Chapter 17

1060 Words
It had been a few days since the attack, and Kaia was thankful not to have to face Valen since he had to spend most of his time reporting to the Alpha. Kaia’s busy days continued however a somewhat mutual respect blossomed between her and the warriors since she joined them in the fight her favourite place to be was becoming the training grounds and the infirmary since the medical staff as well seemed to have accepted her. Kaia didn't mind especially since Gatlin had made herself at home in the clinic “I thought I would find you here” Kaia chuckled to herself watching Gatlin rifle through one of the cabinets. “Can you blame me? The plants they have here” Gatlin lifted a strange jar from the cabinet before staring at it closely “if I can't be at home running my shop at least I can keep myself busy here I've studied all this so much but they have some interesting techniques with their herbal medicine.” “I didn't realise you loved to study medicine so much” Kaia was a little curious at her sudden interest. “Botany, Kaia. Whenever plants are involved I’m interested” Gatlin smiled to herself continuing her search amongst the foreign jars. “I thought you would be with Jaxon more now he's back,” Kaia asked. Even with the distance between herself and Valen, it was a tough cross to bear and certainly a heavyweight on the heart. “He still has his duties with the warriors but it's not like we don't see each other” Gatlin shrugged. “Is it different since he is your second chance mate?” Kaia couldn't help but be curious what if she was faced with the same problem one day. There was only so much denial she could take from her mate after all. “No... I mean somehow I always felt a bond with Marks but the bond with Onyx was like it hid it from me...” Gatlin sighed a perplexed look on her face “I think it was always meant to happen that way though, if I was with Onyx my life would have ended up in that pack and it was never my home. I may as well of been on a bus waiting for my stop living there and if I ended up there I would never have got to live with my aunt, meet you even.” “I didn’t know you were such a big believer in fate” Kaia teased. Gatlin laughed “don’t push it...” she seemed hesitant for a moment before finally speaking again, “he asked me... To have the mating ceremony we will be official” Kaia’s eyes widened at Gatlin. “Linz! That’s amazing. You know since I’m future Luna I will be organising it here in the palace” Kaia had a wide smile. She was extremely excited for her friend. “Nothing too big please” Gatlin groaned. “Hey, I’m the future Luna” Kaia gave a smug smile. “Oh no I’m going to end up with swans and ice sculptures at this thing aren’t I” Gatlin complained causing both of them to laugh. ::: The day was long once she left studying with Ms Everett, the woman could speak about just table decor for hours luckily most of the lesson was on Kaia’s role inside the palace. She had been trained in many ways but there was so much she didn’t know yet all those thoughts halted when she was barely down the hallway and saw Actaeon waiting for her. His lean figure casually slumped against the wall with the heel of his boot pressed against the stone lining of the wall “Luna training going well?” a perfectly shaped brow raised in question. “What do you want?” she couldn’t bother with pleasantries with him. “What? Can’t I just come and check on my mate after all she has been evading me for days on end and she was out amongst the warriors perhaps I want to check for wounds” he feigned hurt at first before gushing his bullshit at her but all Kaia could do was roll her eyes. “That was days ago, Actaeon and as you can see I’m up fine walking around” Kaia waved a hand over herself demonstrating she was fine. “Mm you do look as perfect as always” he stepped closer those shoes echoing the halls as he stepped. Kaia wouldn’t give him the pleasure of her flinching back despite everything in her wanting to run “you must remember Kaia you’re a future Luna, not a warrior” he scoffed reaching out his fingers brushed through her long blonde curls “know your place” the words were almost threatening. “As future Luna, my place should be by my people” Kaia defended staring up at the man. She wondered how he could be such a stunning creature yet inside he was so hideous it would be more fitting if his outside matched within. “Your place should be in this Kingdom” he snapped at her “serving your Lycan Alpha and raising his heirs” he shook his head his eyes looking at her as though she were stupid. “That isn’t the only place for a Luna, Actaeon” she defended. He laughed bitterly “It is the only place for my Luna” he spoke through gritted teeth leaning closer till their faces almost touched. Kaia’s eyes narrowed “then it’s lucky I’m not your Luna.” Actaeon’s voice suddenly went low as he stood over her. His breath fanning across her cheek “don’t make me strike you down.” “Do it and see what happens” Kaia snarled she could feel her eyes stinging no doubt beginning to glow as she asserted dominance over him. He could bark all he wanted at the end of the day inside she held more authority. Growling he suddenly turned away stomping down the hall “and Actaeon, a true leader fights beside their people you will do well to remember that” but he didn’t reply just grumbled and stomped off leaving Kaia there with a thundering heartbeat.
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