Chapter 29: Surprise

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Lara I woke up to a dull ache between my legs, Grayson had left my body very sore, but satisfied, it was a good sore. I saw him still sleeping beside me, his arm flung over his face, a leg hanging out of the bed and the covers pulled down to his waist, the other half pooled on the floor. I shook my head smiling. I wanted to try something I’d never done for him before. I pulled the covers away revealing his very naked body, his very naked hot muscular body. Much to my delight he didn’t have a hairy chest, maybe a few sparse hairs between his pecs and a very thin golden trail that went from his belly button and down into his boxers. I gently kissed my way down his body only getting a soft moan here and there. He was soft and limp in my hand which was perfect, I wanted to enjoy him like this before he grew hard and big. I put him into my mouth and he groaned when I sucked, still half asleep he pushed himself into my mouth wanting more. I sucked him in earnest, rolling my tongue around as I did. “Mmm, what are you doing?” He asked sleepily. He looked down and saw and then he was very awake. “You want s.ex?” He asked. “No, I want to taste you.” “Why?” “Because it’s hot.” “Why do girls like sucking guys d.icks?” Sighing, I stopped what I was doing and said, “why not? And mostly it’s men that like the girl doing it, why are you complaining?” “I’m just curious, d.icks are for p.issing and f.ucking.” I dropped my head and shook it, looking back up at him I said, “it’s for pleasure Grayson, you like using your fingers on me, right?” He nodded. “And you like licking me down there sometimes, right?” He nodded again. “Why do you do it?” I asked. “Hmm?” Getting on my knees I asked, “why do you like licking me here?” I pointed between my thighs, his eyes dropped down to look and he swallowed. “I hope it’s not some wolf thing and you think you’re cleaning me.” He gave me a dirty look for that and said, “no, of course not, I do it because you like it, it makes you feel good and I like hearing the noises you make.” “Exactly, so lay back and relax.” I put him back in my mouth and carried on. He was quiet at first and I wondered if I was doing it wrong or he just really didn’t like it, he hadn’t told me to stop, so I carried on and after a while he started to make soft noises, his hand went to the back of my head and he tried pushing himself deeper into my mouth making me gag and choke. I pulled back spluttering. “Sorry,” he panted, though that very male look he was giving me didn’t seem very apologetic. I put him back in my mouth and he behaved, only using his hand to stroke my hair while he gently thrust into my mouth until he groaned and filled it up as he came. I swallowed and found he tasted surprisingly good, almost like honey. I sat back and looked at him with a smug expression on my face. He lay there breathing heavily and gave me one of his sexy lazy grins and a thumbs up. “Alright, darling, I was wrong, you can do that to me anytime you want.” I laid down beside him and he got up. “Where are you going?” “It’s my turn,” he grinned, getting between my legs and lowering his head and tasting every inch of me. We found food laid out in the kitchen and helped ourselves, Amber was sitting beside Leo, his arm around her waist. She smiled at us over her cup of coffee and asked, “have fun?” I blushed so hard I felt dizzy. “Uh, you didn’t, like, hear anything?” “Not a thing,” she smiled, her eyes twinkling letting me know they had indeed heard. Oh. My. God. Grayson kissed my cheek grinning. “Don’t blush so hard darling, it’s just s.ex.” I punched him in the stomach for that making him double over. “I was trying to make you feel better.” “Don’t, let’s not ever mention it again.” He opened his mouth to say something, saw the look I was giving him and thought better of it. He stood up straight walking by Amber, pulled a face and held his nose. “F.uck, that smells disgusting how do you guys drink that s.hit.” “It’s coffee,” she said. “My question still stands.” “It tastes nice and keeps me awake.” He made a gagging face and rushed by her to grab the orange juice from the fridge and made a wide circle back around. “You’re so dramatic,” she laughed. “Nah, my wolf nose just knows what smells good and that ain’t it.” She rolled her eyes and took a sip then smiled sweetly at him. “You gonna kiss that?” He asked Leo. Leo leaned in and kissed Amber full on the lips. Again Grayson made a gagging face and Leo kicked his leg out at him. Like me, Grayson was one of those rare people who hated coffee, even the smell set him off. It wasn’t the only thing either, we’d once passed by someone who’d clearly been enjoying some m*******a and Grayson had full on started retching from the smell, I didn’t like the smell either, but he clearly had the more sensitive nose, complaining it was clogged with that stench the rest of the day and ended up with a migraine. He wasn’t being dramatic there, our werewolf noses were extremely sensitive, even strong perfumes and bitter colognes could give us headaches. Leo sent us with Amber to get some more food shopping in while he did some work, he figured the wendigos would hunt at night rather than risk daylight. I listened entertained as Amber and Grayson bickered over the radio station, she kept putting on some country music channel and Grayson kept trying to turn it off. She smacked his hand the third time he did it. “Leave it alone!” “I don’t want to listen to your hillbilly c.rap.” “It’s good music, something you wouldn’t know.” When we arrived at the food store it wasn’t any better. Amber grabbed some coffee and Grayson took it from her hands and put it back. “Grayson!” She snapped. “Please, no more f.ucking coffee.” “I need it!” “What are you? A f.ucking addict?” “No! It helps me stay awake.” “You’re a f.ucking werewolf not a sloth.” She smacked the side of his head and yanked the coffee from his hands and dumped it in the trolley. When I went to pick up some fish sticks Grayson grabbed my hand. “No darling.” “You don’t even let your mate eat what she likes?” Amber scoffed. He glared at her, but hesitated and then let me place them in the basket. She folded her arms and arched a brow. “Oh I see, your mate is the rare exception? She can do what she pleases, but the rest of us hell no?” He snorted as he walked by her and shoved her head. “You got your coffee didn’t you?” She kicked the back of his legs sending him to his knees, he jerked his head to glare at her and then grabbed her legs and yanked her down with him. Oh god, people were starting to stare, my worst nightmare, but these two couldn’t care less as they wrestled one another like a pair of kids. When a security guard looked over wondering if he should step in or if it was just play fighting I yanked Graysons head back by his hair and gritted, “get up, now.” He gave Amber one more shove and jumped to his feet. Anyone who’d been staring moments ago soon dropped their heads and quickly averted their gazes when he gave them one of his scary looks, I don’t know how he did it, but he had this look he could give that sent chills down your spine, a look I never wanted to see directed my way. When I’d tried doing ‘the look’ I’d looked constipated. Never again. I’d asked him how he does it once and all he’d said was he lets the wolf show. He was more wolf than human so that wild and dangerous predator was always there in a way a normal werewolf couldn’t show it, he had never given me that look, but there had been a few times during arguments where his temper had flared and I’d seen the wolf looking back at me, heck sometimes I think he just forgot to hide it and I’d see it there in his eyes until he hid it again. While they were bickering over dinners and god knows what else I glanced down the other aisle where the medication was. Could I sneak a pregnancy test into the trolley? The way those two argued I was sure I could. I quickly made my way down there and grabbed a box that came with two pregnancy sticks. I almost shoved it under my shirt before realising how that would look to the cctv. I hid the box down by my side and rushed back to the trolley, good they were still at it so I hid it under the food. Typical that when we queued up to pay they were both silent and mature as ever. Damn it. I tried unloading as much shopping as I could, trying to find the test but, story of my life, Grayson grabbed it. “This for you?” He asked Amber. Her head shot to me and I begged with my eyes for her not to say it was mine. She looked back at Grayson and snatched it, placing it on the till. “You pregnant?” He asked her. He didn’t care what people thought of him when he acted strange and now was no different as he leaned in and sniffed her, first just near her face then he lowered his nose to her stomach and lower. “Back off!” She yelped, blushing as she looked around to make sure no one had noticed him sniffing near her crotch. It was bad timing for me to be stifling a laugh but I couldn’t help it. “You don’t smell different,” he said. “Why would I?” He shrugged. “Women do, I can tell when one’s pregnant.” “How?” “I don’t know, it’s easier to smell the further along they are.” “So you wouldn’t know if I was right now?” “Not necessarily, I can’t smell it,but it doesn’t mean you’re not.” We paid for our stuff and drove back home. When we’d finished unpacking, Amber discreetly handed me the test and murmured low enough Grayson and Leo couldn’t hear. “Tell me when you get the chance.” I nodded and rushed to the toilet. I was so nervous my hands were shaking, I was surprised to find not just nerves but a flutter of excitement run through me, but what would Grayson think if I was? Did he even want to be a father? And being more wolf would he make a good one? We were still so young. I managed to pee on the stick without shaking like a leaf and then I waited, didn’t even need to, within seconds two blue lines appeared. I was pregnant.
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