" chapter 10 "

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Hannah What?........ Permission don't you see you're already mine. Before I could say something he crash his lips to mine. He kissed me hungrily and biting my lips senselessly. " Hannah " open your mouth now. He commanded. I stick my lips together tightly. Don't letting them open don't even little bit. Hannah didn't you heard me. Open your mouth now. He growls. He is making me scared. He bites my bottom lip to bleed I opened my mouth my lip start bleeding he inserted his tongue into my mouth and starts exploring all over my mouth. You taste damn sweet my Hannah you're mine. I tried to push him back, but he had lost his senses. I start sobbing. Tears running down through my cheeks. When he noticed he grab me, grab me harder and more confidently he was kissing me like he might be die without it. My whole body was shivering. He is going to ripe my cloths off. Aden don't do this to me please. I said and hold his hand firmly. He looked deep into my eyes. Please, Aden I'm not ready for this. Hannah I want you right now don't you have to worry. I'm going to take care of that, and it is important for you, this is your punishment, and I'm going to punish you, how many times I tell you that don't you leave me ever, but my little baby you're really stubborn. Aden not now. Please, Aden I beg you. I'm sorry this is not going to happen again trust me. Are you saying no to me? He said with a frown. No..... No I didn't mean that. I just say not now. Hannah I never wanted this before from any woman I want it from you, I want to fall in you I want to fall so deep inside you. I can't bear it anymore I'm sorry after saying that he ripped off my clothes I'm only in my panties and bra. He gets his self upon me, I see his eyes are boring into my skin. " Your mind and your body will never forget the things I'm going to do to you." My eyes went wide from his words and he starts kissing me hungrily. Hannah you're going to be mine completely. I tried to repel him but more I resist more he get into me. I can feel something is really hard rubbing with my stomach. He breaks the kiss and grab my hairs from back and start kissing me on my neck. What he is doing. Stop please Aden stop! I yelled. Shut up Hannah don't raise your voice in front of me if you don't stop it I'll be more rough with you. He said with an angry face and start on his doing. I can't even move in this moment. He undressed his self and the first time I see a nude man. My eyes went wide staring at his body. What Hannah haven't you see a man like that before. No never please Aden let me go don't do this. I know you haven't seen a man like that he said with a grin. Now it's your turn I want to see your cleavage. He start undressing me totally I try to resist but my all attempts are vainly failed, and that time I'm laying completely naked I put my hands on my breast, so I can barely cover my self. His eyes are digging into my body he licked his bottom lip and staring at my private parts. He lies to me he told me that he'll marry me and wait for me, but he can't wait for such one day. Two days before we have met, and now I'm laying naked in his territory. All are right I'm so naive. He grab my chest in his hands and start sucking them not only that he start biting them harshly. Hannah your chest is killing me. I'm so damn crazy for them every time I see them I want to grab them hard. I feel wetness beneath my legs, and this feeling this feeling is also strange I want him to touch me, I like the way he was touching me, but I can't forget that what he said before he lies to me. After that he pushed my thighs apart and stare them like he was starving for it. He starts touching my private part and I don't know why, but it's feel so good. He try to put one finger inside me, but he can't, and I feel extreme pain there. I sobbed quietly. He heard that and said, You're so tight. You're a virgin my love, and that's the reason I fall more for you. You'll feel just a little pain my ittle girl. Don't be scared. He inserted his finger again in me and start moving it deeper with force more deeper he go it's cause more pain. I screamed in pain. "Aden"stop you're hurting me stop there please "Aden " I'm not going to stop until your legs are shaking and your mind and body will never try to leave me. I warned you to don't leave me ever, but you're so stubborn I'm going to make you mine, so you will never going to leave me. Then he inserted two fingers in me. I screamed more loudly. "Aden"! I won't leave you ever. Please stop now I have learned my lesson. No your punishment is not done. You're going to feel me deep inside you, and it's fun to play with you my little girl. You're so wet Hannah. Then he rubs his self and pointed at beneath my thighs. Aden what are you going to do now. Don't do this please. I'm going to take your virginity. He whispered in my ear. No my virginity it is the only thing which is mine and he is going to take it from me. I try to push him back, but it's too hard to push him even he didn't move an inch. Hannah stop that there is no other way to run so stop resisting you're just hurting yourself. Aden, please can't you see my tears? Can't you hear my screams you're hurting me? The only thing that can hurt you is me. I won't let anybody to hurt you, even I won't let anyone to see you. I'll cover you with me. He inserted his thing in me and start pushing more and more into me. I screamed in pain, but he likes it and thrusts harder into me. I can feel the pressure between my legs. It's hurts badly. Aden stop please you're hurting me. I scream more loudly. "Aden" please Yes Hannah growl my name loudly. He pushed his self with full force and I can feel something wet is coming out of me. " Hannah " now you're completely mine. Let me go Aden I don't want to be yours. Leave me. I don't care about what you want or not. You're mine and don't argue me again. He starts thrusting into me and I can feel my inside is burning I kept screaming loudly. I'm feeling so tired, but he didn't even look at me. He grabs my face and thrusts harder into me by pushing my head back and forth, and kept groaning in pleasure. I feel that I'm going to unconscious, but he didn't stop. When he saw that I'm going in unconscious state he holds my face in his hands. Hannah look at me. He pull out his thing out and take me in his arms he leads me to his room, and lay me down on his bed. His bed was so comfortable. Hannah look at me are you okay. I'm sorry my love. He held my hand in his hand and start rubbing it. Hannah say something. I don't know what is happening to me, but it's feels I'm going to die. He holds my body and hug me he starts rubbing my back. Hannah say something. Hannha I'm sorry I heard he whispered in my ear you better have to get some sleep. Close your eyes my love. I closed my eyes, and he cuddles me, and I don't know when I fall in a deep sleep. When I wake-up I haven't see him anywhere, but I'm still naked in his bed. I heard some noise from the bathroom I think he is taking a shower. I've to get out of this room, but how? I'm naked, but I have to go before he comes out of the shower. I covered my self with his shirt I'm not wearing any bra and panties how can I leave in this condition? My muscles are sore, and I can't even stand properly how can I walk in this position? But I have to leave before I could leave I heard the door of the bathroom opens, and he walked out there. I feel my body freezes, and I'm feeling disabled. He only covered his self from towel. I have covered my self properly with his shirt. Where are you going my Hannah? He said with a frown on his face. No. . . . . .no where. I said with trembling voice my heart starts racing faster. Okay then sit down. He said with authority it seems that he has full control over me. Aden I have to go home. Mother will be waiting for me. I better go now. Just one time I want to go back to my home I'll never be going to see him again. He lies to me. My heart is crying because of him my heart is crushed. I can't fight against him he is too strong to resist. I have to say yes whatever he says. Hannah, I said sit down right now. I have to do what's he said. I quickly sit down on the bed. He comes near me and cuddles me.. Hannah I'm sorry for all but every time you said that you want to leave this sentence this sentence make me insane. I can't tolerate that these words make me senseless Hannah please try to understand I don't want to let you go. These words make me hurt you're mine. You're mine Hannah. But now Hannah you're all mine. Your body your soul your breathe all are mine Hannah I have make you mine completely. Now your everything is mine Hannah you can't run you can't stay away from me. He said while caressing my hair he scared me from his words he is completely insane. My eyes filled with tears. A. . . .a . . Aden! I have to go. Hannah stop saying that, you can't go. Aden but mother....... I don't care about your mother. He said and ruffles his hair. And please Hannah stop crying. I'm. . . . . I'm not crying Aden please try to understand. Hannah you're so stubborn. I won't let you go, and don't say the same thing again and again Hannah. O. . . . . . OK I'm not saying anything. Can I say something Aden. Yes Hannah say it. Can I get some clothes for me?
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