Chapter 28: Glamour

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Lara It was nearing nine in the evening when we thought about heading home, then we saw a shape moving among the trees. “You see that?” I whispered. “Yep,” he replied, never taking his eyes away from the trees. We watched and saw only one emerge from the woods, leaping silently down onto the ground and then it stood up and took on the form of the man they had been eating alive the other night. That was creepy. Checking none of the others followed it, we stayed downwind and followed. It walked as casually as any human man down the street, its hands shoved in its pockets. It was heading towards the town. This thing must have been starving because it walked the five miles into town. We stalked it while it looked for someone to stalk. It was dark and late so not many people were out and about now, the wendigo ignored everyone. Which was odd, I watched it while Grayson watched my back, the last thing we wanted was for us to be so distracted watching this thing that something else came creeping up on us. It pulled out a wallet, probably the man’s and then it pulled out a photo and held it up to the light, it looked for a few seconds and then it put it away and carried on walking. So it wasn’t looking for just anyone, it was looking for someone in particular, someone the man had known. It stopped again outside a now closed shop. It pulled a phone out and called someone, when it spoke it must have been using the man’s voice. We weren’t close enough to hear everything, but we got enough that the person on the other end seemed to know the voice and agreed to meet. “We should interfere now,” I whispered. “We can’t, darling, Leo ordered us not to attempt anything unless it actually attacks.” “It’s obvious why it wants the person to meet it.” “Maybe, but we can’t say that for a fact, we don’t know anything about these things really, it could have gone for any one of these people tonight, but instead it wants this specific person, we should find out why.” We found out. A young dark haired woman walked towards the wendigo, its back was turned to her, when she called out the name of the guy it had disguised itself as it began walking forward, it didn’t turn to acknowledge her. She tried to catch up, but it managed to always keep ahead yet stay close enough she didn’t lose it. When they turned a corner we jogged to catch up. It led her down an alley calling her name when she almost missed it, she went down there and slowed her pace, growing more nervous as her friend or whoever he had been to her acted strangely. It wouldn’t look at her, keeping its back facing her, when she was close enough to try and look at its face, it turned away. We hadn’t gotten a good look at its face ourselves and I wondered if it was hiding some sign it wasn’t human. The smell of the ladies fear grew, everytime she tried to get near, it moved, she got angry when it wouldn’t speak to her and then her fear kicked in, instinct telling her something was wrong with her friend. I looked at Grayson and he whispered, “it’s toying with her, it wanted to lure her somewhere more quiet and now it wants to feel her fear.” “It’s going to try and kill her,” I whispered back. He nodded, “I know, it’s savouring the moment, feeding on fear first.” “We can’t just—” “I know.” He brushed by me taking the lead, staying low down I followed. The wendigo finally started turning to face her, the body starting to somewhat change, no, just the hand, it had changed the hand back to its long clawed one. The woman hadn’t noticed the hand yet, but she had taken a step back, finally realising this wasn’t her friend even if she couldn’t understand why it looked like him. She started slowly walking backwards no longer calling out why he wouldn’t look at her. It finally turned to face her and started walking towards her with its head down so she couldn’t see its face. Grayson was far enough down there that she walked until her back bumped into his chest, she wheeled around fast, eyes wide and tried to cuddle against him, he didn’t quite shove her, but he did give a rough nudge away from him and towards the exit. “Go,” was all he said. She ran. The wendigo was still walking towards us then it stopped about five feet away, sniffing the air in confusion as it smelt not human, but both human and wolf. It lifted its head to look at us and I realised why it didn’t want anyone seeing its face. The eyes glittered a jet black, sunken into the sockets, cheekbones jutted out against the taut pale skin, a piece of bone having partially cut through. A poor, very poor unnatural imitation of the man it tried to look like. It took a step towards us, Grayson growled low in his throat, a warning. It stopped, took another step and this time Grayson growled loud enough to echo down the alley, he took his own step forward and snarled, gave another growl and the wendigo backed off, tilted its head curiously at him and then, still wearing the man’s disguise it elongated his arms and legs, scuttled backwards and climbed up the side of the wall and jumped over the roof, back towards the way of the woods. We ran to catch up with it, but it was too fast and already gone, so we headed back to make sure it had indeed made its way back to the nest. We were halfway down the road from the woods when we saw a figure jump back into the trees and disappear. It had gone back. “I wonder why it wanted someone the man knew?” Grayson walked beside me and answered, “easy prey for it if the person knows the glamour it wears, easier then trying to convince some stranger to follow it down the alley.” “You think it was glamour?” “I f.ucking hope it was glamour and it wasn’t parading about wearing the guys skin.” We both shivered and carried on walking until we were home. I don’t think the wendigo would risk going out again tonight. We updated Leo on everything that had happened. Afterwards, he sat there thinking. “So it was scared off like an animal would be, that’s good to know, hopefully we can use that until we have those blades, but I doubt it will work for long, their hunger will start to outweigh their fear and confusion.” “For now we stick with scaring them off then,” Grayson said, Leo agreed. That’s all we could really do until it stopped working. I was heading to my room and stopped, Grayson bumped into my back. “Sheesh, down boy, you follow me around like a little puppy.” He glared at me for that and said, “no, I follow you like a loyal husband.” “Pfft, we aren’t married, we aren’t even engaged.” “Time to change that then.” I looked at him wide-eyed and he grinned, “I’ll surprise you.” I snorted that time, Grayson and romance did not mix. “What?” He asked defensively. “You aren’t exactly the romantic type.” “I can be, do you want me to be more romantic?” “I don’t really care about flowers and stuff, it’s the little things that matter to me.” “Like what?” “Like what you do for me on my birthday.” He looked confused and I pulled him into my arms and kissed him. To him it was the most natural thing to do, to me it meant the world. When he’d learned I hadn’t celebrated my birthday since I was eight, he made a huge effort for me when I turned twenty-one, birthday cake, candles, balloons, presents, birthday banners, you name it he did it, he even got the pack to come over to give me a surprise birthday party, and he’d done it again the following year and I knew he’d continue to do it for years to come. “I want to sleep in your room,” I said, changing the subject. “Ok, why though?” “You have the best window view, I can see the moon when lying in bed.” He laughed softly and opened his bedroom door. His room was painted in greys and whites, the wooden floor had a grey rug on top and his double bedsheets were white with a grey duvet and pillows. Grayson was a simple guy, besides his bed, drawers and a corner chair there wasn’t much else, no hint of who he was, no posters or even any pictures, except one of me and him in one of our rarer times when we were getting along. I was kissing his cheek while he pulled a fake unimpressed face at the camera. I smiled seeing it there on his bedside table, it made me feel silly for ever doubting his love for me. He tugged me into the bed with him and pulled me on top. “You tired?” He asked. “Hmm, maybe,” I teased. “Let’s see if I can keep you awake just a little longer then.” His hands found their way under my top, fingers running along my hips up to my b.reasts, cupping them. He reached up and took a n.ipple into his mouth, nibbling, sucking on it and then giving the other one his attention. I made soft noises from his affections and rubbed myself against his hard e.rection when his hands slid to my, he pulled my plain cotton underwear down, tugging them off me and throwing them across his room. “Hey, I’ll need those later.” “No you won’t, you can sleep naked,” he grinned. I didn’t remember or notice him removing his own clothing, but he must have because I gasped as he pushed himself inside of me. “How do I feel?” I asked him. He rose an eyebrow, I’d never asked him to talk dirty or describe anything to me before, I was always too worried if I did he’d make it my turn next and shy girl would rather the attention not be on herself. “Tell me,” I said. He made a low noise in his throat as he gently moved inside of me. “You feel very tight, and warm, and very, very wet.” His words made me burn up with desire, I liked hearing him describe it. Grayson was quite straight forward when it came to s.ex, we both had been. It was always some foreplay then s.ex and release, or change, go for a run, have s.ex after, so it was really hot hearing him talk dirty, being more…k.inky? I wasn’t sure if that was the word I was looking for, less vanilla I suppose, which was perfect too, Grayson was a very good lover and knew how to please me, but like him, I was still learning things and apparently dirty talk turned me on a lot. He looked up at me and smiled a seductive smile. “Mmm, you like me talking about it darling? I swear I just felt you grow even wetter.” I blushed bright red and he chuckled. “I’ll take that as a yes, you wanna hear me describe all the dirty things I want to do to you?” I nodded, still blushing. Holding my hips he looked at my body, my b.reasts and then met my eyes. “I want to watch you ride me, I want to watch you move up and down on me, watch your t.its bouncing as you do, feel your wet p.ussy clenching around my c.ock, sliding up and down on it.” His voice turned more into a growl as he kept thrusting into me, I rode him, my hands on his chest and his eyes slid down to watch as he thrust in and out. “F.uck, that’s it darling, keep doing that, yes, yes, f.uck yes!” He growled, looking back at my face as he came inside me. I leaned down biting into his shoulder to muffle my cries as I came. He was still thrusting into me as the last waves of pleasure left and sounding breathless asked, “you need me to keep going?” “Not unless you want a round two,” I laughed. He didn’t laugh. “I do.” He proceeded to give me that second round and then a third before he finally climbed off me and we cuddled up into a blissful sleep.
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