Chapter 27: Scouting

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Lara After dinner I went up to bed with Grayson my ever loyal wolf following close behind. We were cuddled up for a while and I felt his fingers slide up between my legs, I clamped them shut jamming his hand. Usually I’d jump at the chance to have a beauty like him all over me, shallow creature that I am, but I just suddenly felt so exhausted and could barely keep my eyes open. “You wanna skip the foreplay and jump straight to the s.ex?” He murmured. I made soft noises to the feel of his lips on my neck, his tongue tracing its way down between kisses. “Not tonight,” I sighed. He pulled back and looked down at me with mock shock. “Are you feeling alright? Since when do you turn down s.ex?” I gently shoved him away. “I’m too tired to keep my eyes open, try your luck again in the morning.” He gave a soft laugh and kissed me on the lips. “Alright darling, get some rest.” He pulled me in against his body, spooning me and wrapped his arms around me. I loved being in his arms, I always felt like nothing could touch me, as cliche as it sounded, he truly made me feel like the safest girl in the world when he held me. When I woke up I tickled my fingers lightly up Graysons leg, he was still asleep and only moaned softly. I reached what I wanted and found him already hard and straining against his boxers, it wasn’t me though, just the lovely ol morning glory. I wanted to taste him, but when I moved my stomach began churning violently from nowhere, there was no build up of nausea, it was straight to the ‘get to the toilet right now!’ Stage. I threw myself over Grayson, almost smacking my head against the bedside table and ran for the bathroom just in time, luckily I had an adjoining bathroom or I wouldn’t have made it to the main one. Grayson woke from his sleep to the sounds of my lovely retching and came over to rub my back and keep my hair out of my face. When I was done and cleaned up he took me back to bed and tucked me in, no joke, he tucked me in like a little girl, pulling the covers up to my chin and tucking the covers into my sides, it was sweet. “I’ll get you some water.” He disappeared and while I waited I wondered what was wrong. Wendigos couldn’t make us ill could they? Maybe the smell of their rot was still lingering in my nose. I didn’t feel ill, that was the strange thing about it. I tried to think why I would be sick twice in a row, raw meat? No, our bodies could only safely consume it in wolf form, so we didn’t eat it in human form. The most nerve wracking thought came to me. When had I last had my period? It was only as I lay here thinking about it that I realised two things. One, I wasn’t feeling in heat anymore and two, I should have come on days ago. Horror dawned on me as I grabbed my birth control pills and saw I’d missed a few, what an i.diot, I’d gotten so caught up in the whole wendigo thing I’d forgotten to take them. When I heard Grayson coming up the stairs I quickly threw them back in the drawer and laid down, I wasn’t ready to say anything yet, wasn’t even sure what to say, not until I’d taken a test to see if I really could be pregnant. “Here, darling,” Grayson handed me the glass of water and I took a sip. I was surprised to find myself feeling tired again and as I slowly drifted off I felt Grayson pressed up beside me, gently stroking my arm. When I woke up it was midday, Grayson had fallen asleep beside me and for a moment I watched him, the covers had fallen to his stomach and I took in his muscular chest, those broad shoulders. I kissed the dip in his collarbone and ran my fingers through his dark blonde hair. I meant to make it a loving gesture, but my fingers got caught in one of the curls and I ended up accidentally yanking his hair to free my finger. He grabbed his head, rubbing it and looked at me sleepily. “Sorry, I was trying to stroke your hair,” I whispered. He snorted a laugh and pulled me down into his arms. “You feeling better then?” “Yeah, I think so.” “Good. I’ll grab you some food.” He went to swing out of bed, but I grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled his lips down onto mine. I kissed him hard, urgently, my fingers running through his hair, this time successfully. I gripped his hair in my hand tightly, keeping his lips crushed to mine when he tried to pull back. He gave a seductive laugh against my lips, didn’t try to pull away again, it took a little work, but he got himself into position between my legs, never breaking the kiss, leaning up on his hands, I rose my head with him so we could keep kissing, keep dancing our tongues along one another’s. I felt the tip of him against my opening, felt that stickiness men get before the explosion. He pushed himself into my opening, I gasped, he groaned, I lifted my hips up to meet his, wanting more, wanting to enjoy him filling me up completely. Never breaking the kiss he thrust into me hard and fast, desperately, my hips met his, I cried out in pleasure, could feel his balls slapping against me. He broke the kiss and I gasped for air, bit my lip when he leaned down and flicked his tongue over my n.ipples, taking turns with each one, sucking, licking them. He leaned down and kissed my neck, giving lots of nips in between, he found a spot he liked, bit down and sucked on me in between kisses, I knew he’d leave a mark. I was close, so close and he knew it, could tell from my cries and how wet I was. “Please,” I moaned.” He grinned down at me. “Please what, darling?” “You know what,” I growled in frustration. “No I don’t, why don’t you tell me what you want.” “Grayson!” I smacked his arm, but he stayed to a slow rhythm grinning wider. “Come on baby, I wanna hear you say it.” I blushed, this was one problem in the bedroom I couldn’t seem to overcome, dirty talk, I was terrible at it, not that I couldn’t do it, I just felt too shy to talk in detail of the things I wanted done to me, didn’t like the idea of someone watching me while I did. “Come on, darling, tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.” “Make me finish.” “Details darling, I want to be sure I understand you.” Huffing, I pushed him off me and got up, he launched himself at me, I quickly threw myself down onto my belly. He tried to turn me over, but I fought against it, “no, I want this position.” I turned to grin at him, Grayson preferred positions facing one another, he liked seeing my face, looking into my eyes. He growled and I laughed. “What? Thought this position would be much more your style.” He pressed himself, still hard against my, leaned down with his cheek pressed against mine and whispered into my ear, “I’ll do whatever you want, is this what you want? Me to f.uck you from behind?” I nodded, “show me the wolf Grayson, have your way with me.” He growled and then he was back inside of me, on his knees, hands on my hips, slamming into me hard. He changed my position, making me lay down flat on the bed and mounted me hard and fast, thrusting into me so hard the bed springs started squeaking and then bending, ready to snap and then he brought me screaming into the pillow, I felt him spill himself into me, heard him growl and moan as his body shuddered above mine and then he collapsed on top of me. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll give you another round,” he panted. I laughed, enjoying the feel of him hot and sweaty at my back. Those few minutes passed and he did as he promised, giving me more. Laying there curled up beside him, my head on his chest he said, “all that s.ex has made me starving.” “Me too.” “Let’s shower and get food.” It was never as simple as just showering together, so of course the natural thing to do, for us, was take even longer with another round of hot s.ex before using the shower for its actual purpose. We went downstairs to see plates of meat and fruit and helped ourselves, Leo and Amber must have been down here earlier and had probably slid away to do similar things we’d just been doing. An hour later and we were walking along near the wendigos woods, being sensible this time and not getting close enough for them to smell us or notice us. We paroled the area, walking along, around and back again, there wasn’t much else we could do. We stayed close by and Grayson leaned back against a brick wall. I’d learned he wasn’t one for open displays of affection in public, we didn’t hold hands, we didn’t kiss and we didn’t have our arms around one another, but I was an affectionate person and I wanted him to hold me. I hesitated leaning into him, being the only female in the pack had meant I’d felt the need to be tough, I never showed my vulnerable side, didn’t even allow myself to cry, if me and Grayson play fought too roughly and I broke a bone or twisted an ankle I’d grit my teeth and bear it, even Amber was tough, so I felt I needed to be. In the end I figured a hug was safe enough and I slid my arms around Graysons waist and pressed my cheek against his chest. “You feeling alright, darling?” He smiled, his fingers running through my hair. “I’m fine, can’t a girl have a hug from her mate?” I huffed. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close, kissing the top of my head and murmured softly, “better?” “Much.” I allowed myself three minutes of cuddling against him and then I pulled back. As much as Grayson said he loved me, and as much as we showed affection when it was just us two, I didn’t know how he felt about it in public places. When it was nearing dinner time we grabbed the car and drove into town to grab some takeout. Nothing fancy, just some McDonald’s, loads of burgers and chips and a milkshake each. We hoped to just use the drive through, but for whatever reason they weren’t using it today so we had to go inside where it was busy full of other couples, families and loud children running around their mothers legs. Oh god, would this be me in a year or two? No, I wasn’t going to dwell on it until I did a test. I looked up at Grayson. Anyone looking at him would think he was just a normal guy waiting in line, but I could tell he was uncomfortable by the way his body was tense, his jaw tight. I used to tease him about being dramatic hating humans this much, but it was more than that, as I watched him I realised it wasn’t his distaste, it was genuine anxiety, he looked around discreetly for the exits, tensed more when people queued up behind us, not liking having a potential threat at his back. I knew he absolutely hated crowds of any kind, if we went to a restaurant in the middle of winter he’d rather eat outside than inside if it was busy. I placed my hand on his back reassuringly, I knew he wouldn’t want me holding his hand right now, especially not his fighting hand that he might need. I wondered how it must feel living like that, the mind of a wolf, trapped around humans he didn’t know or trust, non pack members, it must be hard. I understood the crowds part, I hate them too, but I could only imagine how much more intense it was for him. The panic from his eyes settled once we were back outside and climbing into the car, even I didn’t want to to sit in there while it was that packed. We parked close by the woods so we could see it from a distance and keep a watch for any wendigos that felt like hunting.
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