Chapter 16: Moments of peace

2353 Words
Lara We found the cafe about a mile away from the hotel, looking up at the sign saying ‘Jane’s cafe’ I stepped inside. I’d tried sneaking out the pack house so early it wasn’t even past ten in the morning, so I ordered pancakes and a cooked breakfast, I could eat more, but that would have looked weird to any onlookers, I ordered what I could and figured if the owner wondered why the plates were clean and empty it was because my well built muscular boyfriend had helped me finish it off. When we were finished we headed outside and it was cold. It was winter again making it almost two years of me being a werewolf now. We stood outside the shop and Grayson pretended to be holding my hands and warming them while we discreetly sniffed the air. At first I couldn’t catch any scent of Brian, when the wind blew I caught it, just for a second, but I caught it. “You smell him too?” Grayson asked. “Yeah, he was here, now we just need to somehow follow the scent.” “I have the best nose, I can find somewhere to change and you can pretend to be my owner.” “Yeah, so believable, ‘hey everyone, don’t mind me I’m just walking my giant wolf’” I replied sarcastically. He rolled his eyes. “You can quit the sarcasm, these days it’s easy enough to just pass me off as some wolf dog, a mix of wolf and something else, no one’s going to see you walking a big dog on a leash and automatically think, ‘oh my god it’s a werewolf!’” “Pfft, now who’s being sarcastic, fine, you’re right.” He tried to hold my hand, but I shook him off as we walked along the street and found a store that had dog leads in. When we had one we walked along to somewhere more quiet and rounded a corner. “There,” I said, pointing down a side alley. Grinning, I said, “go on then doggy, go be a good boy and change.” He growled at me and snapped, “don’t f.ucking say that.” I tried to hold in my laughter, but it slipped from my lips as he walked down the alley, he turned to glare at me and then carried on walking until he was behind a dumpster. When he was done he padded back out to me and I clipped on the collar and lead. He was a very pretty wolf, white with a strip of golden fur along the base of his spine, he wouldn’t go unnoticed. He came up to my waist as tall as a wolfhound. We walked back towards the cafe, a couple of people stopped to ask about him and whether they could stroke him. I explained some story of him being a wolfdog with a mix of husky in there and maybe something else. As for stroking, well, I knew he’d take their hand off if they tried, so I politely declined, explaining he was nervous around people and could snap. Outside the cafe Grayson both sniffed the air and put his nose to the ground. He was there for about ten minutes, but finally started tugging the lead making me follow him along the path. We walked two blocks, made a right and then a left, another left and found ourselves in a half filled parking lot. “He used a car didn’t he,” I sighed. Grayson rubbed his head against my leg and sat down. “Well it was only two days ago, he must still be here somewhere, probably staying in a hotel or motel like us.” Without thinking, I ran my fingers through his fur, not quite petting him, but just wanting to touch him. “Ok, back to the hotel to make a new plan I guess, come on.” I turned around and we went back to the alley with the dead end and a dumpster so Grayson could go change. I pulled his clothes out of my backpack that I’d brought along and passed them to him. “Cheers, darling.” He quickly pulled his boxers on, followed by his t-shirt and jeans and was yanking on his boots when he muttered, “f.ucking b.astard, I’m gonna f.ucking kill him for what he did to you.” “You mean to us?” I said quietly. “Hm?” He looked up at me and once his last boot was on he stood up. “You mean to us, we both know I love being a werewolf.” He met my eyes and nodded. “Yeah, to us, we could be happy right now, everything’s f.ucked up and it all started with him.” In a rare moment between us I slipped my hand in his, making him look down at me in surprise, he didn’t say anything, probably knew if he did it would shatter the moment of peace between us. We held hands all the way back to our hotel room, I didn’t even stop him when he slid his hands around my waist and pulled me in against his body. He cupped the side of my face, his fingers brushing the back of my neck as he tilted my face up and pressed his lips softly against mine. I tried to pull away and he whispered, “please.” For a moment, I gave in, pushed my fears aside and kissed him back. He kissed me hard, tongue slipping in and claiming mine, pushed me up against the wall pressing his body against mine. I ran my fingers through his hair, gripping tightly as our mouths moved against one another, opening and closing. He pulled my top off, threw it across the room followed by my bra. He stopped kissing me so I could pull his top off too, let me run my hands along his body, I tickled my fingers down his chest, along his arms and made him shiver when I reached his waistband. He grabbed a n.ipple between his lips making me gasp, sucking it and kissing my b.reasts, flicking his tongue over my n.ipples in between his kisses. His hands dropped to my jeans, tugging on the buttons and the zipper, yanking my jeans down. I didn’t fight him, didn’t want to, I stepped out of them and kicked them aside, didn’t stop him tugging my panties down. He dropped to his knees, kissed his way down my stomach knowing I liked that, kissed all the way down until his face was level with what lay between my thighs wet for him. He looked at it, licked his lips, grinned up at me and then kissed me there making me gasp in pleasure. I held onto his shoulders for support, he kissed, licked and tasted every inch of me, when his tongue reached my c.lit and I cried out he licked it again, and then again. He grinned up at me. “I guess I should keep licking that, the c.lit, right? Gives the most pleasure?” I nodded, panting, and he gave a soft laugh and went back to licking it and kissing it until I was moaning and begging for more. He got up on his feet, led me over to the bed and pushed me down on it, pulling me to the edge. He slid inside of me, I wrapped my legs around his waist, but he unwrapped them and holding the backs of my thighs, he spread my legs wide as he thrust into me, slow at first and then grew to a faster pace, moving inside of me faster and faster until he was close to climax. “Can I?” He asked. I knew what he meant. “I’m still on birth control, so yes,” I moaned. He lost his steady rhythm as he f.ucked me harder, his hips slamming against mine, balls slapping my as he pounded me. “F.uck,” he breathed. I was so close, just one more thrust and he’d spill me over the edge. He moaned my name as he came, his body jerking as he groaned in pleasure. I came too, crying out and gripping the bedsheets, he looked down at me and started moving faster for me, pleasure consumed me and the sheets weren’t enough, I pulled him down on top of me, dragged my nails down his back as he continued to thrust in to me, I knew I’d made him bleed, but also knew he wouldn’t care, he’d heal and he liked knowing he could cause such strong reactions in me, knew it meant I’d enjoyed myself. When I was done, I lay there breathlessly, with his arms still around me, he had his face buried against my neck, holding me close while he was still on top and inside of me. He climbed off me and pulled me up towards the pillows and laid down beside me, his arm going around my waist and holding me close. “Love you, darling,” he whispered. I couldn’t bring myself to say it back, was too scared, but I felt guilty too, so I acknowledged him by running my fingers through his soft curls, playing with his hair softly until we both fell asleep. When we woke up it was dark outside. “I’m starving,” was the first thing we both said in unison. He looked at me and laughed. “Let’s go grab something to eat.” We got dressed and headed out. Once we were seated in a restaurant close to the hotel, I asked, “so what should we do now?” Grayson tucked into his rare steak and mumbled something unintelligible. “Swallow before you speak.” He rolled his eyes, finished swallowing and said, “you’re probably right that he’s staying in some hotel or something around here, we should look around and see if any have had anyone by the name of Brian O’Connor come in, or Doug Simmons, the false name he uses sometimes.” I nodded. “Ok, so where do we start and how far do we want to look?” He shrugged taking another mouthful of food, when he was done he said, “he has a car, he could be in any hotel, motel or b&b in this town or any other town across Bristol, it depends if his smart enough to keep on the move. He might have come here the other day but moved on.” “Well c.rap,” I sighed, sitting back against my chair. He looked up at me. “Don’t worry, darling, we’ll find him, and have fun in the meantime.” A lazy grin spread across his face as his eyes traveled over me and I kicked him under the table making him yelp. “That was a one off, it’s not happening again,” I warned him. “But the way you moaned, the noises you made for me—” I kicked him harder. “F.uck!” After our long nap I wasn’t feeling tired even though it was eleven by the time we finished our meal and left. “Let’s start now,” I said as we walked through the door and a gust of wind hit my face, blowing my hair into my mouth. Spluttering I tried moving my hair out of my face, Grayson laughed and helped me, smoothing it out of my face and tucking it behind my ears. He held my face between his hands for a moment, just looking at me with this tenderness, he leaned in as if he wanted to kiss me, but then he let me go and backed off. Inhaling, he rolled his shoulders composing himself and said, “ok, what hotel do you want to check first?” We decided to start with our own, we knew he wasn’t there or we would have caught his scent, but for peace of mind I made Grayson ask anyway. We moved onto other hotel and motels, travelling along as we did. By two in the morning we had checked over thirty different places and I’d almost lost hope, figured he’d decided to skip town and disappear somewhere else. “We should just go back and get some rest,” I sighed. “Alright, darling, just let me check this last b&b and then we can head back.” No sign of him just like all the others, so Grayson reversed the car out of the parking lot and drove us back to the hotel. I hesitated at our bed and Grayson gave me a dirty look. “Don’t even think it, you’re not laying on the f.ucking floor, get in the bed.” When I looked at him, he added, “I won’t touch you or try to hump you, alright.” He pulled his shirt off over his head and I tried not to stare, but how does one not stare at such perfection. I watched as his muscles rippled, but quickly shook myself out of it when he looked over at me. I slid under the covers still clothed and he joined me, but like he’d promised he didn’t try to touch me, or cuddle up to me, I was disappointed and then grumbled in my head, ‘why? This is what you want right.’ I made a silent mental scream, ‘no! This isn’t what I wanted, I wanted to feel safe and loved lying in his arms, I wanted his kisses and his affections.’ I hated myself for being so weak, for being too scared to open my heart and risk letting him in. I think he saw me mentally warring with myself, without a word he slid up beside me and gently draped his arm over my waist, when I didn’t pull away he pressed himself more firmly against me, pressed his face close against my neck.
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