Chapter 11: Visit Warehouse

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Chan hadn't seen Yuri all day. He heard Yuri going to the field with Chris all day. He sighed seeing no reply message from Yuri came to his phone. Maybe Yuri was busy.   Chan studied the data on Chris's laptop. Andrew has backed up data from Chris's laptop when connected to an internet connection. From Chris's last email, Chan learned that Chris and Yuri managed to find fraud in the field. The value of the loss obtained was quite large. But that number was not enough to shake the company. The fraud case must have been done by small rats in Chan's mind.   Chan thought for a moment. If internal auditors acted seriously for the value of losses of that size, then they should also have a record for fraud that had a greater value. But where did they store that data?   Chris did not seem to have a record of large-scale fraud cases. Though from the data obtained, he had worked for about four years at this company.   Chan secretly peeked at the password of one of the HRD members and made it into the employee database, then pulled data from the system.   From employee data, Chan could see who had worked long enough in this company. Chan wanted to know who was still loyal to the Gemilang family, and who had only been working for the past few years so that they were not too disturbed by the changing ownership.   Chris has been working for four years. So, when the company takeover process happened, Chris should have worked here. He might know something. Maybe Chan needed to find out more.   Yuri was still conducting an audit with the field investigation team. They found a lot of missing physical data and documents related to the product in the batch that was in trouble. From the cardboard, they tried to find data by batch number. The data on the computer and physical documents in the warehouse was so messy that it was difficult to trace.   If it was reengineered, empty cardboard might be delivered from an old batch around one and a half years ago. Yet according to the procedure, this cardboard box should have been distributed to distributors within six months of the goods entering the warehouse. However, considering that the box was still in the warehouse without being found out, it means that the data had been manipulated so that it was not detected and invisible.   About six months ago there was a change of warehouse personnel. So, the possibility of this cheating was done by old personnel, and the person might also no longer work there. This fraud seemed to happen a long time ago, but it's too late to find the truth for the time being. Too many possibilities of who the offender who did it.   The atmosphere in the warehouse area became very tense.   "Chan, come with me to Pulogadung Industrial Complex. We are asked to check the IT security system in that area," Socrates told Chan.   "Okay, I'm getting ready," Chan replied.   Socrates and Chan then walked towards the lobby. There Chris and Yuri were waiting for the same car.   "Yuri? Do you want to go to Pulogadung?" Chan asked.   "Eh, Chan? Yes, Are you too?" Yuri asked.   "Yes. Are you busy lately? I had a message for you. I hope to see your reply soon," said Chan a little awkwardly.   "Oh, really? Ah, just a moment, please. Let me see. Sorry, I have been very busy these past two days, so maybe your message has been buried," Yuri said kindly. She then hurriedly looked for Chan's message on her cellphone.   [Yuri, sorry. I accidentally saw someone who looked like my old friend. It made me unconsciously catch up. It turned out to be the wrong person. The next thing I know is I got separated from you. I do apologize for leaving you just like that. I didn’t mean that to happen. Forgive me. I hope we are still friends.]   Yuri smiled reading the message from Chan. Indeed, at that time she felt a little annoyed because Chan disappeared. Even when Yuri tried to call Chan, he didn't pick up the phone. Finally, Yuri decided to return to the office alone. At the time being, after she was occupied with the job, Yuri was no longer upset.   Yuri looked up and smiled at Chan.   "It's all right, Chan. I'm not angry with you, now," said Yuri smiling.   "Thank you, Yuri. I really feel bad," Chan said with relief.   Socrates nudged Chan slowly and pulled him in whispers.   "Eh, who is that? How do you know her? She is cute. Introduce me to her please," whispered Socrates, glancing at Yuri.   "Eh, you can't. I have a crush on her! She is mine. I saw her first!" Chan whispered to Socrates.   "Ah, it's still a crush. She isn't your girlfriend," Socrates whispered with a grin.   Their official car arrived in the lobby. Chris, Yuri, Chan, and Socrates got into the car. Chan sat next to Yuri. Their shoulders touched, so did their feet. Chan felt comfortable when his body touched Yuri’s body. Chan smiled without realizing there was something hardened from inside his trousers. When he realized, Chan covered it with the jacket he was wearing.   Yuri!   Again, just a little stimulus from Yuri, Chan's body immediately reacted to respond. Chan also could not understand why every time he spent time with Yuri, his lower body always hardened without being able to control.   When they arrived at the warehouse location, Socrates and Chan immediately worked to check the security system on each computer. Then, they update the security system settings on each personal computer in the warehouse area.   While setting, Chan secretly used a security hole so that he and the S-team could access the computer whenever needed.   There was one personal computer that seemed to be a bit old and not used anymore. Nobody touched it for the last half-year. Chan was interested in this personal computer.   He tried to turn it on and check its contents with an administrator account. There was not much data left on the computer. Chan sighed. Maybe this PC was junk and had no meaningful data.   "Whose computer is this?" Chan asked.   "Oh, this belongs to the previous warehouse’s supervisor on the third shift. But the person had resigned about six months ago. His parents in the village were very ill, so he decided to return home," said the current warehouse supervisor.   Shift 3 usually had working hours from 11 p.m to 7 a.m. That working timer was a very profitable hour if you wanted to steal something from the company. Employees who worked on the third shift were few, security that might be loose because people were sleepy, and also it was in dark conditions, certainly not too flashy.   "Is this computer still in use?" Chan asked.   "Now it's no one use it. We got a new computer with better specifications and faster. And, we have moved the data we need in that computer to the new one," said Warehouse Supervisor for the first shift.   "Let me check it for a moment. There is something in my mind. I’m just curious a little bit," Chan said curiously. He then fiddled with the computer trying to bring up hidden files and restore deleted files from the PC.   Yuri was curious about what Chan was doing. Even though she didn't understand, she looked at Chan's face who was seriously working.   "Ehem, Yuri. Help me over here for a minute," said Chris, who didn't like seeing Yuri sticking to Chan.   "Yes, Chris. I'll leave first, Chan!" said Yuri.   Chan did not answer. He was so focused on what he was doing that he didn't hear anything. Chan's intuition was always strong. He could say there was something odd about this computer, even though he couldn't explain it. For this reason, he should just check the possibility of hidden files or deleted folders that may be related.   Bingo! Some hidden folders and deleted folders appeared again.   Chan looked at it briefly and tried to check its contents. Some files in the folder were indeed irrelevant. Chan kept opening several folders. He felt like he would find something here.   In one folder, he found a series of documents. It looked like it's a manual recap of goods in and out of the warehouse. This data came from about more than a year ago. Indeed, about a year ago, the warehouse had not yet used the data collection of goods in and out in the system.   Chan opened the data and checked the contents.   He smiled with satisfaction. He seemed to find what he's looking for!   "Yuri, come here! It looks like I found something interesting!" Chan exclaimed grinning broadly.   "What did you find, Chan?" Yuri asked enthusiastically.
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