Chapter 7

1107 Words
Kaia could see it perhaps the warriors didn't as they bowed in submission to their leader but she could with his annoyance his eyes glowed bright gold and in response her eyes grew brighter a shining blue but Valen quickly blinked his eyes attempting to dismiss the sudden sensation however his anger remained well intact. Most of the warriors were around doing nothing and even worse Kaia stood amongst them in one of the men's shirts. “Get back to training” Valen barked out at them before his gaze settled on Kaia, the harshness of his eyes almost made her shiver under the intensity “can I talk to you alone?” he questioned. She glanced around at the warriors “I will handle training” Jaxon spoke from beside Valen, smiling at Kaia. He was really a big man for a wolf she thought before looking back to Valen who looked far from impressed. “Follow me” he insisted turning and leading Kaia to a large yurt that sat amongst some smaller ones. It wasn't a far walk from training but it felt longer in the silence. Kaia watched him from behind all she could feel was the longing for her mate once faced with him, wishing he would accept their bond and ignore whatever was holding him back. It hurt her further because she knew she wouldn't seek him out again. His dismissal was hard enough but she accepted it considering the shock of it all so she thought she would give him space, speaking to him again he still wouldn't face her and now Kaia was going to put herself out again but this time if he wouldn't accept her, he wouldn't get passed whatever was wrong she knew it would be the last time she tried it hurt too much being rebuffed each and every time and now with things becoming an issue with his cousin she had much bigger issues to deal with than just him and her. “This is nice” she complimented once inside the large tent-like structure, it had space but at the same time cozy there wasn't much in it though a small bed which she wondered if he could even fit on it considering his large physique “do you stay out here whenever your training?” she couldn't help asking genuinely curious about his life. “When I'm training, yes. Now let me ask the questions what are you doing out here? Why are you with my warriors and why are you wearing one of their shirts?” she wanted to smile a little at how riled he was about the last question the sense of jealousy gave her somewhat some satisfaction. “I'm going to be living here, Valen. I want to get to know the wolves and lycans but with this...” she tugged at the shirt “Bas gave it to me. I shifted and didn't have any clothes” Kaia explained. Valen sniffed the air stepping closer to her. “I will give you one of my shirts...” “Why?” Kaia pushed her head tilting in feigned curiosity. “Because you shouldn't be wearing one of the warrior's shirts, Kaia” he all but growled. “Why? Are you claiming me, Valen?” Kaia stepped closer. Valen seemed to stiffen in place “you are the future Luna of this pack, Kaia you shouldn't be dressed in some warriors shirt.” “I should be dressed in your shirt then since you offered me yours--” “That isn't what I meant” he growled out turning away from her. “Valen...” She spoke softly from behind in placing a hand gently against the middle of his back, it was electric and she wanted to revel against his warm flesh “are you going to embrace our bond... Taking your spot beside me?” she wanted to know perhaps also a reason why she went off to see the warriors subconsciously wanting to see Valen as well. Despite their rocky beginnings she really did want Valen, he was her mate after all. He turned slowly to face her and Kaia felt as though her heart would beat from her chest she was tall, yes but he was still ahead taller making her lift her gaze. Looking at him she felt as though they really could fit perfectly with one another. Her hand sat mid-air for a moment where it had sat touching his back before she brought herself to courage to reach up and touch his cheek. The rough stubble on his jaw tickled her hand but she just wanted to touch him. He seemed to enjoy it for a moment his eyes almost closing leaving a good view of his thick luscious lashes, his head seemed to lean into the touch before Valen reached up and took hold of her by the wrist and gently pulled her hand from his face. She was dejected by the action but refused to show it. “Kaia...” she could already see the doubt in his eyes, feel the hesitation practically seeping from his skin. “Valen, we are mates, we are meant to be. You're older than me for goddess sake you should know more about the mate pull than me anyway” her eyes pleaded for him as her arm she let fall limp in his hold “we are meant to be together” she took a chance stepping closer, close enough their bodies touch and immediately she wanted to fall into his arms, unfortunately, Valen stepped back and released his hold on her wrist. It felt like a humiliation Kaia refused to cry, however. “Kaia...” He sighed he seemed so conflicted “I just... I can't...” he rambled she slowly nodded. He was always so dignified it was odd to see him off balance. “Please....” she began her voice was weak from the hurt, Kaia was quick to clear it up however putting on her strong front “You choose your Alpha over me” she clarified it felt useless to even tell him about anything that happened with Actaeon he was clearly willing to give her over to him anyway. He didn't say anything in return so Kaia turned around to leave stopping by the door for just a moment “Valen, I will not seek you out again please know that. This was the last time I will try for you. I would prefer to keep some dignity intact after all” and with that she left.
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