Chapter 14: Yuri’s Secret

1477 Words
Yuri blushed in Chan's arms. Chan's hand wrapped around her waist from behind and Yuri sat on Chan's body on the floor of Rosalia's room. She could feel something sticking out and hardening from Chan's lower body. Yuri wanted to release Chan's hug, but instead, her body responded to Chan's touch by sticking tighter.   The feeling of fear that Yuri was experiencing had gradually disappeared, replaced by a feeling of comfort because of contact with Chan. Unknowingly, Chan's scent gave Yuri peace of mind because it reminded her of the presence of others by her side.   "Chan ... I want to take the bag," Yuri said softly, pointing to a rectangular bag in the storage box.   "Let me get it ..." Chan said while still hugging Yuri. He held out his hand to take the bag that Yuri meant with one hand still wrapped around Yuri's waist.   Yuri did not refuse Chan's hug and let Chan's handhold her waist tightly. She felt safe and comfortable in Chan’s arms.   Chan handed the rectangular bag to Yuri.   "Is this Yuri?"   Yuri unzipped the bag and pulled out a laptop that didn't have a battery and power cable.   "This belongs to Rosalia, my sister. I think the thief is looking for this. But, the battery isn't there and the power cable is gone. I did not find a cable that is compatible with this laptop because of the old model," Yuri said.   "Why is the thief looking for this laptop Yuri? Is there confidential and important data in it?" Chan asked curiously.   "If I tell you my secret, would you be willing to help me, Chan?" Yuri asked, looking at Chan's face with concern.   "Yes, Yuri," Chan replied.   "Even though it's dangerous Chan?" Yuri asked worriedly.   "How dangerous is it?"   "If you are involved, maybe your life is in danger," Yuri answered slowly.   "What are you actually involved in, Yuri?" Chan asked confused.   "Forget it, Chan. I can't involve other people. This is too dangerous for you," Yuri complained, feeling guilty, trying to free herself from Chan's arms.   Chan tightened his arms.   "Yuri ... Yuri ... look at me. Look me in the eyes. You can trust me. I'm here now ... with you ..." Chan said trying to calm Yuri.   Chan turned Yuri's body so that their bodies faced each other.   "Chan ... this is dangerous ..."   "Try me, Yuri. I will not leave you alone in danger. You have me, okay?" Chan asked, staring softly at Yuri.   Yuri nodded while hugging Chan.   "Thank you, Chan," Yuri whispered softly. It seemed like Yuri had forgotten that she was still sitting on Chan's lap. She didn't even try to pull away and sit comfortably in Chan's arms.   After feeling calmer, Yuri began to tell stories.   Chan just found out that Yuri lives alone, and also did not have a family who lives in the same city with her. Yuri talked about Rosalia's death and Rosalia's suspicion of the findings of the fraud she had found.   Chan was speechless at Yuri's confession. He did not think Yuri's secret was most likely related to the death of his grandfather.   "Yuri ... so you think someone else is threatening your sister to commit suicide?"   "Yes, Chan. What do you think? From who my sister can get cyanide poison from? Someone must have threatened her to kill herself," Yuri said, eyes flashing with anger.   "But why now? Isn't Rosalia killed a year ago? I think they must have confiscated the data on Rosalia's office laptop," Chan said.   "Yes, this laptop belongs to Rosalia personally. Actually, a few weeks after Rosalia's death, I also experienced several cases of theft. However, lately, it has not happened again. Don't tell me, the fraud case that we found in the warehouse, has something to do with the case that Rosalia met in the past," Yuri guessed.   "Yes, it makes sense. There is a possibility of the syndicate being disturbed, and trying to double-check this place. Yuri, is there anyone who can accompany you to stay here?" Chan asked.   "Nobody, Chan. I have no family in this city. I live alone," Yuri answered.   "Then shouldn't you move somewhere?"   "Where's the money from Chan? That will be an extra living cost for me. Even though I choose to move and rent a house, it can still be dangerous if you live alone," Yuri answered.   "Yes, your opinion makes sense," Chan said.   "What should I do now, Chan? I'm totally freak out," Yuri answered.   "Hey, calm down Yuri. If you are willing, I will accompany you to stay here," Chan replied offering himself.   "Eh, don’t you mind?" Yuri asked confused.   "Tonight the thief might come back. The choice is whether I stay here with you, or you come with me to my apartment," Chan offered.   "Alright, if you don't mind, please accompany me tonight," Yuri answered.   "Good, let's eat first then," Chan replied.   "Yes, anyway do you have any idea how to pull data from this laptop? This is Rosalia's personal laptop. I think there is important data in it," Yuri said.   "Piece of cake. My friend knows how. Now, we eat first. I will contact my friend to give some help and bring me some clothes," said Chan.   Chan took the laptop and slipped it under the sofa where they had dinner. After they finished eating, Yuri washed the dishes while Chan fixed the window in Rosalia's room.   Chan returned Rosalia's bed to its original position. He secretly put the flash drive containing the virus program into the hiding place. If the enemy checked the contents of the flash disk, the virus program automatically entered the computer so that the S-team had hidden access and could do anything about the infected computer.   Chan checked the contents of Rosalia's room. He breathed a sigh of relief after making sure there were no hidden cameras or bugging devices in the room.   If what Yuri said was true, the syndicate was disturbed by the audit findings in the warehouse and intended to cover up to hide the bigger cases. It might be that they wanted to ensure that Rosalia did not have any data that was harmful to their business. If the syndicate knew that Yuri was Rosalia's biological sister, then her life was in danger.   The syndicate was probably the same syndicate who killed Chan’s grandfather and Rosalia. In that case, killing Yuri was an easy matter. Chan felt that he could not let his guard down. He had to protect Yuri.   A bell rang. Yuri looked through the window and looked at a handsome man waiting in front of her fence. His face looked not familiar to Yuri. Her heart immediately became alarmed.   "Who is that outside?" Chan asked.   "I don't know," Yuri answered.   Chan took the knife from the kitchen and held it tight. He then peeked through the window. Instantly he breathed a sigh of relief.   "Calm down Yuri. That is my friend. I called him to come here to help me," Chan said.   Yuri breathed a sigh of relief, then opened the gate.   "Excuse, me! Good evening. I'm Andrew. Is Chan here?" Andrew asked politely in a formal Bahasa Indonesia with a western accent.   "Andrew, come in," Chan shouted from inside.   "Thank you ... eee ..." Andrew said confused because he did not know Yuri's name. He stepped in.   "Yuri. Just call me Yuri," Yuri answered curtly while closing the fence.   "Aaah ... Yuri ... So, you're Yuri," Andrew said with a polite smile. He glanced at Chan with a meaningful smile.   "Do you know me?" Yuri said suspiciously.   "Ah no. But, Chan once said at a glance that he has a new friend named Yuri," Andrew replied with a polite smile towards Yuri. Again, Andrew rolled his eyes at Chan with a mocking smile.   "Shut up, Andrew!" Chan grunted irritably.   Andrew just giggled at Chan's reaction. He knew exactly what was on Chan's mind. If his boss suddenly asked to bring a change of clothes and planned to stay at this house with a girl, Andrew would already know what happened next.   After all, this girl was Yuri! The only woman whose name was remembered constantly by Chan even though only a few times met. This girl even made Anastasia upset because it made her and Chan failed to reach the peak of their s*x game.   Maybe Andrew should keep his meeting with Yuri a secret from Anastasia. If not, Anastasia might approach Yuri to crash her. And, Chan certainly did not want his love adventure with many women known to Yuri, right?   Mmm ... interesting! Andrew at that moment had a reason to threaten Chan to obey his wishes. Andrew sneaked with meaningful laughter. He ignored the fierce gaze of Chan who was glaring at him full of threats.   Sorry, Andrew's position was in the air for the time being!   It seemed, Chan had to be really curious about this girl named Yuri. Though so far, Chan had never been seriously in a relationship with a woman.   Mm ... maybe this time, without realizing it, Chan fell in love at first sight with this innocent woman.   If Chan got to date Yuri, then Andrew had a chance to approach Anastasia.   Hahaha ... eat that Chan! Screw you!
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