Your mate

1301 Words
“Clara,” I called. A small scoff left her lips as she rolled her eyes and waved her hands towards the door. “Please, please make use of the goddamn exit.” My happiness was suddenly crushed. I thought she missed me like I missed her, but I guess she never changed. Once a tough rogue, always a tough rogue. “Lu-” I tried to speak, but she turned back to the Alpha. “Seriously? Is this her?” She asked. “Isabella, you do not understand. She is my mate; it is inevitable. I will be empty without her.” The Alpha said, “Great. I understand. I really do understand. Since she's your MATE, then go live the rest of your life with her." “Isabella, I-” “Shut the f**k up! Why is rejection a choice if you can't make use of itt?" “I can't keep rejecting.”. “Shu-” He cut her off this time. “Do not cross the line, Isabella. I am still your Alpha!” He spoke with so much power that I swear I felt the palace shake beneath my feet. Isabella dropped her eyes gently. “Besides, who is she?” He asked, “She is... my twin.”. The Alpha looked in confusion. “We're not identical,” I said. The Alpha approached towards me, where the door was, and left the room, leaving only Isabella and me in. “Isabella, how did you get here?” I asked in worry. She kept quiet. "Lu-," she cut me off. “That is none of your business. Your job is to f*****g leave this goddamn house or I would do to you what the moon goddess would take my life for!” She howled, “But I did nothing.” “Leave,” she whispered in authority. I slowly turned and left. I went back to the room, and a maid soon came in with a box in her hands. “The Alpha asked us to give you this. There would be an introduction to the whole pack in a few minutes, and he said, "You must be there; please get ready.” She said, “Thank you; I will,” I said, taking the box from her. She turned and left, slamming the door behind her. I stripped the box open and found a lovely dress in it that was about my size, exactly mine. I took a cold shower and fitted on the clothes. In a few minutes, a knock was put on the door. I went to check who it was; it was some guards. “Are you ready, miss?” They asked in a chorus, “Yes, I am.” I nodded. “Come with us,” they said as they started walking. I went with them as they led me to the deck of the palace, where lots of people could be seen waiting outside the palace. There were some elders who asked me to sit beside the Alpha on his left hand side while Isabella sat at the right hand side. I didn't know what was going on, but I quietly watched. A man went in front of the deck and stated, “Welcome here, y'all!” The whole pack below howled, and the man resumed, “Thanks for honouring our call. We're here to announce our own Alpha, the best and toughest, Alpha Damien... has found his mate!!”. They all howled in celebration. Via my peripheral vision, I noticed Isabella threw a nasty look at me. I didn't know how she grew so much hate in... Well, it has been 8 years since she left the pack, but she changed so much. The Isabella I knew was a rogue yet empathic, not until that day when she left. The Isabella I knew would have at least been sad at the funeral, but she didn't show emotions; she probably had been given a timeline to leave, and it did a number on her feelings. The man's words interrupted my thoughts: “The coronation is in two days, so y'all should get ready for the big coronation. She will be the second Isabella!!”. The man left the deck and went into the house. Murmurs filled the air from the crowd beneath the deck. The Alpha rose and went inside the house, going to speak with an old man and a few older people. Isabella went inside also, not to speak with the elders but to at least leave the sad scene, I could tell. Whenever we were close to each other, we could feel each other's feelings, plus we're werewolves, high sense of feeling, though I didn't have a wolf but I was still part of the family. The Alpha came to me with two men. “Hello,” the shorter one greeted. I gave him a sweet smile, “Hello,” “I can tell you don't know me. I'm the medical priest here for the royal wolves, and this is my assistant, Gianni; he is in charge of the kitchen and controls your food. Your health is our top priority.” He said, “Thank you so much for the information. I'm glad you care a lot about health, Mr....”, “Fredrick. Mr. Fredrick,”, “Oh. I'm Clara, Mr. Fredrick." He smiled and gave me a handshake before they both left. The Alpha told me to report back to my room, which I did. The palace was such a peaceful place that I wondered when I felt so calm. That should be about 9 years ago when Dad was still alive and Diana, my stepmother, wasn't so mean. Someone burst into the room and quickly slammed the door. I saw it was Isabella. She had a tray in her hand with apples and a knife in it. “Hey, Isabella. You brought me apples. That's so sweet of you,” She didn't reply. She only brought the tray to me and put it on the bed. “I didn't come to give you apples; I came to make a deal with you, Clara. And you have to play along with me, okay?” “But, Isabella-”, She grabbed the knife in a swift and put it on my lips to shut me up. She moved closer to where I was sitting, with the knife still on my lip. I quickly rose up and pressed my back against the wall, scared. She came to where I was standing, playing the knife in her fingers. “Clara, tell me, what do you want? Whatever you want, I will give it to you as long as you promise to leave David to me,” she said, looking into my eyes. “Bu-I- He is my mate!!” I yelled. She pressed the knife against my neck and said, “Shh. Do not yell when I talk. Now tell me, what do you want?”. I shook my head slightly. “Money? A great guy to be your mate? I can leave you to be his mate. What do you want? Just name it and refuse David. I'll give you anything.” “Any…thing?” I asked, She dropped the knife, seeing submission in my eyes, “Yeah.”. “I want David.” She raised the knife, lunging it at my throat as she pinned me to the wall, my heart beating in my ribcage, my lips quivering. My eyes widen as the knife draws closer to my neck quickly. The despair I saw in her eyes showed she was ready to rip out my throat. The knife came so fast, yet everything seemed to happen so slowly and...
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