4: Tragedy Struck

1282 Words
Matilda. Trevor’s stepmother… that meant they were step brothers. That meant that I’d f****d my fiancé’s stepbrother. Disgust rolled in my stomach and I stumbled back in confusion, everything felt off balance and confusing and suddenly… I wanted to throw up. Auden turned back to Trevor. “Like I said before, keep the noise down because of mother. Frankly, this entire conversation is pointless because clearly no wedding is still gonna hold. From what I’ve heard, you were abandoned at the altar yesterday, that must have been really mortifying.” Trevor looked like he was about to burst from anger, and I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me up. Could Auden have known who I was when I stumbled into him at the club? Was that why he willingly took me to his hotel room? And why he still agreed to help me? Because of some fued between him and his stepbrother? I felt like I was gonna faint. Trevor took in deep breaths after a few moments and visibly calmed down. “Give mother my apologies, I was just sorting some things out with my fiancée who I’m still getting married to. I can tell your inferior tendencies are rising once again because you don’t want me to get married before you,” Trevor commented, and I felt genuine surprise at how polite his voice sounded while delivering those words. Trevor’s eyes continued to bore into me, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his brother. “How… did…” I stumble for words. Auden sighed like he couldn’t be bothered to come up with a response before turning around and walking away. Many emotions rushed through me then. Rage, disgust, confusion. My world felt more upside down than ever and it was like there was nothing I could do to stop it. I was tempted to rush after him and demand an explanation, I was tempted to rush after him and explain myself, but I couldn’t move, my feet were rooted to the floor and my heart was practically pounding against my rib cage. “Look, I know you’re upset, but…” Trevor started again. I spinned around and met his eyes with renewed anger. “There are no buts in the matter. I am upset, I have every right to be. Did you think dragging me here would get me to forgive you or something?! f**k you, you and Elena can go screw yourselves if that’s what pleases you, but stay the hell away from me. We’re through!” I turned around and ran out of the room before he could stop me. Outside, my eyes caught Auden’s, he’s leaning against the bannister and had this puzzling expression on his face. Even though everything in me ached to ask him so many questions, I brushed past him and walked stiffly out of the mansion. For a moment I felt free, I felt like I had my life in control after watching it spiral out of control for the past few days. I walked in a daze around the pack for a few minutes, the wind whipped my air and I brushed past people blindly, even the ones that waved at me. I was still dazed… stunned even. But it was like taking a breath of fresh air after being trapped in a poorly ventilated room for a long time. Maybe that’s why I didn’t notice when people darted away from me and the sound of tires seemed to be way too close to the sidewalks. I snapped out of it a little too late and by the time I spun around, there was little I could do to avoid the van as it crashed into me. ——— Everything hurt and at the same time, I couldn’t feel any part of my body. All I felt was pain stabbing me in my sides, wetness on my temples that was probably blood and at random spots of my body that I could barely even identify. I couldn’t move, couldn’t call out for help, I couldn’t even see anything other than darkness and the occasional flashes of light that came and went without any definition. What was going on? What happened? I wished my lips would pry open so I could ask these questions, but pain was on my chest like lead and so was tiredness. A little nap wouldn’t hurt, I could just shut my eyes and go to sleep a little, everything would be fine… everything would be alright. “It’s done sir… I’ve completed the job,” those were the last words I heard before darkness took over. ——— “Can you hear me, miss?” A voice spoke through the darkness. It was a woman’s voice, wholly unfamiliar and lacking any warmth. It was odd, but I tried to push through the darkness and respond, I managed a weak groan. “Miss…” the voice called again. My head swam and slowly, light started to filter through and after what seemed like an eternity, my eyes fluttered open and I let out a small groan when the fluorescent lights hit my eyes. “Where…?” I mutter. The scents hit me all at once then, antiseptic, blood, drugs and the scent of my own skin. I narrow my eyes against the glare of the lights and eventually, my vision tunnels on the leggy nurse, standing at my bedside. She peers down at me with a frown and then pulls back when she sees that I’m staring back now. “Good, you’re awake. We weren’t certain you’d wake up.” I cough a little. “Where… where am I?” My voice domes out croaky, like it hasn’t been used in a while, my throat throbs with each syllable. She hands me a glass of water and I gulp it down gratefully, she eyes me then scribbles something down. “What is the last thing you remember?” I squint. “I remember leaving my fi–, I meant my ex-fiancé’s house and then I was walking and then… a truck!” My eyes widened and I stared at her. “I was hit by a truck!” She nodded and scribbled something else down. “Yes, you were. You’ve been unconscious for about a week. We were worried you wouldn’t wake up, and we were worried about your baby…” My eyes widen as her words get processed. “My… my what!?” She looks at me solemnly. “Figured. You’re pregnant, not too far along so the baby is fine, but for now you should rest.” Shock slammed into me and I shook my head to clear it. “I…” if I was pregnant that meant… Fuck. f**k. “I’ll take it from here ms,” a male voice called from behind the curtain, I recognised it instantly. Auden stepped in and nodded to the nurse as she left. I avoided his gaze entirely and tugged at my hair as the implications settled. I was pregnant… and it was most definitely for him… I was pregnant… “Hello, Alexa,” he tipped his head to the side. He’s dressed casually now, but he looked just as intimidating. “You’ll be discharged soon and then you’ll be coming to stay with me, I thought I’d tell you beforehand.” My eyes narrowed at once. “Why the hell would I live with you?” He chuckled and leaned forward. His woodsy scent hit my nose and I found myself unconsciously drawing closer to him. “Because you’re pregnant with my child and that makes you mine.”
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