Chapter 15: Rosalia’s Data

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Andrew entered Yuri's house with a bag containing Chan's clothes and personal equipment in a small suitcase.   "Have you brought what I asked for?" Chan asked Andrew.   Andrew nodded while removing the internal hard drive that was given a casing.   "I already filled this hard drive according to your request," said Andrew.   Andrew provided equipment to disassemble laptop hardware.   Chan opened the bolts on Rosalia's laptop one by one. He carefully removed the internal hard drive inside, then gave the case, and handed it to Andrew.   "Just back up the data. We don't know when this hard drive will be damaged," Chan said.   Meanwhile, Chan took Andrew's internal hard drive and put it in Rosalia's laptop. After Rosalia's laptop was closed again, Chan handed it over to Yuri.   "I'll return it. Put it back in its original place. If the thief comes and intends to take it, leave it. I've put the bait in it," Chan said with a happy grin.   "I will take the contents of this hard drive data then give a copy to you. Give me some time to do it," Andrew said smiling.   Yuri looked at Chan with a slightly doubtful look. She was afraid that the data might be lost by Andrew.   Chan was aware of Yuri's concern. He smiled while stroking Yuri's cheek.   "Don't worry. He can be trusted," Chan said softly.   "Okay, if you don't need anything else, I'll excuse myself. I don't want to be the third wheel here," Andrew chuckled.   "Ah, it’s not like that, Andrew!" said Yuri, awkwardly.   "Go home!" chase away Chan with bulging eyes.   Andrew laughed slyly at Chan. "You owe me, Chan."   "Hush!" expelled Chan increasingly glared.   "Don't be so rude, Chan," Yuri complained, feeling uneasy.   Andrew laughed even louder.   "It's alright, Yuri. I still have other things to do," Andrew answered.   He hurriedly rushed out the gate while continuing to laugh.   After making sure Andrew left with his car, Yuri locked the fence gate tightly with a padlock.   "Okay, where can I sleep?" Chan asked.   "You can use Rosalia's room, Chan," Yuri said.   "What? No way! What if the thief returns tonight? I could have been killed while sleeping soundly! After all, Rosalia can haunt me!" Chan protested.   Yuri felt awry. But there were no other rooms. Her parents' room had also been turned into a storage room.   "Maybe on the couch?" Yuri asked.   "Your sofa is small. My legs are too long," Chan replied.   "Ah, that's right. Then I sleep on the couch and you sleep in my room," said Yuri.   "Ah, no! I don’t mean that. Tell you what, do you have an extra bed? I sleep in your room with that mattress. All at once, I can protect you from thieves," said Chan.   "Okay, alright Chan. But ... I don't have an extra bed," Yuri said in guilty feeling.   "Take it easy. I’ve ordered a bed mattress. Maybe it will arrive soon," Chan said casually.   "Oh okay. Then bring your luggage inside. You can clean up and change clothes while I take a shower," Yuri answered.   Instantly Chan's imagination went wild. Yuri immediately appeared in his head in a naked state who was bathing under a shower with a sexy pose. In his mind, Yuri was staring at Chan, asking shyly.   "Chan, do you want to take a bath with me?" Yuri asked in a sigh, in Chan's imagination.   "Chan, you may soap my body. With pleasure, I want to soap your body too. Do you like it, Chan?" Yuri asked, exposing her sexy breasts to Chan, in Chan's imagination.   "Sure, Yuri. I want to take a shower," Chan replied, accidentally the words slid out of his mouth to the real Yuri.   "Oh, do you want to take a shower first, Chan?" Yuri asked suddenly interrupting Chan's perverted imagination.   "Eh, oh yes. You take a shower first, Yuri," Chan replied nervously.   Damn it! He almost ruined his perverted plan!   Yuri then hurried away to get clothes to change and go into the bathroom to take shower.   Chan entered Yuri's room. The room was spacious enough to hold an extra bed near the master bed.   Chan opened his suitcase and took a change of clothes. In it, Andrew had put pajamas, casual clothes, as well as work clothes for the next day. Among the clothes, Andrew also slipped a condom with a post-it stamp that read "Good Luck, Bro! Muach!"   Damn it! Andrew could guess the plan of his mind! Was it too obvious that his intention was read by his friend?   Chan hurriedly hid the condom in a sealed bag inside the suitcase. Yuri could go mad if she saw the condom being held by Chan. No way. Chan couldn't be in a hurry. Yuri might scared.   Chan reached into his suitcase and found a gun with a silencer. He also found Chan's personal laptop that was usually used for hacking. Andrew was really understanding. He gave the items that Chan needed.   It was unlikely that the thief would come back that night. However, there was no harm in keeping watch for the worst possible. According to Chan's request, Andrew brought in a number of wiretaps and mini cameras.   Chan then installed several bugging devices and mini cameras in Rosalia's room. He also installed it in almost every room.   Chan was tempted to put a mini camera in the bathroom. Yuri certainly would not realize it because its shape was very small and inconspicuous.   Hi hi hi ...   Chan could look at Yuri's beautiful body every morning and evening while she was taking a bath.   But the thing was, this mini camera and bugging device could be accessed by S-Team. Mmm ... not a good idea. After all, the thief couldn't have infiltrated someone's house and then had to pee and went to the bathroom, right?   Actually, for security reasons Chan needed to put some bugs and mini cameras in Yuri's room. However, if he installed bugs and mini cameras, Yuri's privacy would be exposed by S-Team.   No way, man! Chan was not willing to share Yuri with Jason or Aaron.   Chan would not let Yuri, in her sexy appearance, being watched by S-team. Especially if Chan managed to conquer Yuri in bed, it felt strange that the scene was witnessed directly by S-Team. At that moment, Chan knew what it's like to be Aaron who every time went on missions, his s*x scenes were watched live and recorded by Jason.   Yuri belonged to him!   After making sure all the mini cameras and tappers were installed, Chan contacted Jason.   "Cool, boss. I’m online. All set!" Jason answered via chat message.   Yuri had just finished bathing when she saw Chan was busy pacing in the living room.   "I'm done, Chan. You may take a shower," Yuri said, drying her wet hair with a towel. She still looked beautiful even though her makeup had been removed. With a thin T-shirt and comfortable shorts made Yuri's body look sexier than a completely covered work outfit. Chan's lower body stiffened when looking at Yuri's smooth thighs.   Ukh, Chan! Patient! Do not rush.   "Okay, I'll take a shower," Chan said as he went to the bathroom.   The bell rang again. Yuri peeked out the fence. Andrew was back again. Yuri quickly opened the gate and invited him in.   "Eh, Andrew? Have you left something?" Yuri asked in surprise.   "Not. I only deliver boss orders," Andrew said casually. Besides him, it was a new mattress wrapped in plastic.   "Boss? Do you mean Chan? Chan, is your boss? Is he not your friend?" Yuri asked in surprise.   Oops, Andrew let slip of the tongue.   "Yes, my friend is super bossy. He asks me favor like a boss," Andrew complained, deflecting the conversation.   Yuri laughed at that.   "Yes, he is indeed bossy. But why do you want to do his order?" Yuri asked innocently.   "Because I don't want to be deducted from my salary ..." Andrew answered spontaneously.   "Salary? Did you get paid with Chan?" Yuri asked in surprise.   Oh ... Oooh! Andrew let slip of his tongue again.   "I mean, I don't want my friendship to be ruined over trivial matters. So, I better just follow his request," said Andrew, putting the extra bed near the sofa. Then, he was about to leave.   "Eh, wait. Do you want to drink some water first, Andrew?" Yuri asked offering.   Andrew shook his head with a faint smile.   "No, I want to go straight home. Please take care of him carefully. Tell my honey that I miss him and please don't stay too long out of our house. His room was empty without his presence. I can't sleep peacefully without looking at his face up close,” Andrew said with a mocking smile.   "Oh okay. I think he lives alone before. It turns out you live together," Yuri said, looking at Andrew meaningfully. She drew a conclusion in her mind.   "Well, you could say that. Bye now. Take care of yourself," Andrew said as he got into his car, after helping Yuri close the gate.   When he returned to the house, Yuri saw Chan had finished bathing. His body smelled nice because of soap. Chan was holding a glass of ice water and took a slow sip.   "Who's coming? Andrew?" Chan asked.   "Yes, but he's already gone," Yuri said.   "Oh, I see. Is this the mattress I ordered?" Chan asked.   "Yes, the mattress is the boss's order, said Andrew," Yuri answered.   "What?" Chan choked on cold water then coughed.   "What did he say?" Chan asked suspiciously. His nose hurt by water.   Yuri looked at Chan for a while until Chan felt nervous.   "Eh, what's on my face, Yuri?" Chan asked nervously. He then took a sip of cold water again to calm down.   Yuri smiled.   "No, that's OK. Earlier Andrew told me to deliver his message to you. Andrew said it like this. Tell my honey that I miss him and don't stay too long out of our house. His room was empty without his presence. I can't sleep peacefully without looking at his face up close," Yuri repeated Andrew's words.   Chan immediately choked on cold water again. He coughed so hard, and he couldn't speak. The water entered his nose. It was so painful that he needed time to catch his breath.   Yuri laughed at Chan's reaction.   "I knew it. Looks like, Andrew has a crush on you Chan? Just admit it! Don't tell me you're involved in bromance?" said Yuri giggling.   "Eh, Yuri! It’s not like that! You put a wrong idea! He was just kidding!" Chan said while coughing.   Damn it! Andrew, you bastard!   Why did he say the words that could make Yuri misunderstand?   You jerk! Wait for my revenge later!   In the apartment, Jason burst out laughing while recording this dialogue. He grinned broadly when Andrew returned to the apartment.   "Good job, bro! I have an exciting show! Tell my honey, I can't sleep without looking at his face up close," Jason said, laughing loudly.   Andrew peered into the recording Jason was watching and burst out laughing. Gotcha, Chan! Screw you!   
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