3 - Realizations

1058 Words
Alexa’s POV. “Let me go!” I yelled. The guard shook his head and dragged me down the pathway and up the steps that lead to the grand mansion that served as the pack house. “I can’t do that ma’am, the Prince sent us,” the male replies tersely. The Prince. “Trevor… that bastard!” I seethed. The two guards glanced uneasily at each other and I knew I really shouldn’t be saying all this, I really shouldn’t be expressing my anger right in front of them. But I was done. If Trevor was going to have me dragged from my own home like a criminal in order to have me speak to him, then he better be prepared for s**t that’s about to fly out of my mouth. I let myself go slack and I heard the guards grunt as they dragged me down the hall. Sure, I was making things harder for them and they were merely following instructions, but that didn’t mean I had to take it easy on them either, so I wriggled and twisted and cursed and kicked, all in an attempt to get away, I knocked several things down, I knocked my elbows against several corners and once, I even got one of them to stumble. But, sadly, it didn’t work and I felt dread and irritation course through me as we finally approached the double doors that lead to Trevor’s suite. “I’ll say it for the last time, let me go or I’ll make you regret it,” I threatened for the last time, but the doors swung open and I saw Trevor in the doorway looking at me with a panicked and frustrated expression. “That’s enough babe,” Trevor carjoled, his voice is calm, way too calm, it’s the kind of calm you might take on when you’re speaking to a toddler throwing a tantrum. “Take her into my room and then you can go.” The guards drag me into his room even though I continue kicking, twisting and cursing him and the guards. Trevor looked annoyed at my tantrum and that makes me want to continue all the more, but soon I’m dropped onto the floor and the guards walk out of the room, leaving me and Trevor standing there alone and seething. “How dare you!” I yelled. “How dare I?” Trevor had the audacity to look offended “You left me at the altar! You embarrassed me right in front of hundreds of guests and you have the audacity to ask "how dare I?” “Yes, I have the audacity. Did you think I would actually show up at the wedding after I caught you f*****g my sister?” I screamed in bewilderment. He glanced nervously at the door. “What? Don’t want anyone to find out that you’re a dishonest, cheating scumbag?” I shot him a cruel smile. His face reddened. “I’m a cheater?! What about you? Who was that male? The one that picked up when I called?” I could sense the jealousy practically oozing off him, it brought me more joy that I can even explain. “That’s none of your business,” I responded calmly. “You don’t get to judge me after what you did, you don’t get a say in how I live my life, you don’t get to order your stupid guards to drag me from my apartment just because you want to speak to me!” “If you keep acting out like this, it’ll ruin my image… our image, if word got out about this mess, we’ll look like fools,” he massaged his temples and I sneered at him. “Well, that’s your problem, don’t you think so? I’m not the prince of the pack, and I’m also not the one who cheated,” I said coldly. He flinched, but tried to step closer to me. “We need to talk…” “No, I have nothing to say to you,” I turned towards the door, but he grabbed my arm and dragged me back to him. I looked down at where his hand is wrapped tightly around my forearm, his face is warped by rage and he looks like at the slightest provocation, he’ll attack me. “You don’t get to leave, you don’t get to act all high and mighty after spending the night with some male,” his voice and his grip become a lot more gentle. “We’ve both had our fun, you’ve had your revenge, I’ve apologised. Let’s move on and fix this and…” “You bastar-” the door swung open just as I’m about to curse him out again and when I turned to see who barged in, I froze in place and my jaw went slack. Standing there with his dirty blonde hair slicked back and dressed in a neat black suit was the man who had spoken to Trevor on the phone for me… the man who I’d slept with so that I could remain hidden from my scumbag fiancé. “Auden?” I whispered inaudibly. He glanced down at me, but there wasn't even a flicker of surprise in his eyes, he turned his eyes back onto Trevor with annoyance on his perfectly carved face. “You’re making a lot of noise, mother is trying to rest,” his voice is calm and deep. He seemed completely different from the male I left in that hotel room, there’s no hint of teasing in his voice, no undertone of unseriousness, he’s every bit as forbidding and mysterious as one can be. His words made me do a three-sixty around my head and I gasped. Mother? He looked down at me, eyes holding open curiosity, before glancing back at Trevor. “It seems your fiancée isn’t aware of every member’s existence of your lovely family which she’s literally getting married into the family. But… that’s if a wedding is still gonna hold, considering all which I overheard in the hall.” “I don’t think this is any of your business, Auden.” Trevor gritted out and I watched as Auden snorted before glancing at me and speaking. “I’m Matilda’s biological son… and this brat right here, is my step brother.”
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