Chapter 8

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It had been four days since she last saw Valen, she had heard around the kingdom he and some of the warriors were sent out on a mission past the borders. She didn’t know why or much of the information Valen had avoided her the last few days and she refused to dwell on the situation much longer. In the four days, she had devised into her plan deeper. Kaia had now befriended much of the serving class amongst the Kingdom which to anyone would seem ridiculous, Kaia wanted to get to know the people regardless of the situation but matters were pressing and she was doing some avoiding of her own attempting to distance herself from Actaeon as much as possible “what are we going to do?” Gatlin questioned as they stood by the window of Kaia’s room. She was so young but now seemed to always have the weight of the world on her shoulders. “Keep doing as much as I can...” Kaia’s slender fingers tapped against her forearm. She felt as though at any moment a headache would stand thundering in her head with everything going on. “He’s been looking for you... I heard word today. He wants to see Peter and Luca too” Gatlin side-eyed Kaia who was looking more pensive than ever. She had been so busy avoiding him and even moved Peter and Luca to a different room Luca was still so weak, Peter wasn’t much better in his stressed state. “No doubt he will use them to lure me out” Kaia sighed “I’m not prepared yet. I haven’t had enough time” she struggled with pressure on her shoulders, Kaia promised herself not to think about Valen but part of her wished for her mate, wished for the comfort only he could provide, it wasn’t the time though right now he wasn’t there and she was on her own. “Kaia, you can do this. You’re destined to be Luna, destined to lead” Gatlin encouraged, Kaia could tell however that her smile was weak. “This is why your my Beta, Linz” Kaia returned the smile as the girls stood side by side looking out over the scenery. It was something Kaia could get used to At least. It was beautiful the widespread of trees, what looked like endless grassy hills the perfect place for wolves to roam. “Do you think Marks is okay out there?” Gatlin said softly. Kaia couldn’t help but continue to smile however a small pang of envy ate at her heart. Her concerns for her mate was sweet and Kaia wished for the same. “He’s a very strong man, Linz and trained well I’m sure whatever they are doing he is fine” Kaia insisted. “See spoken as a true Luna” Gatlin smirked. “Did you really just use your mate like that?” Kaia raised an eyebrow at her friend and Beta who only laughed. “Worry always forces your hand Kaia and like always your instinct kicked in. Never doubt it” Gatlin explained. Brushing back her curly hair as she turned to let her shoulder lean against the dark wooden framing of the window. “Since when did you become all-knowing and wise?” Kaia teased. Gatlin simply shrugged her slender shoulders “since now apparently” the pair continued to joke with one another till Kaia set out working on her plan once again. She was persistent, she needed to be at the beginning she had doubts in her place but everything just made her want to push harder. ::: (Valen) Hours away from home Valen joined the warriors for their assignment. He didn’t really need to but wanted to be away from the Kingdom especially with Kaia there. Eventually, he would have to face her again after all it was both their homes however her words haunted him and no matter how far away he got they lingered in his brain just like the feel of her stayed with him, her disheartened face causing an endless ache in his chest. She would not seek him out again, he couldn’t escape that especially how many times he had rebuffed her. Valen was lost however he had always known his place, taking over as head of Warriors was what his father had been before him and a role he was ready to take, being the Alpha was not, taking the woman who was meant to be his cousin's mate wasn’t exactly on the plans he had. He didn’t understand why his cousin hadn’t said anything yet about Kaia not being his mate though Valen didn’t really know what to assume about that his cousin had spent his whole life just like him preparing for the role that they were destined for just for it to turn upside down. As they travelled on in their wolf form Valen continued to lose focus in step with the warriors his mind continuing to wander dwelling on the fact that in some parts he was a leader yet acting like a coward, he didn’t like that reality but it was there whether to do with his family involvement in the situation or the fact that he wasn’t sure he would be a good Alpha, either way, his over-analysis and overthinking was jeopardising his relationship with Kaia well the potential of a relationship. Valen glanced around at his men all of them relied on him to lead them, they looked to him for so many things he knew he couldn’t sit in limbo forever he needed to make a decision and do something. “We are here” one of the warriors called after shifting into their human form. He had been so lost in thought he hadn’t even seen them get to their destination but glancing up to see the pack before him he swore himself one thing Valen swore when he returned home things would have to change.
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