Chapter 16: Call from Jason

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Yuri burst out laughing at Chan's red face. Chan looked away and was busy arranging his own extra bed near Yuri's bed.   Yuri looked at Chan with relief. Because Chan was here, she felt safer and could forget for a moment about the burglary case that happened today. But, honestly, Yuri got excited when dealing with Chan at that moment.   When Yuri cried, Chan comforted her by kissing and hugging her tightly. That was Yuri's first kiss. So far, Yuri had never dated. Yuri's cheeks flushed when she remembered Chan's soft lips that brushed the surface of her lips earlier.   Wait, Yuri! Maybe Chan was just trying to cheer her up.   Remember! Chan used to live in the USA. So, that kind of thing was common to friends. Not necessarily he was in love with you! Don't make things complicated. It was best to focus on your safety for the time being and revealed Rosalia's secrets.   Yuri glanced at Chan who was casually tidying the bed on the floor. With a sleeveless shirt and shorts, he still looked cool. His muscles were clearly sculpted. At a glance, Yuri could see Chan's six-pack belly which was so tempting to touch.   Oh, gosh! Yuri started to like Chan as the opposite s*x. Forget it, Yuri. Chan only sympathized with you.   Yuri got into her bed, while Chan had finished making the bed and sat on his bed sweetly. He looked at Yuri while smiling.   "So, is there anything else you want to tell Yuri? What are your plans now?"   Yuri shook her head.   "I honestly don't know, Chan. Admittedly, I entered this company to find out about my sister. I thought, maybe the internal audit kept any information about that big case."   "It's possible, Yuri," Chan said.   "Money worth 700 billion rupiahs or USD 48,000,000 is certainly not a small amount of money. I intend to look for it in the previous findings data. Rosalia said the internal audit knows about this," Yuri said, shaking her legs casually.   "I'll help you find out, Yuri. Promise me not to be rash!" Chan said while holding Yuri's hand gently. His thumb stroked the surface of Yuri's hand slowly.   Yuri held Chan's hand tightly.   "Thank you, Chan. I don't feel alone anymore," Yuri said smiling sweetly.   "We will find out for the truth about your sister, okay?" Chan said stroking Yuri's cheek gently.   "Chan, may I ask?"   "Mmm ..."   "Is that ... no one is jealous of you staying here?" Yuri asked.   "No ... no one is jealous. I'm single now. You?"   Yuri's face turned red.   "No, nothing. I've never been in a relationship before," Yuri answered with a blushing face.   "Don't tell me ... that was ..." Chan asked in surprise.   "Yes, that was my first kiss," Yuri said, looking away because her face was flushed to the ear.   "Then, let me give you a second kiss," Chan said affectionately. He did not wait for an answer from Yuri. Chan pulled Yuri's body into his arms and kissed Yuri's lips passionately.   Yuri did not refuse. At first, she just did nothing when Chan kissed her lips, but when Chan's tongue pressed into her mouth, Yuri sighed. Chan's hand stroked Yuri's back gently. He did not want to surprise Yuri with aggressive actions. Chan wanted Yuri to enjoy it slowly.   Chan kissed Yuri's ear and made the girl sigh again. Chan's hand slowly rubbed Yuri's stomach so that the flattened belly was holding back the tickling sensation created by Chan's touch.   "Chan ... Chan ..." sighed Yuri called Chan passionately.   "Mmm ..." Chan responded by playing his tongue on Yuri’s long neck. Yuri's body curved towards Chan, responding that she enjoyed Chan's touch at every sensitive spot on her body.   When Chan's hand moved to Yuri's sensitive area, suddenly his cellphone rang loudly. Chan tried to ignore the call and concentrated on Yuri's breast he was about to enjoy.   The cellphone rang again, this time with the video call feature. Chan fumbled and touched the touch screen of his cellphone, to reject phone calls. However, his fingers slipped so he accidentally received the video call.   Jason's face filled Chan's cellphone screen.   "Oh, hello, babe! There is a big discovery here!" Jason exclaimed enthusiastically.   But Jason immediately screamed when he accidentally saw a hot scene that was being done by Chan with Yuri.   "Wow, okay! You're busy there, babe! Why pick up the phone? Do you want to make me jealous?" Jason protested.   Yuri was shocked and stomped Chan's body away, then jumped into hiding away from Chan's cellphone. Meanwhile, because Yuri pushed, Chan's body jerked and hit the wall.   "Oh, okay! That hurts!" Jason said while giggling.   Chan grabbed his cellphone and stared fiercely at Jason.   "Oh, don't be angry, boss! I am just kidding. Let me know when you are not busy, I'll report later. I thought you want to know what the contents of the hard drive that Andrew brought as soon as possible. But, it is not urgent anyway. Sorry to disturb you," Jason said, ending the conversation.   "Wait! What's in it? I want to know!" Yuri exclaimed suddenly joining in the conversation. She had tidied up her clothes and looked at Chan's cellphone screen.   "Oh, Hello there. Nice to meet you. I’m Jason by the way. And you are?" Jason asked, grinning widely.   "Yuri. My name is Yuri Nice to meet you too Jason," Yuri answered.   "Wow! So, you are Yuri! Finally, I meet you, Yuri!" said Jason chuckling.   "Jason! Watch out your mouth!" Chan exclaimed warning.   Jason burst out laughing louder.   "Are you Chan's friend? How do you know about me?" Yuri asked.   "Yeah, he is my babe! Muach!" said Jason teasing Chan. Jason pursed his lips as if he were kissing Chan.   "Oh, shut up, Jason! I'll turn off the cellphone now if you still talk nonsense," Chan exclaimed angrily.   "Oh, come on, babe! Don't get upset! You didn't forget about our hot nights together, did you?" Jason asked, winking. Jason pursed his lips as if he were kissing Chan.   "Okay, this is rubbish. I turned off the phone," said Chan annoyed.   "Eh, wait! Wait! What's in my sister's hard drive?" Yuri exclaimed curiously. She hurriedly snatched Chan's cellphone from his hand.   Chan tried to grab his cellphone from Yuri's hand, but Yuri ran away while dismissing Chan's hand.   "Is that your sister's hard drive?" suddenly Jason turned more serious.   "Yes, it belongs to my sister Rosalia," Yuri said.   "There is a video recording of her last message before she died. I'll send it to Chan's cellphone," Jason suddenly became serious.   Yuri's heart was pounding. Rosalia apparently saved the last video message for her.   "Thank you, Jason," Yuri said with tears in her eyes.   "Hey, anytime dear. Let me know if there's anything else I can help," Jason said, looking at Yuri sympathetically as well as pity.   "What else did you find?" Chan asked.   "While you are watching the video I sent first, I will do my research. Chan, accompany her, please. This video ... maybe ... is not something fun ..." Jason said seriously.   "Okay, Jason," Chan said, ending the conversation.   A video uploaded to Chan's cellphone.   "Are you ready, Yuri?" Chan asked softly.   Yuri's heart was pounding. There was clearly fear on Yuri's face. Chan embraced Yuri and kissed her temple gently.   "Don't worry. I'm here," Chan comforted Yuri.   Chan's fingers pressed the play button on the video Jason had just sent.
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