" chapter 11"

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No you look beautiful without clothes my wife. He is a disgusting Person. I'm not your wife. He stares at me, and he seems that he is going to kill me. I. . . . . I mean not yet. I said to make him calm. Yes we are going to marry as soon as possible. What do you mean? I asked in confusion. I mean my little Hannah we are going to marry I want to marry you now. Aden no please try to understand. Hannah I don't want to punish you again. I don't like no 's. I can't let this happen. I can't stay with him for one second, and he is saying that he is going to marry me. God, why you did all that I have remember that every morning, evening and night I remember you I pray to you. Why you did this all to me? Is I'm a bad girl? Is I have done terrible sins? And now you're punishing me. Hey Hannah stop crying. You're mine only mine remember do you like it or not, but you have to accept it. I can't marry you Aden. What? What did you say? Aden I mean I didn't tell my mother about you, I want her in our wedding, and you also didn't tell your family about us. Yes you're right Hannah. We have to tell them first, but I can't live without you for a second. I will be die without you. Aden I have to go. I'm not leaving you I have to go and tell my mother about us. I know you can't leave me ever. I love u Hannah. He said and kisses me on my lips. Why I'm so powerless against him? I want him to leave me I feel he is going deeper into me, and he is going to do everything again which just happened before. Which kind of person he is he have no regret for what he had done to me. I break the kiss, and he is staring at me with big eyes which are filled with desire. A. . . . . .Aden I'm tired please. Hannah why are you disobeying me. Don't ever disobey me if you did so you're going to deal with punishment. He whispered in my ear. What punishment for what for saying something he embedded his face deeply in my neck. What I'm going to do now. I have to obey him and make him trust that I'm not going to leave him. This is the only way to set my self free. I run my hands on his neck and pull him deeper in my neck. I can feel his warm breath in my neck he open his lips and start kissing me hardly. I push his face out of my neck and place my lips on his lips I can feel his thirst and eagerness for my lips. He kiss me like tomorrow is not going to come. He push me towards the bedboard, and then he pressed his body on mine and kiss me hungrily. " Hannah " he groaned in pleasure. I want you I want you more Hannah. I close my eyes and let him do whatever he wants he push me towards bedboard and holding my hands firmly, I don't want this again please God do something, he distracted by his phone someone is calling him. He ignored his phone, but his phone was ringing again and again he takes off his hands and stares at me, he looks like he is going to eat that person who is calling him he set me free and run for his phone when he saw that who was calling he rapidly become calm he picked up the phone and left the room to take his call. Oh! God, thank you for taking some mercy on me. I said sarcastically to God. Everything is changed in the morning I'm the simple normal girl who never did something wrong to anyone. My mother my sisters beats me torture me, but I never try to do something bad to them, I know the whole property the mansion all is mine because I'm the only legally daughter of my father, but I don't want any profit any money anything from anybody. I'm just waiting for someone who will love me who will take care of me, I want to turn my life I'm sick of being possessed and tortured I want to live my own life in my own mansion I have worked as a servant because I don't want to hurt anyone, but this is wrong this is not right I wanted to marry someone who will give me reason to live who will give me freedom I'm sick of being punished. I can't let this happen, but he said he'll die without me if he really died without me? I don't know what to do? The only thing that I want now is to leave this house. I'll be safe I know he didn't know that where I lived, but how he won't let me go anywhere. After sometime he come back, and open his closet to wear something. Thank God. I mumble. Did you say anything? He turns and asked me. No. . . . .no I said wobbly. I have to go somewhere my love, and you have to stay here, we will continue later he said and nibbles on my lips. Aden....... He stopped me to say anything. Hannah do what I said. I don't want any argue. I don't want to make him angry I have to obey him. I nodded my head he makes me lay on bed. You're going to have some rest my little Hannah. Close your eyes my baby. I do what he said I closed my eyes and pretends that I'm sleeping. He left the house and locked me there after he had left I opened my eyes I wear my bra panties and wear one of his shirt which is not covering my legs and I can't go outside with barely covered legs I searched for something that will cover my legs, but I haven't found any. I take his belt and a suitable jean for me. I wore that jeans and tighten it up with the help of a belt. I have covered my legs completely, but how I will escape the door is locked and there is no other way. My mind become furious, and I want to kill my self right now. I push the door with as much force which is left in me the door opens, and I fall down on the ground. He forgot! He forgot to lock the door. I'm free thank you thank you God. God is great in every way. I get up from the ground and run for lift. The lift stops on the ground-floor and I run as fast as I can. Thereafter, leaving that tall building I run for a bus stop. I make it I'm not going to see him again never ever, but I was wrong! After some long distance I have reached to the bus stop my body is tired and my muscles are sore every muscle of my body is hurting like hell, but I'm happy I have make it! now I'm free. I take the bus which dropped me to my house I'm so happy that I'm out of the danger. This man is dangerous he is some kind of demented and totally insane man. I have lose my virginity, and it's make me sobbed quietly I have to be strong now I'm safe. I entered into the mansion the gatekeeper opens the door he bow and wish me he is the only person which makes me feel better someone in this world who truly respect for me. I think this man will pay respect to me, but I was wrong I was entirely wrong he is not that man which I'm waiting for he used me for his own purpose for his own pleasure. God, why you make me so naive this world is not for me. I entered into the mansion and I see him sitting on the couch. My eyes went wide and my body become numb. What he is doing here. My mother sitting beside him. Oh! My precious Hannah what took you so long? We were waiting for you. What!? What happened to her tongue this tongue is always used for cursing and swearing about me. How in no time her tongue becomes so sugarcoated. Mo. . . . . . Mother I. . . . I. . . . I my tongue my mouth my whole body start shaking. Come here Hannah. Meet Mr Aden Lambert. She said and grab me in front of this man. No need Mrs Anderson. Can you please give us two some space. He said Yes yes why not enjoy your time. Come on girl come with me. She said and leave us together. My Hannah my love what I have said to you. My eyes are filled with tears and I don't know what to do next. Hannah my love don't cry if one tear if only one tear go down from your eyes get ready for your punishment. I remove my tear hastily and look down at my feet. My good girl.now tell me what I say when I was leaving the house. What I have to do now. Speak Hannah I want your answer. He growls. My heart kick out from my chest and my body start trembling heavily. Yo. . . . . You said I have to get some rest. Yes right so what are you doing here. You might be in my no sorry in our bed. He said by pulling his eyebrow up. What? What I'm going to do now? What he is doing here? I think he didn't know that where I lived so how do he know. Hannah I don't like to ask the same thing again and again. He said and smirks at me. A. . . . . . . Aden I........... You look adorable in my clothes. He smiles and his eyes are staring into my body. I don't like the way his eyes stares me. His eyes are changed the generous and humble eyes are changed in great craving appetite. Hannah get ready for your punishment. I told you to not to disobey me, but my little Hannah you are not getting my words seriously, but for now I'm not going to do anything to you. Get ready for our wedding my wife. You're mine don't forget it my love. He kissed me on my forehead and leave the mansion. It's like my world is going to end. My mind turn up side down. Why? Why he wants me so desperately? What he wants from me? I have nothing "nothing" that I can give him he has everything he had everything which he wants even me, he needs me I don't know why, but he wants me to do whatever he wants. I heard my stepmother voice which makes me dig out from my thoughts. So my Hannah you're going to marry Mr Aden Lambert.
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