
1138 Words

Grayson I accept the call and greet him taking in his appearance. Not many people have seen Darian Farallier. He keeps to himself and apparently loves to surf and scuba dive. Ryan learned he lives on a private island and rarely leaves it. He doesn’t look a day over fifty and he’s hyper. The picture of him I had painted in my mind was totally different. Maybe like Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars. Old, wrinkly and sounds like those humans that chain smoke. Instead he has pale blonde hair and gold eyes. His skin is a light toffee color and he exudes a knowledgeable air even on a screen. “Warlock Farallier, thank you for listening to my inquiry and calling me back.” He bounces in his seat bobbing his head, his gold eyes gleaming. “Please call me Darren and I will call you Grayson. It is a

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