Chapter 15: The one who bit me

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Lara When we finished our food, I think Leo was relieved to be heading back home. He’d taken us out as a nice gesture and wanted to cheer me up, but the last hour I’d spent bickering with Grayson. Leo went next door saying he needed to do some work stuff, I was pretty sure he just wanted the peace. I slammed the door on Grayson as I walked inside, he followed behind still arguing about the blonde in the restaurant, yep, all this I don’t care c.rap and trying to act like I didn’t give a damn and I was arguing like some jealous t.wat about some girl, blaming him for eyeing her up and giving her false hope even though we both knew that was bulls.hit. He was telling me I was overreacting, I stormed off to the kitchen, he told me I was being dramatic, I spun on him and snapped, “I’ll give you dramatic.” I threw a chair at him, he ducked, more things flew his way, a fork hit his forehead, he kept coming towards me, I hit him in the chest, he didn’t care, I lashed out some more, connected with his cheek, he grabbed my fist, turned me around, and pinned me up against the wall, restraining me. We both knew this trick, it was always the same the last couple of weeks, no longer content with just his touches, but not admitting it out loud. It was like a dance, we bickered, we argued, we fought, I’d lose control and he’d have to pin me against the wall to restrain me, followed by him yanking down my jeans and panties, pulling his own down and pushing himself inside of me, he’d f.uck me, make me come, and so here we were as usual. He was f.ucking me up against the wall hard, knew I liked it rough during these moments. When I struggled against his hands that pinned my wrists he breathed a laugh against my ear. “Don’t act like you can’t break out of it, we both know you could, I’d never make you do anything you didn’t want to.” I didn’t answer him, we both knew he was right, that this was the only way I’d allow myself to have s.ex with him. “Do you want me to stop? Just say the words.” When I didn’t, he carried on, thrusting into me until I came hard. He moaned my name as he came. Pressing up against me after as we caught our breath, he whispered, “I love you so much.” I kept my tears in, I wanted him so bad, but my fear wouldn’t let me, I couldn’t risk opening myself up just to lose it all. Id convinced myself he only wanted me because he couldn’t have me, that once he got me he’d grow bored without the chase. Deep down I knew that wasn’t true, Grayson had told me about his upbringing, that he’d lived a true wolf’s life with his family out in the wild. They’d all died In front of him, he’d had to survive alone until Leo found him, I knew he had more wolf than human in him, he didn’t class himself as human at all, saw himself as completely separate from them. I knew with his wolf mind he wanted a mate, a lifetime mate, he wouldn’t accept anything less and for whatever reason he had chosen me. I pushed him away from me and pulled my jeans and panties back up then stormed to my room. I was still a strong empathic person, I was wracked with guilt everytime I stormed away from him, everytime he told me he loved me and I didn’t say it back, but the anger was too much, I could control the wolf in wolf form, enough to not hurt the innocent, but could I control my lifetime of pain and trauma? No, the change had changed more than just my species, werewolves were violent and brutal creatures, bad tempers were a given and I was no different it seemed, and with years of anger that I’d kept locked up it now all came tumbling out and I couldn’t seem to stop it. A year had passed, but that didn’t mean we had forgotten about the mutt, we’d learned his name was Brian, but with the distraction of my change and helping me adjust to my new world, Leo and Grayson had lost track of him, he’d skipped town it seemed after his near encounter with Grayson, got spooked. Now though, with help from Leo’s uncle, Joey, with a history of being a police detective he’d managed to get a friend still in the police force to do some digging, search for a Brian o’ Connor, he’d found the mutt had stupidly used his card at a cafe in Bristol, so that’s where we were headed tomorrow morning. By we I meant myself and Grayson, I wasn’t ecstatic about it, but I couldn’t resist the excitement of a hunt, of having an adventure. I’d kicked up a fuss about Grayson coming, said I’d be the last person Brian would expect to see, but Leo would have none of it, said I was still a new wolf, had more to learn, and he also knew as well as I did that wherever I went, Grayson would follow me anyway. I barely slept that night, as soon as light shone through my window I was up out that bed, pulling on clean jeans and a black t-shirt. Perks of being a wolf meant fast metabolism, which also meant I’d lost all my weight, I was lean and slim these days and it was awesome, I still had my curves too, I’d always had a natural hour glass figure and a nice decent chest size as a 38 D in bra size, I wasn’t a beauty, the nicest thing about me were my almond shaped eyes. I blamed my chest size as the only reason the male pack members had pestered me when I’d first been here. Grayson was the only one I knew who didn’t care about such things, he didn’t care if I was big or slim, how big my bust was or if I had curves, he only ever saw me and I was all he wanted, the goddess of beauty herself could come to him and he wouldn’t bat an eyelid, he only had eyes for me, so why did I keep running? Deep down I knew the issues and insecurities were mine and mine alone, that I needed to work on them. I was too worked up to waste time with makeup, I pulled my hair back into a braid, applied some cream coloured eyeshadow and mascara and figured that was presentable enough. I snuck down as quietly as I could, grabbed Graysons car keys on the side in the hallway and crept outside. Grayson didn’t give two s.hits about cars, but it belonged to him, so therefore it was his property meaning his territory, anyone caught dead touching his car would have been put in hospital for a week, werewolf or not. I didn’t care. I opened the driver’s side and climbed in. Kai was a driving instructor and we’d become friends fast, he was one of those people that were so easy to talk to, kind, with a good sense of humour, he’d taught me how to drive. I’d never driven a freaking Lamborghini before, but there was a first time for everything I suppose. I started the engine when the passenger door flung open and Grayson shoved his head in. “Going somewhere?” “Jesus Christ!” I yelped, flinging back against my seat startled. He climbed in beside me and shut the door. “What you doing in my car?” “I was hoping to sneak off before you could join me…I would have met you there,” I grumbled. His gaze traveled over my face, serious for a moment and then he sat back and put on his seat belt. “Well, I’m here now, best start driving.” I was nervous driving a car like this, but too annoyed and proud to admit it, so I backed out of the drive, turned and drove away from the pack house. I put the music on and turned it up loud enough to make Grayson wince. I smiled even though it hurt my ears too, it was worth it. Grayson turned it down and I turned it back up. “I like this one,” I said. I’d never heard of it in my life. He turned it back down, “no you f.ucking don’t, you’re a s.hit liar.” I went to turn it up again and the car swerved. Grayson grabbed the steering wheel. “S.hit, concentrate Lara, I’m sure you can endure not tormenting me for a couple of hours.” I grumbled, but he was right, sighing, I pulled over to the side and climbed out. “What are you doing?” He called out. I opened his side of the door. “I’m s.hit at driving, barely passed and your car is way to cool for me to handle, you drive.” He climbed out and we swapped seats. He kept looking over at me as he drove, and after an hour of driving, he asked quietly, “do you really hate me that much?” I looked at him and mumbled, “no, I don’t hate you.” “Then why can’t we be together properly?” “I don’t want to talk about it right now.” “You never do, I give you space, I don’t push you for answers, but you need to give me something, Lara, I hate this, I hate not being able to—” he trailed off, sighing angrily. The rest of the journey was done in silence. We parked up outside a hotel and went inside. I might be a werewolf now, but I was still shy, I shoved Grayson forward to go speak to the hotel clerk behind the desk. She beamed when she saw him, flicking her long brown hair over her shoulder, her smile faltered when he met her with a level stare. “A room for one.” C.rap, I should have done it, now I’d be sleeping on the floor because I was so not sharing a bed with him. I cringed at his blunt and rude attitude and had to turn away. When he had the keys we walked towards the small elevator and got on when the doors opened. It wasn’t a fancy hotel, the front desk had been facing the double glass entrance doors, less than three metres away, it was a small space and the elevator was no different, I don’t think it would have fit more than four people. We reached the second floor and walked down the hallway, red patterned carpet was laid down, the walls a boring beige colour. I followed Grayson down to the end door. The very last one and we went inside. I dropped my backpack on the floor, we didn’t know how long we needed to stay for, so I’d packed some spare clothes, my toothbrush and hairbrush and figured that would be enough. I looked around the room, it was very simple and basic with nothing more than a double bed, some drawers, a bedside drawer and not much else. The curtains were an ugly mix of colours, green, yellow and I wasn’t even sure of the third colour. The carpet was a simple beige colour and the bed was made up with white sheets. I sat on the edge of it and Grayson tossed his own bag to the side and joined me. “So where do we start?” I asked. “Breakfast.” “Huh?” “You didn’t eat and I know you must be as hungry as I am.” My stomach rumbled before I could deny it and he laughed softly. “Come on, let’s go find somewhere to eat, we can start at the cafe he used the card in, eat, then go track him.” I loved his voice, he had a deep lilting voice with his Irish accent and I could have listened to it all day, for a moment I just looked at him like some stupid love struck teen. He looked me up and down and a lazy grin spread across his face. “You alright, darling? You look a bit enchanted.” I snapped myself out of it and shoved him. “You wish!” I got up and laughing, he grabbed me around the waist from behind and grinned, “yes, I do wish.” I tried to shrug him off and he kissed my cheek before letting me go.
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