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***TATIA'S P.O.V*** A new day, a new hope. 5 years ago, everything changed just because of one incident. The one that I loved went away from being loved. But yesterday I just got it all, the one for whom I was waiting for from so long I was just sitting in the garden when I felt someone behind me. I turned and saw "Liam". "Hello Liam, how are you?" " I am absolutely fine. How are you actually just forgetting about yourself, forget how my princess is." I smiled a little bit. "She's absolutely fine you are here." I asked," don't know why I am doing this". I just said "Yeah, mom wants to sort it out. The designs that you like. She wants it all to be of your choice." How would I tell him that no, no god, would I say "Liam, how are you?" Ria came smilingly and then jumped on him. He had been with her for so long. He had always been with her, always, and that's just great, but now what I am doing? I have to do this. I don't have things to do. "Hello sweetheart I was just asking about you. I missed you so much." "But we just met yesterday." "I can't help it. I am sorry I miss you daily, just waiting for the day when you will be there with me daily." "But that can't happen." RIA said Liam looked at me with question in his eyes. RIA got down out of his arms and went playing. "Ria sometimes scares me a lot, she is very naughty." I looked at him and made me say "Liam, there is something that I want you to know." "And what is that?" I hesitate before saying this because he has invested a lot of years in this with me. "Actually the thing is, Andrew is alive." Liam looked at me with shocked expectation I knew that it was not going to be easy at all. "Andrew is alive, great. That's just fabulous where he is." I looked at him. "He is, I am sorry Liam, but you know that the reason why I said that I would marry you was only because of Ria and Andrew. He is her father. He is alive. I want him. I am sorry." "It's alright Tatia, please don't take get so much stress. Okay, I know that you love him, and it’s just great that he is back in time.” Liam said. I hugged him and smiled at him. “Thank you so much, Liam, thanks for understanding. I was so scared I didn’t know what I would say and how.” He held my cheeks lightly and made me look at him. “Hey, hey listen don’t think that anything is not gonna work out OK, everything is going to work out, and we are going to make it work out baby, sorry I mean Tatia, it’s your happiness.” I smiled at him. I am glad that he understood it. He doesn’t judge me or leave me in any difficult situation. I love him. I do. “Thanks a lot Liam.” “Thank you so much Liam for understanding her. I know that it was heartbreaking, and we broke our promise.” “No, no, aunt, please don’t say that I definitely felt bad because I thought that you would become my mom, and then I would be with you, but that’s alright. I am happy.” Mom smiles. I don’t know when my mother will realize this and understand where my happiness lies. Why makes me happy. Why does she have to be so stubborn that she starts to hate me only We were just talking for a while when Liam left. “I am happy that he understood your concern and your pain. I also feel bad for him. Very bad he didn’t deserve that.” I nod at her “I know mom.” We were just talking when I looked down at my phone. From tomorrow, I have to be there with him. I will make sure that he comes back and doesn’t leave me. I love him. I love you a lot Andrew, and honestly, I want you here in this house with us. “What happened, Tatia? Aren’t you happy ruining everything?” I stood up in shock as I saw my sister-in. Lily. I knew that s**t “Lily actually I.” “No Tatia, did I ever tell you that, please Tatia, please be with my brother. No, I never said that, never but Tatia, not even for once did you think of it, think what’s right and what’s wrong. You just left him.” Mom came and held Lily to try to make her understand. “Lily dear, listen to me, listen to me. I know that you are hurt, but dear, it’s something that we could not control. It was not something that was in our hands. We also want the best for Liam and that is not that.” Lily looked at mom and showed her danger. I know that she knew not in a mood to listen to anyone. Definitely, what I did was definitely wrong. “You will always want this, and now he is back, so you will want to make her stop over here, but Tatia, how can you do that? You left him earlier also, and now also Tatia think not even for once do you think that it was wrong or right.” I looked at her. “Lily, listen, I know that I am wrong, but after knowing that my husband is alive, how come I can go with someone else?” She looked at me with frustration. She can be frustrated, but this is the truth and I can’t change it. The only reason for me agreeing to marry Liam was Ria. “Why I said yes to marry Liam was only Ria and no one else than how you expect me to love someone else tell me.” “Yes. definitely. I can’t expect anyone else to be right. Why did you say it, says that he stood up for your daughter like she is hers. Only why, Tatia, why, you never loved him? tell me why.” I rolled my eyes in frustration and looked at them with disappointment. Definitely, this was not a great idea or a great deal at all. “Look, I know what is going on with you, but creating a scene like this, accusing me and blaming me for everything is not going to solve anything. Did you get that? They are all going to be ridiculous.” I just said, I don’t know about anything, but the other thing that I know is just this, only that I don’t want it. I can’t leave Andrew, not even in my dreams. “I am creating a scene. Absolutely right. You marrying the man whose family killed your own father and then now leaving my husband for them is absolutely fine, and it’s a good thing, but me choosing to be with my family to want to see them happy is wrong.” I am so done with it right now. I just don’t get at all what’s happening. I am not wrong. I don’t want to do wrong to anyone. That’s not my intention. “Lily, please, I request you don’t create any more scenes. Please it’s just a humble request from you and I hope that you will hear, me out about this matter.” I said, I don’t know anything, or I just don’t get it, but the only thing that I know is that this is it, it’s my life, and I am going to take control of my life. He is my husband. and it’s completely my choice if I want something or not “Cool Tatia, If you want it to be like this, then we will have it like that. I got your point, but don’t come to my brother crying, okay.” I went to my room. Why doesn’t anyone understand me at all? Why do they have to think and Be like she is wrong? No, I am not wrong. Am I not wrong? “I know the stuff. I know the problem very well, but there is just one thing that triggers me, mom, is why no one can see that I am also in pain and that I don’t want it at all. That Yes, it is also wrong with me.” Mom came, and I rested my head in her lap. My own mom thinks that I am wrong. I accept it, but I just can’t leave it, I just can’t let it go, I just can’t let him go away from going. “Listen, I don’t know what I should say, but just one thing that I know is that you are not wrong, love, you are not wrong.” I nod at her. I don’t want her to ever feel that I am wrong or whatever I am doing is just wrong. “Listen to me, carefully Tatia, it’s not just because I am Andrews' mom, but I just want one thing and that’s your happiness, so if by any chance you feel that you are in love with Andrew, then just go for it dear, just go for it.” Mom said. I closed my eyes and then opened them. “Mom, you know what I truly want. It’s his mom from the day he was there. He had left me. That’s the only thing that I wanted to have a mom.” I said definitely I felt like crying sometimes, but I do need him. I do want him in my life. “Listen, I know that sometimes it can’t be unfair, and sometimes it can be like people will not understand you, but please just keep on doing what makes you feel good, what makes you feel like. Yes, that makes you happy.” I nodded at her. I wiped my tears for 5 years. For 5 years. I was just asking for one thing from god. God please send Andrew back. I couldn’t live without him and he did. “Tatia's life is very short, dear, so do what pleases you and not in the eyes of others. It doesn’t matter, whoever it is.” I nod at her. Okay, if she wants it, then I will do it. I will make it happen. “Thanks mom, thanks for guiding me and not being like others. Thank you so much for that.” She caresses my cheek. I know what I want and what’s best for not just me but also for my daughter. “I know that it’s not going to be easy at all, mom, and no one will support me because everyone will just think that I am wrong, because it’s alright because I know what I want from life and what I have to do, and I will do that, mom.” She smiled at me. “That’s like my girl, don’t cry, okay. I can’t see you crying like this. It breaks my heart.” “Don’t worry mom, I will not cry. I will fight for my needs and I will do what I want, mom, don’t worry about me.” She caresses my cheek. “My dearest love, I have complete faith in you. I trust you that you will be able to do it and I believe that you will do it.” She stood up, gave me a smile and then left. I wish, mom, that you would also have understood me rather than, be angry with me. Lily, I can’t complain about anything from you. I have hurt your brother. Definitely I do deserve this thing from you, but I will still listen to my heart because it can never lie. A heart can never lie. TO BE CONTINUED...
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