Chapter 18

1040 Words
Like every other day, Kaia was busy. Her schedule was ridiculously full she had hoped to be able to see Gatlin but couldn't even swing that she was thankful to even squeeze in training with Bas which had become harder since the other warriors had returned and avoidance seemed to be on Valen and Kaia’s list. She got lucky however with a two in one since Gatlin had joined them for training most of the time Kaia was struggling not to laugh once Jaxon joined them and the pair decided to spar amongst themselves. “Bring it Marks” Gatlin smirked. “It's on Pryce” he smiled in return before swiftly good grabbing hold of her by the wrists and pinning her to his chest “what are we going to do after our ceremony hmm? Will I be calling you Marks as well” he teased. “Who said I'm taking your name” she taunted in return before stamping on his foot causing Jaxon to release her. “You wound me, Pryce. Not just my foot but my heart” he clutched a hand to his chest in an overdramatic manner making Gatlin smile. Kaia couldn't help but laugh at the display between the mates she was happy for the pair but at the same time couldn't help wishing for the same. “Focus, Luna” Bas scolded giving a jab to her shoulder merely to get her attention. She appreciated it since he could have hurt her. “Sorry” she replied attempting to reign in her laughter and focus on the task. She quickly faked striking his face before hitting his abdomen making him gasp at the force. “Much better” he encouraged before retaliating three hits and Bas was knocking her off her feet landing with a thud. “You okay?” Gatlin asked her attention on Kaia as she sat on the ground rubbing at where he had got her in the jaw. “Yeah--” “Easy now, Bas. She's your Luna remember” Kaia attempted to keep her eyes from turning to see who that voice belonged to she knew all too well after all since the goosebumps already risen across her arms just from the sound of him speaking was enough to send shivers up her skin. “I know, Commander but she also has to learn” Bas explained glancing over to Valen as he stood by the training area. His arms folded over his broad chest. “How’s the training anyway?” he suddenly asked. Kaia could feel Gatlin’s speculative gaze. “I am right here and speak for myself thank you, Commander” Kaia snapped at the man as she finally stood up from the ground. Her jaw and cheek were still red from the strike. “Are you alright?” Bas questioned looking her over. He was sincere his large brown eyes staring at her. “I'm fine” she reassured. She really was fine, Kaia knew they were just worried but a hit was bound to happen. The two got back into place getting ready before Valen placed a hand on Bas's shoulder stilling the man in place as he looked to his commander confused. “I will take this round” he instructed. Kaia couldn't help but take a deep breath at his decision, she felt Gatlin and Jaxon staring on also clearly confused. “Are you sure?” Bas questioned. “Of course” Valen insisted. Bas simply nodded before stepping aside. Valen was already dressed to work out a simple singlet and track pants it was hard for Kaia not to notice “are you alright with going against me?” Valen questioned his gaze set on Kaia and she struggled to reign in the allure of his eye. “If you want to, Commander” she spoke using his title but no matter how formal she tried to sound it came out bitterly. He gave a nod in return before proceeding. Kaia knew she was no match for him but everything he had put her through with his denial of their bond helped spur on the anger within her to strike at the man however he easily blocked each blow, swinging at his body and face, he was going easy on her and she knew it all he did was dodge her advances till finally with a smirk on his lips he kicked her in the a*s. Kaia’s eyes widened at the strike causing her to stumble forward, the teasing look on his face caused her to scowl. Swinging her first directly to his nose in her annoyance but his hand was quick to catch her wrist. The touch seemed to soften his gaze on her. “You've got to work on your speed. Your strikes are good but you're slow in your movements and they are predictable” he explained. Valen still held her wrist seeming almost unwilling to let go Kaia frankly didn't want him to. She didn't want to admit however how much she ached for even the smallest of gestures. Someone clearing their throat brought them back to reality, Valen relinquished his hold on her as he turned to his cousin “Actaeon what are you doing here?” Valen questioned stepping closer. Kaia wasn't sure if he even realised he had taken the protective stance to step in front of her. “Hello to you to cousin” he teased “I came to see my beautiful mate of course” he gushed “I have a surprise for her.” “Of course” Valen replied his jaw seemed to be so tense however it was almost visibly pulsing. “Come, Kaia” Actaeon encouraged all she wanted to do was punch him in his smug face and once he stepped aside to show her the surprise she wondered how far the closest cliff was to push him off, especially with the smug grin on his face. “Hello dear” the all familiar voice curled around her brain making her restrain from cringing. With a quiet sigh, she stepped forward as the woman stepped closer ready to embrace Kaia. “Hello, mother....”
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