Caroline's Luna Ceremony

1132 Words

Grayson We arrive at the pack and park. I let Ryan walk in and spend a few minutes looking around and taking some deep breaths. “Alright Atlas you ready to try this?” “Yes, this curse f*****g sucks.” Ryan looks at me when I walk in. “Took you long enough.” I just raise my eyebrows at him. Caroline comes racing over to hug us. Her hair is arranged in some high updo and she looks ecstatic. “Whoa Caro calm down. You’re going to bounce the curls off your head.” I laugh at her. “I’m so happy to see all of you. Liam’s room is where you’ll get changed. Violet we are using Layla’s room to get ready.” “Alright why did you want us here so early?” I ask her. “Let’s wait for Dad, Owen, and Ava. Caleb and Iris couldn’t come. She’s throwing up her toenails.” Caro says shaking her head. Iris is

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