2 - The Wedding Day

2564 Words
Alexa’s POV. When my eyes fluttered open, I was naked and in a stranger’s bed. The first thing I obviously did was to grab a blanket and throw it over myself before slowly sitting up in panic and glancing around frantically. My eyes landed on the man seated at the food of the bed with a plate of cereal in one large hand. My heart hammered against my chest erratically as I blinked a couple of times. He was the stranger I had encountered last night. Under the light of day and with a much clearer vision, he was even more attractive than I remembered him being last night… but that’s besides the point. I had woken up naked… in his bed. “Did… did we have s*x?” I croaked tentatively. My head still felt woozy from the effect of the alcohol and my voice was hoarse, more than it usually is early in the morning. The stranger from the club eyed me from up to down and the corner of his lips twitched, indicating that he was clearly amused. “I believe the lack of pain between your thighs should be enough of an answer.” He scooped some of the pink cereal and shoved it into his mouth after that response. I blushed a shade that nearly matched the cereal while tentatively moving my thighs around, and indeed, there was no sigh of pain or discomfort. He let out a low chuckle and that was when I noticed that I had moved my thighs around after his response, which made me feel more mortified. “Relax, Alexa.” He murmured as he tilted his head to the side and studied my perplexed face. “Do you remember anything from last night?” I narrowed my eyes and searched through my memories from anything that might be from last night, but there’s nothing but blank spaces where the memories should be. “N-no…” I panicked a little as I sat up even straighter. Did I say anything forward or embarrassing while I was extremely drunk? Though I doubt I could have said anything more embarrassing than the situation I’m currently in. “That’s probably for the best,” He mused as he shoved another spoonful of cereal in his mouth, much too at ease for someone who had to deal with a naked, hungover woman. “At least you don’t remember the way you sobbed all over me about a certain ‘Trevor’.” My mouth dropped open and there and then, I realised that this was it, this was what was more embarrassing than everything that had happened so far this morning. “You ruined my shirt by the way, it’s extremely expensive,” He frowned at his now empty cereal bowl. “Though I will let you off the hook, because your story moved me.” The last part of his sentence came out in a drawl and I bit on my bottom lip as I up a little straighter. “Look, I’m sorry for being an inconvenience yesterday and… ruining your shirt, I’ll just leave and…” my phone buzzed and quickly reached for it, my mood dimmed further when I sighted the caller ID. Trevor. I dropped the phone and opened my mouth to address this Alpha, but my phone buzzed again. I sighed and glared at it pointedly, and once again, I declined the call. “Can we just forget…” My phone buzzed again. This time he snatched it up before I could grab it and he answered the call to my bewilderment and my heart dropped and shattered when I heard Trevor’s panicked voice float in from the speaker. “Alexa! Alexa! Babe, where the hell are you? It’s our f*****g wedding day, why aren’t you answering your texts?!” “Well hello, Trevor,” The stranger from the club replied. I heard Trevor take in a sharp breath at once and I glared at the stranger who still had my phone against his ear in horror. “What are you doing?” I mouthed but he only snickered and gently dropped his bowl on the bed, then he stretched out and leaned his back against the bedpost in one casual movement. Everything about him is relaxed, from the way his hair still looked good despite it being bed hair, to the rumpled white shirt and sweatpants he had on, his posture is a little slouched, and yet he does it in a way that’s still magnetic and attractive at the same time. Whereas if I slouched like that, I’d look like a hunchback. “Who the f**k are you?! What have you done with my fiancée?!” Trevor barked, I heard a familiar, worried female voice behind him and my heart squeezed when I realised that it was Elena. Of course they’re still together, what was I really expecting? “Judging by what I’ve heard about you so far, you really lost the right to call her that, so shut the hell up and have a little self respect,” The stranger crooned into the phone while slanting a smile my way, one which made something in me flutter, but the nervousness clogging my throat prevented me from returning said smile. “Who the f**k do you think you are talking to me like this?! Do you know who I am? Don’t you value your life?!” Trevor yelled, his voice was filled with uncontrollable rage and for a moment, I remembered that Trevor is the Alpha’s son and the next King in line, and this stranger is technically in his territory… so, what if Trevor hurts him? That thought was still turning around in my mind and I expected the stranger to be a little bit intimidated, but rather than feeling the least bit intimidated, he chuckled, but it’s not an amused one, it’s like the one I heard earlier, it’s dark and full of suppressed annoyance. “Look, Trevor,” he spat his name like it left a foul taste on his tongue. “Do not call this number ever again and I would advise that you leave her be as well. You already got her twin, what more do you f*****g want?” Trevor went silent, then he started yelling again, but the stranger only tuts before speaking once again. “I’ll say it once again, never call this number ever again.” He hung up and I stared at him with something akin to awe flowing through me. He had just… “You… you really did that…” “Of course, he was bothering you,” he tossed my phone back at me. “Unless of course, you want him to come get you?” “No!” I hastily clarified as I glanced around the room before slumping in the bed. “No, not at all. I was just surprised that you went through all that trouble.” “I can be a decent person at times. Besides, it’s not really hard to threaten spineless bastards like your fiancé,” He picked up his bowl and stood elegantly. “You can wear some of my clothes when you’re leaving, although I doubt if they’d stay on your petite frame.” “Leaving,” I suddenly jolted. I reached forward and grabbed my phone, the stranger watched as I unlocked it then stared in shock at the time and the date. “Today… today… it’s my wedding day.” He lifted a brow and levelled me with an unimpressed look. “You still want to marry that scumbag?” “What? No! Of course not, but knowing Trevor and his family, they’ll come looking for me if I don’t show up,” I chewed on my lip as worry clogged my entire inside, right before an idea formed in my head. “Maybe… maybe you could hide me?” He blinked slowly, as though he had suddenly grew deaf. “You want me to hide you? Does this look like a daycare?” Panic swelled in my chest even more as I hastily shook my head. “No! I know it’s not but please, just for today, then I’ll get out of your hair and deal with my mess of a life myself, I swear.” “Alexa,” he massaged his nose bridge and I tried to recollect when I had actually revealed my name to him. It took some minutes before he continued. “And what would I get in return?” I suddenly remember sorrowfully that I had recently spent all my remaining money on Trevor’s gift, I had nothing in my name, nothing at all... except… “I could,” I glanced around nervously and I decided that what I’m about to say is even more mortifying than everything else I’ve done since I woke up. “I could give you my virginity…” I practically stumbled over the words, he lifted his left brow and I blushed violently. “It’s all I have an-” “Then you’ll need a better bargaining chip, Alexa. I’m not a fan of virgins,” he shrugged carelessly. “I’ve never seen the appeal of sleeping with inexperienced women.” My face instantly reddened and I lowered my head so my hair could cover my heated face. If I tried to hide away on my own, I would be found for sure. Trevor’s family had eyes all over this pack and the moment I stepped out of this room, I could be dragged down the alter and permanently shackled by marriage to the scumbag who I caught f*****g my twin sister yesterday. I couldn’t let that happen. “Please, please. I’ll pay you later or something, I promise. I have things… things that I could sell or even give to you, just please,” I clasped my palms together and he regarded me with an unimpressed look once again as I continued to plead. “Begging doesn’t suit you, Alexa. Women like you shouldn’t ever have to beg for anything.” His eyes combed my face then they dipped to the small sliver of my chest that was now exposed as the blanket I was clutching had now slipped down a little. “You’re desperate, aren’t you?” He noted and I averted my gaze. I paused, but it only took me a moment to swallow my pride and nod. He chuckled to himself then walked away to discard the bowl of cereal. “Desperation isn’t a good look on you either. But, if you insist. Then I will hide you away here and you will have s*x with me in exchange for that.” “But wait, you’re not completely inexperienced, are you?” He continued before I could fully breath out a relieved sigh. Embarrassment flooded my insides even more as I shook my head. “I’m not.” I denied. “Oh, yeah? What have you experienced then? Have you had an orgasm before?” I blinked at him while contemplating whether to lie or not. He probably read the answer off my face before he let out a loud sigh. “Seriously?” He demanded and my cheeks coloured even more as I feebly tried to defend myself. “Well, Trevor said it could only feel good when he put it in, but since we were waiting till marriage, there was no way I could have experienced… that.” He let out a scoff. “Are you being serious right now?” I bit on my bottom lip. “That isn’t… true?” “Of course it isn’t! This Trevor keeps sounding worse. He probably doesn’t know how to get a woman off, which is why he spewed such bullshit to you.” He continued, sounding annoyed and I swallowed emptily. “Oh.” I whispered. “Yeah, you could have totally experienced an orgasm without penetration, but let’s move unto something else. So, have you touched yourself before? Have you sucked d**k before?” My eyes widened and disgust gathered in my chest. “What? No! To both questions. That sounds wrong and the second one is just… gross.” He regarded me silently before glancing at the roof for a few seconds. “Okay, so this is way worse than I expected.” He finally spoke and my mind soured at once, and I was about to plead with him to not send me away right before he continued. “Don’t worry, I’m not backing out. You’re just way inexperienced than I anticipated.” My face flamed from how he worded it, but I nodded eagerly in thanks. “Thank you, thank…” “You can thank me by spreading your legs like a good girl, Alexa,” I blinked and suddenly he’s hovering over me with a look in his eyes that’s nothing short of predatory, one wouldn’t be able to tell that a few minutes ago, he was turning down my offer. He lifted a hand, probably to drag away the duvet, but I stopped him quickly. “Before we do this… I just realised that I don’t know your name…” I looked at him imploringly. He sighed and gripped the edge of the duvet. “It’s Auden.” And with that, the blanket got ripped off me. ——— My eyes fluttered open, and this time, I’m consumed full of memories, coupled with a dull ache between my legs. My face reddened as I remembered the way Auden had touched me, I’d always toed the line with Trevor, but Trevor’s touches had felt nothing like Auden’s. Auden’s fingers had roamed over every inch of my body with an eagerness that I thought I’d never experience in my entire life. His lips had exploded every inch of my body and the things his tongue had done between my thighs… His lips had been plastered against my ear as he gently pushed inside me and everything after that had felt… ‘overwhelming’ was too mild of a word. But still, it was time for me to go, so I rushed to my feet, and gathered my things. I stole a glance at Auden who’s still naked and curled in on himself in the bed and I actually smiled to myself. We might never meet again, and that might be for the best, but the long hours we had spent together had been beyond fulfilling for me. He had hidden me for an entire day, so there was a lot of time for us to talk in between the s*x. If someone had once told me that I’d get addicted to s*x with someone I barely knew, I’d have called them a liar. I quickly turned back to what I was doing, then I turned and darted out of the hotel room. I took a taxi back to my apartment while I prayed to the goddess that Trevor should have been long gone, but it seemed that the universe had a foul sense of humour, or I must have angered her in my past life, because the moment I slipped out of the cab and was about to get my apartment open, a sack is thrown over my head before I could scream and in no time, everything blacked out.
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