

friends to lovers
realistic earth

Childhood friends Tatia and Andrew were made for each other, but a twist of fate leads to their separation.

Both Tatia's and Andrew's parents held engagement for them, and demanded them to marry when they were 21 years old

However things didn't go the way they wanted, Andrew's brother-in-law created difficulties as he wanted all the property from Andrew.

The first time they met each other after eight years, Tatia found Andrew was failed in love with another girl named Natasha.

On Natasha and Andrew engagement's day Tatia came in front and got engaged to Andrew.

Will these stars crossed loves ever reunite?

Or will their stars never get to come close will they get the chance to love.

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TATIA’S P.O.V I was sitting in the music studio practicing playing with my son when my phone started to ring, and I put it silent and started to rehearse after my rehearsal. I made my way out of the studio to pick up the call ON PHONE CALL *Sorry I was not able to pick up the phone. May I know who this is?* There was a silence for a moment. I was about to cut the call when I heard *Tatia* *Andrew Hello excuse me. Who is this? You have him. Hello.* *Hello, I am Natalia from Mental Assilam. I think that if you know him, please identify if he is the same person you know or not. Can you come today?* *Yes, I will immediately go there. Please text me the address.* *Sure.* END OF PHONE CALL After so many years, I heard his phone call. Andrew my Andrew, I got to the location. I sat in my car and drove there. I hesitated before opening the car's door. “Oh god please, I want it to be my Andrew for the last 5 years. I have already waited a lot. Please god.” I just prayed before coming out of the car. I went out and went inside. Each step I was taking. It was like a milestone I am covering I saw a lady standing there. “Hello, I got a call from here.” “Hello Tatia. What are you doing here? Am I too big?” “Are you here for Andrew woman woman”. The women were just saying when a little old women came and said “Yes it’s me, I am here for him.” “Sure come this way.” She took me to where I was. She showed me the room. Before entering inside, I took a deep breath as I open the door and saw his reflection in the mirror. “A-N-D-R-E-W” I immediately went to him and hugged him from behind. “How are you? I missed you so much Andrew.” He pushes me away and goes a bit away. “Who are you going away?” I looked at the women, with questions in my eyes. “Andrew, it’s me Tatia your Tatia, what happened? I have brought your favorite pancakes. You love them, right?” He was not coming close to me. The lady slowly took me out of his room. We were both standing out of his room. I left the pancakes there only “What happened to him? Why is he here? How did you find him? Didn’t you understand that?” “We didn’t find him. He came here himself 5 years ago. I was not able to contact or get to know any of his family when I saw the number he wrote, so I tried, and I got him.” Andrew is in this condition, at least he is alive. I was right that he was not dead. “By the way, who are you and how are you related to him?” I looked towards the room, wiped my tears and said “I am his wife.” “What.” “Yes, for 5 years we have been trying to find him so hard. We never thought that he would be here.” She was a bit shocked. “He needed his family, he needed to know it all to get back to his life. I have seen it in his eyes. He can recover.” “Don’t worry Maria, I will come here daily. I will have my Andrew back with me. Thanks for calling me today and giving me what I desired for so long. By the way, is there any specific timing?” “No, you can come anytime.” “Thanks.” I looked inside the room before going to my car. I smiled as I saw Andrew eating the pancakes. I went inside my car, then made my way to my house. I parked the car and got out of it. I went inside my home. “Tatia, where were you? Why didn't you even call me once?” “Mom. I wanted to tell you something. I saw Andrew's mom. I met him mom, I met him.” I said, and then hugged her immediately, “What are you saying Andrew, he is alive Tatia?” “Yes he is, alive mom. I saw him mom, I saw him with my own eyes.” “Tatia dear, come here. I know that you love him a lot, and you miss him, but now you have to forgive him. He is not going to come back.” Dad said as he came and made me sit on the couch. I held his hand and looked into his eyes. “Dad, he is alive. Your son, my husband, is alive, and I am not kidding.” He sat next to me. I know that it’s not easy for anyone to just believe in this. For 5 years, we have all been waiting for this day that he would be back. “Tatia, I hope that this is not some misunderstanding or anything cause you know that.” “Yes dad, I know it dad, and you know what dad. He is in a mental asylum. He doesn’t remember any of us.” “What?” I nodded at him. “Yes dad, he doesn’t know who I am Dad, but my heart says that we got him. He will remember everything else. Also, I have to talk to our doctor tomorrow. We will go there and see what could happen.” I was just saying that when I heard “How long god is going to test us, we got our son back, but like this, god, please just pardon us.” “Don’t worry mom, everything will be fine. He will be fine again. My heart says that mom believes me in that. Mom just trust me in that.” “What is it that you want me to trust? Tell me. What is, let me tell you, there is nothing I can trust in you.” She said as she was just crying, and I looked at her and then saw her. “Tatia, you should just go and change first, or you will catch a cold.” I nodded at her and then made my way to my room. I changed into comfortable clothes, then went downstairs, when I heard them “My daughter has to suffer all the time. Why don’t you get it at all, not even a bit? Why was when she supposed to marry Liam, Andrew was back again. Sandra. She had given 5 years to this house. She didn’t even, For once. She is happiness.” My mom said while crying about what had happened to her. She knows this very well, how much I love him. I love him the most and the only thing that I desired was just that he would come back. That’s it. “Riza, I know that very well, but he is alive, and you know this very well, how important he is to her.” Mom said my mom stood up and went to her. “No, she has to marry Liam and that’s final. Andrew is dead and that’s clear, even if he is alive it just doesn’t make any sense at all, not even a bit.” “No, she will not marry him and that’s final. I am sorry, but that’s just not possible.” Mom just said when I went there, “Mom enough, I accept this, that you want to see me happy and the only thing that you want is that you just want to make me down but, mom, I never agreed to marry Liam. He is just a friend,” I said. Mom came to me and held my hand. She made me look at her. “And what if Andrew never is fine, then what will you do? Are you going to let it be what it is to tell me, Tatia, are you going to stay alone for the rest of your life?” Alone, I was about to say something when I felt a small pair of hands on my waist wrapping me. I held her hand and made her go in front of me. I knelt down in front of her. “Ohh little one, when come you come?” I asked Jia who must be thinking who she was. “Yes momma, I just got bored, that’s why I came back. Are you happy to see me?” “Yes. I am very glad to see you. Finally, I am very happy to see you. Thanks for coming in love. Now go and get dressed. I will bring food to your room, okay.” “Okay momma.” I watched her going upstairs to her room. Then I looked at my mom. “She is my mom, and she is more than enough mom. She is just the only one for me. She is mine and Andrew’s daughter, and I am not alone. I can never be.” I just said that I had made my way to her room now. It’s just enough. I accept that she is my mother, but she just can’t act this way. This is completely wrong. Mom came to me, "Why don't you see it, Tatia, why don't you see that he is not in a state to be with you?" "Mom, enough is enough now. Please just stop it, okay mom, I think that you should go." I just said definitely. I will sound like a bad daughter, but that is it. I wanted him. I want Andrew, I want to be with him and when life has given us a chance to be with each other, I want to have that chance. In anger, I made my way to my room. I looked at Andrew's picture. "Don't worry Andrew. Do you know how much she loves you, it's just that she doesn't know how to react sometimes, but I know that when she sees you she will forget it all." "Mom" I was just talking to him when Jia came. "Yes sweety." "Look how I am looking. Am I looking beautiful?" "Yes you are darling. You look so gorgeous." she smirked. Then we both sat on the bed. "Mom I want to ask you something." I nod at her. "Yes go ahead." she hesitated for a whole while, then spoke, looking at me with her beautiful eyes. "Mom, are you going to marry uncle Liam and my dad is mentally ill? I am sorry it's not that I don't like uncle Liam, but he is my uncle and Dad." I held her and looked at her. I smiled. "No, your Dad is not mentally ill, it's just that. If for a long time, if you don't do your revisions, then you forget stuff that's right. Just the same thing happened to him. He will be back soon and in great condition." "Promise mom." "Promise." I am not going to let you go away from me, Andrew. We both need you and your love. She has craved your touch since she was born. I don't want her to feel like she doesn't belong to anyone. She is your daughter. She needs you. She needs her parents. You have to get well for the sake of her. TO BE CONTINUED....

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