Story By Rajnita


Writing is the only thing that fasinitates me and sharing it with you all is the cherry on the top hope you all will like it
Updated at Dec 28, 2022, 11:16
Childhood friends Tatia and Andrew were made for each other, but a twist of fate leads to their separation. Both Tatia's and Andrew's parents held engagement for them, and demanded them to marry when they were 21 years old However things didn't go the way they wanted, Andrew's brother-in-law created difficulties as he wanted all the property from Andrew. The first time they met each other after eight years, Tatia found Andrew was failed in love with another girl named Natasha. On Natasha and Andrew engagement's day Tatia came in front and got engaged to Andrew. Will these stars crossed loves ever reunite? Or will their stars never get to come close will they get the chance to love. What do you think?
Updated at Oct 1, 2022, 05:48
"I know one thing that whatever i did or however i did was extremely wrong and i am sorry for that but now i am married" i told him with a heavy heart its very painful for me i looked into his eyes and then i went to open the knob when he held my hand which made me turn at him i looked at him "What about my child you are pregnant Alena with my child what about that?" i controlled my tears and then i looked at him "Forget about it it's not yours." This is the fate of us even though we both were together with each other we never after that vacation and now when i am married he is back in my life.
Updated at Feb 4, 2022, 01:18
# Dreams Writing Marathon -- Love Story Contest "Crystal this is for you" I turn and see Lily standing in front of me holding a dress "But I don't like it" "Crystal queen send this for you you have to wear this" "Offf Lily I don't want to wear this" "Crystal queen is not in great mood" "Ok fine I will wear it but I am not going to marry that nerd" "Crystal you have grown up with him he is perfect for you" "Why are you speaking like mom" "Crystal" I love tease her "Lily what if I will marry a normal man from the states" she look at me and glare at me "Are you even in your correct state of mind" I go her and hug her "Ohh Lily I am just kidding but I will only marry the one I love" "Crystal dear get ready before queen herself comes in" ........