The Elders

1135 Words

(16 days until the rejection date for reference) Grayson I bark out orders at morning training. With all the recent rogue attacks I’ve been making doubly sure my pack is prepared. The rogue in the cells knew nothing about Layla. They were following orders from that damned pack I turned into the council. The rogues and that insolent abusive pack have been dealt with now and it’s no longer an issue on that end. Poor thing was just a kid himself. Sixteen years old. Got banished from his pack two years ago because the Beta’s son was jealous of his friendship with a girl. I told him he could join our pack, but he will have to prove himself. He’d been so eager. Ryan got him a job and settled him at the shelter. Said he had cried and promised to never disappoint us. Assholes run some packs.

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