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***TATIA'S P.O.V*** I was just sitting in my car all ready. I was nervous cause I don’t know how he is going to react. God, I just hope that everything will be fine and nothing wrong will happen, Andrew. I want you back. I was nervous. I got out of my car. As I reached there, I took a deep breath as I went inside. “Hello mam.” “Hello, miss, nice you are early.” “Can I meet him?” I said, as I was a bit hesitant. “Sure you can, but just make sure that you don’t end up stressing out his brain.” “Don’t worry about that, I will make sure of that, everything will be fine. I will.” She came and then held my hand. I looked into her eyes. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine. He just needs someone who will be with him and make him remember it all. Now you should go.” I nodded at her, then went to his cell. “Hello Andrew.” I said as I went inside. He looked at me from a corner. “Who are you?” This question pinches me, it irritates me, it hurts me a lot, it just makes me feel like I am no one. “I am Tatia, your wife,” I said. I looked in his eyes for some emotions, but I was not able to see anything in his eyes. Nothing was there. I was down and went to him. “Andrew, don’t you remember anything, not even a bit, how we used to be, how we used to fight, when we were small. How we used to love, Andrew, don’t you remember it?” 10 YEARS AGO I ran to mom’s place. “Mom, where are you mom?” I rushed into the house when I saw her in the garden. “Mom, look what I got.” I showed her my trophy. “Wow, this is beautiful, I knew. It was that only my girl would win.” She said and pulled me in a big hug, “thanks mom.” We were both just happy and celebrating when we heard “You came here Tatia, what? What did you do today? Tell me what you did today.” I hid behind Sandra's mom. This little panda will never stop complaining about me. “Wait, what happened? Why are you shouting at her?” “Sandra was this girl. She made fun of Andrew because of the whole school that he was fat, and she even bet on him that he would come last in the race.” Sandra's mom looked at me, “What if she said? Did she say anything wrong? Look at him. How fat is he? He is not even able to walk.” I peeped from her side and looked at mom and Andrew. “Sandra, how come you can say this look at him. He is your own son?” “Exactly my own son, but his Bashir god, have you seen him how many times I have told him to not eat anything bad, and my daughter is not wrong at all not.” Sandra's Mom said. Mom glared at me. s**t I am done. I am finished. “Don’t worry Andrew, I am alive. I will kill Tatia if she will. You come with me. You will be hungry.” Mom took Andrew and then left. Yes, Sandra is not my mom. She is Andrews' mom and my mother. Yes, since I was small. Sandra's mom is the one who taught me how to sing. She has given me a love that was unreal, and as for my mom and Andrew, she just loved him. For her. He is just a little baby. Whenever he wants a dessert or anything, he comes to my place and my mom loves him so much and loves to make desserts for him and spoils him a lot. Not just us, our parents are also best friends, a part of the Mafia world also, but I love them. They are both just the best things that I know. It is that they will never hurt someone if they are innocent. “Don’t worry Tatia, I am here. Nothing will happen to you.” “Mom, why don’t you say anything to her? Can’t you just see that she was talking rubbish about Andrew?” “Alena, please both kids stop talking like this about them and how many times we have tried make Andrew to eat something healthy, but he never did that.” “But mom.” “Enough now, let’s go Tatia, you must be hungry.” I nodded at her, then went to her. I had my food, then we both went to the music room. My happy place. I just love being here. “Yeah mom, it’s great.” I said and started to play when uncle came, “Hello my princess, is this trophy yours?” He asked me as he looked at the trophy. “Yes it’s mine, and it’s all because of mom. She taught me to be the best and look like I did it.” He smiled at me then went next to me. “That’s like my girl.” “Please play one song for me.” I smiled at him and started to play one song for him, his favorite one. “Perfect.” I was just playing around when I looked at the time Dad must be home. “Bye mom.” “By dear and don’t worry nodded will happen to you.” I nodded at her, then went to my home. “So now you have come finally, so can you please explain to me why Tatia you were bullying Andrew.” “Mom, I am sorry. I am so sorry I didn’t want to hurt you, sorry mom, and it was just for fun.” “If something makes someone cry, then it’s not for pleasure, then it’s wrong. You understood that?” I nodded at her. She smiled at me and pulled me in for a big hug. “So this is the trophy that my princess won.” My tears immediately changed into a smile. “Yes mom.” “Wow, it’s wonderful to just keep on achieving things like this.” I nodded at her. We were just talking when Dad came and said “Hello love.” As he said, I immediately went to him and hugged him tightly, “Dad, I missed you so much. Did you spend so much time?” “Sorry it was just work.” “Ok forgiven.” I said. He laughed at it. “Who will say that she is just small, come here, love?” I love this. Everyone loves me, but there is one thing that I have to do. I have to apologize to Andrew. I would have hurt him. I went to my room, then. Sorry Andrew, it won’t happen again. I said it to myself. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. NEXT MORNING I woke up and got ready for school. I was sitting in my car waiting for Andrew, then he came and sat down in it. “Andrew, listen, I am sorry.” “Wait, you are apologizing. It means that there is some scam behind it definitely.” He said it. I can understand. I can definitely understand his concern and he could definitely be angry with me. “No Andrew, it’s not like that, it’s just that I don’t know what. I am sorry I should not have done that. I should not have hurt you. It means you are my friend and the way I am behaving means it’s just not correct.” He looked at me and then smiled at me, “It’s okay Tatia, I am glad that you have realized it. Honestly, I didn’t accept this apology from you.” I smiled at him. “It’s alright, I also have to realize when I am wrong.” I said it to him. We were both just talking and having fun when we reached school. I got out of the car when we saw a guy. “Who’s he?” Andrew said. I looked in his direction. “He might be someone coming or else we would be late for class.” I said it. I know it all very well, that it’s all just a time waste and nothing else. We both make our way to our classes made I was just sitting quietly when he enters the class. I don’t know what it is that everyone is drolling over him. God, what the hell is it? I said it to myself, I was just studying when the teacher came. “Tatia, please provide your notes to Chris and help him with his studies, okay.” I nodded to her. Why my notes? I hate this thing. “Hello.” After class, he came to me “Hi I am Tatia.” “Hello, I am Chris.” I smiled at him, and I gave him my notes. “Thanks a lot for all this. Actually, I am a little weak at Math. Could you help me with that please?” I nodded at him. “Sure, but today I can’t help. I have to go home early, so can we do this tomorrow?” I said, then I gave him a smile and made my way to the car. Andrew was sitting there, “So what’s cooking over here?” “There is nothing cooking over here.” I said to him, he was just teasing me in the car. I hate him sometimes because that is why he always bullies me. Why does he like it so much, God Andrew? “Andrew, please stop it. I told you earlier there is nothing between me and Chris. He was just asking for help.” “By the way, you know this is true and that I will be very happy about it. I mean the trouble will be gone to someone else.” “Just shutup, Andrew. I am not going anywhere and leaving you. That will never happen. You will never be happy, okay, so if you are dreaming of it, then it won’t happen.” I said to him “ At him, in a witty way. “Okay great I will not trouble you OK, just relax and don’t worry, everything will be fine. Nothing will trouble you, okay, so just relax.” He said I was wicked at him. We both reached home. “Waitcwha I changed my dress and was just about to come out of my room when mom came and said “Wear this and come down.” Yes, I saw decorations and everything but, what is it, I don’t want to change now. “Mom, I will stay in my room only. Only please mom, I don’t want to change.” “Tatia, what are you saying? Don’t argue with me now, be a good girl and wear this and come out.” I nodded at her. “I can’t argue more. I hate changing dresses every time a function happens. I went back to my room and took out my dress and wore what mom gave me. It looked stunning. I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror. I went out of my room, “How am I looking mom?” I asked her. She looked at me, then smiled and said “Just an absolute beauty, you look amazing.” I smiled at her “Thanks mom.” I was just standing asking why there was no one there. God, why is no one here? “Mom, why are there are no guests?” “They will be here soon. You enjoy yourself.” I was just standing there quietly when I saw Andrew. He came he spotted me. Then we both sat together. “Hey gorgeous, what are you doing here alone?” He said, as he came to me, “What happened to you from where did you learn these cheesy lines?” “Ohh god what is your problem. Oh the way, Dad told me to do all this for you.” I laughed at that as he said “Uncle Matthew told you to do so.” “Yes, why do you have some problem?” He asks me, “No definitely not, I don’t have any problem, it’s good, but you should go and try this on someone else.” I said while rolling my eyes, “Cool by the way, you are actually looking beautiful.” “Thanks, that’s like my man, simple and clear. By the way, I also have to admit that you also look handsome.” “Thanks.” He said, then we both started to laugh. “By the way, are you able to understand what’s happening here? No guests are here yet. Still, they are still so happy and relaxed. I just can’t believe that.” “Honestly, I also don’t know why this is like this, but it’s okay if everything is sorted, then there are no problems. I don’t want to stress myself out or else I will start to feel hungry.” As he said it, I laughed at him, “You are always hungry.” I said, I just know that something is there. “Andrew, I still feel that there is something that’s fishy that’s not correct.” “Relax chill okay or if we both try to do something, then we will both go down and we both don’t want that right. I am in a good mood. I don’t want mom to scold me.” As he said, I nodded at him coolly. “If you want that, then I won’t say anything quite quite quite I will be quiet cool.” We were both sitting quietly when we heard Alena shouting. “How come you can both do that? Are you two even in your senses or not?” “Definitely, Alena, you need to relax.” Sandra's mom said, “Alena knows this, that you have to relax and don’t create any scenes here.” “Why, just because you two big adults think that it’s right, correct god I can’t believe this. How can you all be so blind that you can’t even see these little kids that you are acting like that?” Sandra's mom rolled her eyes in anger. “Alena, I told you to be quiet.” “What’s going on here, Andrew? Why is Alena so angry? Why can’t she be like that? What’s the matter, is something wrong happening?” I asked him. As I looked at him, I saw him holding a plate of starter and eating with fun. “God, Andrew, I just can’t believe that you are eating here as if nothing happened.” He didn’t get up. “What will we be able to do? You tell me nothing, whatever. Let it be like that. I have only told you don’t take stress.” “Andrew, what are you doing. You even think about anything rather than eating food, no, you are just useless.” I said in anger, I mean what’s happening here. I am not able to understand and on one hand, he is just god. What is it? How come he can be so normal and alright with everything? “Tatia, stop shouting about what you will do. Tell me I will tell you nothing. You won’t be able to do anything, Tatia, because possibly it’s not possible, honestly, if you think that you can do something, then trust me, then you can’t do anything.” How come he can act like this that, as if something happens, then it’s alright, then it’s absolutely alright. He doesn’t even want to see what the problem is. “Andrew, Alena is your sister. You have seen what you can do, okay, Andrew, she is definitely grown up, can take her own decisions, but at least we should go and support her.” He looked at me as if I had stolen something from him. “Cool, just 5 minutes.” “You still want to finish this. If you were aware, then you would know that it’s our house. You can only have it whenever you want to have it.” I said, then I put the plate in his hand and put it in the corner. We both made our way to them. “What is going on here, Alena, why are you so disappointed?” I asked her. She looked at me and wiped her tears. “I don’t want both of your lives to get spoiled by the decision of our elders. They might not be thinking straight right now, but it’s not a nice decision, but they’re making it.” “What decision are you talking about?” “Nothing she is taking about nothing. I told you that you didn’t have to come here. Go and sit over there. Enjoy you don’t have to come over here.” “Wait, what is it mom, what’s that you are all hiding from us? I know now, by the way, you are all saying that there is something, but it is that I am not able to get that.” Andrew asked them. Yes, “Yes Alena, at least you told us.” We ask her “They want to make you both married, they want you two to get married.” As she said, it was like my world. Everything just went away from me. Marriage at such a young age. What will I will do, what is it? “Mom, what is it Alena, what she is saying is true?” Mom looked at my father and then nodded at me. “But why don't we want me to want to get marry to him, and he also doesn’t want that at all. Why are you all doing this to us?” I said, as I was horrified by what I heard just now, I can’t marry. I don’t want this. At least this is not what I desire, if at least. I was just looking in my mom's eyes but no one was saying anything. They wanted me and Andrew to get married to each other without even asking us. Isn’t this in justice to us? TO BE CONTINUED….
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