The coronation ceremony

1090 Words
I couldn't wait to see the blood flood out of her stupid throat. The knife almost made its way to her neck when the door burst open behind me, and I felt David's increased and oppressive aura take over. The knife instantly slipped off my hand as I turned. He stood, watching clearly; he already knew what was going on. “Isabella, leave. Go to the room now!” He ordered through Mindlink. “I don't want to leave!” I yelled out loud, “What is your f*****g problem, David?! I did everything you wanted, and now you're leaving me?”. “Isabella!” He yelled. I did everything he wanted; he said he loved tough girls; I was tough for him; I fought hard for his sake. He didn't like rogues; I became a good wolf for his sake, and though being a rogue was my nature, I cheated my own nature for him. What else did he want? Now he was picking my sister over me; I thought he loved tough ones; my sister was a stark contrast; she was weak. But would all my effort be wasted? I already got what I wanted, but my plan was to be his forever, but what the f**k happened to the plan?! “I'm not leaving!” I yelled back, fighting my tears back. He walked behind me and grabbed Clara and walked with her out of the room. I watched the both of them leave me as if I were the second Isabella. She was the second one! ……………………. The coronation ceremony soon came, and I was scared he would literally pay more attention to Clara instead of me; he would forget I existed. We haven't spoken since the day I tried to stab Isabella, and I was scared he already got to know her and he already liked her. The elders were sitting behind us on the altar. The bloody part of the coronation where she made a vow with David had been done, and they were now officially mates; they only wanted to show the whole pack that she was already the second Isabella and she had equal rights with me. There was a man standing in front of the altar with a pillow in his hand, which held the crown. Minutes went by before an elderly man went in front of the altar to say, “It’s the time you've been waiting for! Let's welcome our Isabella to be.”. Clara stood with pride and stepped forward as the howls welcomed her. “Do you promise to have a pure heart and be faithful to everyone with the heart of a werewolf, especially in this pack? Though you're not one of us. Do you promise to be of a kind heart and not go back to rivalling us? Do you promise to not choose the path your pack picks, and do you promise to be one of us?” He asked her, “Yes, I do,” she said with a sheepish smile. The man took the crown and put it on her head. I felt the atmosphere twitch. “Wolves and puppies. We have our new Isabella!” He announced. Thunderstruck, intensifying the moment as the rowdiness of the celebrating dogs fueled my anger. I couldn't take it anymore. I rose and grabbed my dress by the knee before running off into the palace, yet no one noticed, not even David, who was sitting right beside me. He was busy looking at Clara. My heart raced as I thought of losing David to Clara. Shit! No!! I wasn't ready to let go of what I worked for. Yet she only got it from running in the woods; what the f**k? I locked myself in the room and slept off while overthinking. I woke when a housekeeper came to say to me that dinner was ready and tonight's own was important as David would be MATING with Clara, so it was a night to toast to. I fitted on my short silk nightgown and went to the dining hall. David, Clara, Mr. Fredrick, and his assistant with David's uncle were already sitting, speaking about some s**t. I only took my seat without speaking to anyone or making them notice my presence; only Clara did notice my presence, but I acted as if I didn't notice it. I ate slower than ever. Most of them finished their food, and it was only David, Clara, and I left. “Are you okay?” David asked me, but I acted as if I didn't know he was pointing the question at me. “Isabella!” He called, “Oh, me? I'm good. Yeah, I'm okay,” I said. “You better be,” he said. Oh, so now he didn't give a s**t anymore? Just in two days, he already started to enjoy Clara's company. He always peppered me with kisses whenever I was grumpy to make me feel better. He always did things that made me happy; he always asked me what I wanted, but now it was, ‘You better be’? Oh darn it! I was removed from my pack because I was a rogue, not like I was happy being among them. I left my pack and found true happiness. I loved the life I lived as a rogue, but when I came across David, I didn't know what happened to me. I left those things I called happiness, just for him. I drowned the evil part of me for him, and now he was trying to bring it back. I knew if I brought it back, he wouldn't be able to handle it. Neither he nor his so-called mate would be able to, and Clara knew that was the fact, but she still chose to cross my line. “David, why are you doing this?” I asked, “I am not doing anything. She is my mate! What do you expect me to do?! Die without a mate like yo-”. He quickly cut off his own words when he noticed the gravity his words held. I felt an anchor pull my heart into the abyss. I rose from the chair and went back to the room. I tried to mindlink Matthew, David’s tester, who had been gone for a while now. I couldn't reach him at first, but I tried harder and got to him. “Your Majesty,” He said, “Matthew, we have a problem!”.
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