but she couldn't bring herself to even get out the words but just smiled in appreciation of their words. ::: Everything that was said a few things remained in her mind and that was that she did want to be an amazing Luna and realised there was something she still hadn't done which was tour outside the Lycan abode and met with the people “this isn't a good idea” Bas sighed as he stood beside her at the large gated doors separating them from the regular pack town outside. “You don't have to come with me” Kaia glanced at the taller man beside her, a worried look across his face. He had followed her around once she announced she wanted to visit the actual pack outside telling her it wasn't how things were done but Kaia wouldn't hear it, she was trying to focus on instinct and what she thought was best to do. “I can't let you go alone” he continued to look disapprovingly. “Good now let's go...”

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