Chapter 12: The Missing Data

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Yuri came over to Chan and bowed slightly to align her eyes on the monitor. Her cheeks almost touched Chan's cheeks. Chan deliberately seized the opportunity by bringing his cheeks closer to Yuri. Secretly Chan's lower body stiffened with excitement.   "Look at this data! Is this the data that you are looking for? Looks like this is a manual record of goods in and out of the warehouse," Chan said.   "Ah, yes. This is manual data recording. Where did you get it, Chan?" Yuri asked curiously.   "This data is in hidden files and deleted files. I just managed to bring it back. Take a look at these two files and compare them. This is data in and out of goods that happened 14 months ago," explained Chan, pointing at the monitor.   "Yes, this is old data," Yuri said.   "In this file that has been deleted there is a recap of data regarding the exchange of goods in and out at two a.m in the morning about a year ago," Chan continued.   "Yes, the date is clearly written here," Yuri said.   "That's right. Is it pretty interesting, right? There is a hidden fact here," Chan said grinning broadly.   "Hmm ... why is there an exchange of goods in and out at odd hours huh? If this item is indeed urgent I can understand. But if it is to be stored in a warehouse, it is not necessary to send it at night," said Yuri.   "Exactly. The delivery of goods in the early hours is rather odd. Look at this data," Chan said, shifting the cursor with the mouse.   "Yes, Chan?"   "Here, it is said the goods in this batch were experiencing production defects and were replaced by new goods. The batch number of this item was the same as the problematic cardboard batch number," Chan explained.   Yuri watched the monitor screen carefully. "Yes, you are right, Chan. This is the batch number of the product in question. You are really great!"   Chan smiled proudly.   "You need to check the data in the waste management section, Yuri. Because if it was indeed a written return, meaning that the goods must be submitted to the waste management in the company to be destroyed. But ... " Chan continued.   "Yes, Chan?"   "This data has been deleted and replaced by this hidden file. In this file, there is no record of the physical exchange of finished products in this date and time. As if, this event never happened from the beginning. The goods sent by the production department have been like that since the beginning," continued Chan.   "That means they want to erase their tracks by scapegoating the production department!" Yuri exclaimed aware of this possibility.   "Right, and the data recapitulation of goods in and out of warehouses is periodically manipulated so that the goods are not immediately removed from the warehouse and remain hidden," Chan said.   "Yes, you're right Chan. In the most recent recapitulation of goods in and out, this batch of products still includes goods that just entered the warehouse about six months ago," Yuri said.   "They manipulated the date of entry of goods to the warehouse, to eliminate traces," Chan grinned.   "This theft is very planned! This is not theft carried out because of spontaneity. That means there are many parties involved!" Yuri exclaimed in disbelief.   Chan chuckled. "I bet you that the waste management department has never received returns for this batch. It's possible that this item was stolen and taken away by the syndicate who planned it all," Chan said with smiles.   Maybe this was what Rosalia discovered before, it's just that the amount of loss found was far greater. Or, it could be that this fraud was still a series of fraud discovered by Rosalia back then.   "Syndicate? Who do you think is involved?" Yuri asked thoughtfully.   "Right, syndicate. The possible part involved is the driver of the shipping, security, and also warehouse staff," said Chan suspect.   "Is it possible that the packaging department is also involved? They can also provide empty cardboard boxes with similar designs," Yuri said.   "Maybe yes and maybe not, Yuri. Earlier you told me that the cardboard has a slightly different font design, right? The possibly are they printed the boxes themselves. It's just that they missed the details that are barely visible. Your eyes are really observant," said Chan.   "Wow, this is big progress, Chan! Good thing you came with me today," Yuri exclaimed, happy with the development of the situation.   Chris listened to the discussion between Chan and Yuri. He decided to join in the conversation.   "In that case, we need to immediately check whether there are returned goods for this batch of products in the waste management department or not. That would be strong evidence that this data is accurate," Chris said.   "Fine, Chris. I'll try asking the waste management department. Please tell me to who I need to confirm," Yuri said enthusiastically.   "Then, with this specific date and time, we can check with the relevant sections who are on duty at the time. We can check and find the culprit," Chris said with sparkling eyes.   "Yes, we can check with all departments related to the shift schedule that took effect around a year ago and trace from there. I'm sure there will be valid data," Chan said.   "Then we bring this CPU to the head office," Chris said excitedly.   "Let me back up it to my hard disk," Yuri said as she took the hard disk from her bag.   Chan then backed up the data on the CPU to Yuri and copied it to his flash drive secretly.   "Let me coordinate with warehouse management to get the data of people on duty that night," Chris said as he hurried away.   After all the work was done, they returned to the office in Sudirman and then hurried home.   "Yuri, have dinner with me, please. I'll take you home later. We have to celebrate your success today," Chan said, bracing himself.   "All right, Chan. Let's go to a place near my house. Do you like street restaurants or home-based restaurants?"   "Eh, that's fine too. I haven't eaten at home restaurants or street vendors in a long time. Come on, you choose. I'll pay," Chan said, smiling.   "OK! We eat delicious food today!" Yuri exclaimed happily.   Since Rosalia died, Yuri had lived alone for a long time. For that moment, Chan was there for Yuri. It made her life was more cheerful than yesterday.   They took the bus to Yuri's house. Along the road to Yuri's house, several street restaurants that were open every night were lined up. The fragrant aroma of food smells along the way, was made the stomach hunger growling. The motorbikes and cars parked in line and the seats were full of employees who had just returned home.   Yuri stopped by several street vendors to buy some kind of food. Chan paid with pleasure. Yuri didn't want Chan to spend a lot of money, so she chose food with good taste and affordable prices.   When she got home, Yuri turned on the lights and tidied the food she had bought on several plates. Her heart was happy because her work was successful and free foods in front of her.   Meanwhile, Chan's heart was happy because that day he managed to attract Yuri's attention and made her admire him.   Maybe today was his chance to be able to sleep with Yuri!
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