"chapter 9"

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Hannah Mily he purposed me. I tell her with a big smile on my face. What?.... Are you serious Ana he really did that?...... Yes Mily he purposed me he really did that, and he also own that café where I worked. It should be related to his business that's why he has owned that café, but he purposed you and have you accept it. She said with amusement. No Mily how can I accept it. He is too fast everything is going to early. I need some time to think about it. Ana you did the right thing. You have to know about him, but i think he is a nice guy. I appreciate that what he did. Mily I can't say no to him. I don't know what I'm doing, but I want to be with him, I like whatever he does. I don't want to make him upset. Likewise, I want him just the way he wants me. Ana baby you're in love with him. Don't be sad Hannah if he loves you and want to marry you you should have to tell him that you love him too. As I think relationship is not for you and nobody did that in this time of age you know boys they only want advantage from a girl after the have everything they don't even remember the name of that girl. He is the gem in first meeting he purposed you he is pure he doesn't want to ruin you in fact he needs you as a life partner. But Mily I can't say yes. I want to know him and for that I need some time. Okay baby but don't let him go. No he didn't want to go. He will stay he said that he can wait. Hannah I mean spend some time with him, and it's helps you to know more about him. Yes you're right Mily you know I love you. You always help me. So my Hannah is going to marry a handsome billionaire there is lot much to do! Have you decided that what you are wearing on your wedding. Mily this is not happening right now. Have some patience darling. Oh! You right but I'm really excited. Get me know all the things got it? Yes Roger on my way. She chuckled, and I also give her a big smile I'm so happy. Mily have cleared my mind, and now I know what to do. After college, I run to the bus stop he is waiting for me I have to go fast. I run as fast as I can but when I reached at the bus stop he was not there were have he gone that smile on my face suddenly changed in sulkiness. He said that he is going to pick me from here. Why hi didn't come. I'm in the state of gloominess. I'm feeling really disappointed and dejected. Why he does this if he didn't want to come he can tell me. I can understand he'll be busy with his work after all he is a successful businessman, but I'm missing him. I heard a scratching voice of a car and look up there he is! How can he forgot about me I'm so foolish. The gloominess suddenly disappears and my lips gets wide in a smile. Hey Hannah I'm sorry I'm so sorry. I was in meeting. He looks exhausted. . No I will get care of that. It's not going to happen again. Hannah trust me. He said with concern he is really nice nobody shows this much concern about me, I want him I want to be his. I hugged him and bury my face in his chest my tears are going to float from my eyes. Hannah? He hugged me tightly. What happened to you? I promise it's not going to happen again. Hannah, I'll be on time. I hugged him more tightly my tears float down from my eyes. Hannah are you crying? Is something bad happened to you? Tell me what is it? I can fix everything please don't cry just tell me what is it? His eyes are full of care and concern. Is someone hurts you? Hannah give me some answer. He roars. Nothing.........nothing I'm missing you so much. Don't be late next time. I said with tears in my eyes. Is that it? I'm sorry my Hannah I was in meeting. It's not going to happen again I promised. He removes my tears with his thumb and cup my face in his hands. I love you I whispered and hugged him tightly. What?......... What Hannah? ......... Nothing nothing I'm saying shall we go. I love you too my baby. He said with a chuckle. He heard that oh! Why I'm so stupid. Let's get in the car. We settled in the car, and he drives me to the café. Are we going to the café. Yes, why are you asking don't you want to go there? ......... No no I'm just asking. He changed his path and drive somewhere else. We are going on the wrong route café is over that route. I know my precious Hannah, and we are not going to the café. Hannah can I ask you something? Yes sure. Why are you look so exhausted. When ever I met you, your body is too tired and your body is too tender. Why are you being so tired and anxious. He said while lifting his one eyebrow up. I don't know why I look always exhausted? I said while looking at my legs. Hey Hannah look at me is something is bothering you if you don't want to work at café you can stay at home and rest well. No no I don't want to stay. I'm okay I'm completely fine. Look into my eyes I'm not exhausted anymore. He stops his car to the side of road. He quickly turned to my side and look deep into my eyes. He start looking deep into my eyes, and I feel my heart kicks inside my chest, my chest started rising up and falling down. Why he is so handsome? It's really strange feeling why I want to give whole my self to him what he had done to me? I want him to cage me right now in his kiss, but not so early I have to control my emotions. His eyes are setting fire to my soul. I can feel his eyes have changed in some kind of obsession. He comes close I can see his lips in mine direction I shrugged my shoulders and try to get out of the car. He held my hand tightly. Hannah I know you love me, so stop this" He demanded, and I'm feeling powerless in his gaze. He is right. He pulls me towards his chest I place my hands on his chest to keep some distance between us. Don't you know how much I want you? He pulls me more close and said, " Do you feel that how much I want you " Hannah. I can feel his breath is too hot. His touch set fire on my skin. " Don't you want me too"?....... " I. . . . I wa. . . .Want y. . . . yo. . . . You too. " I see him smirking, and then he grab my face close to his and press his lips on mine. I start shivering I don't know what to do he pressed his lips with more force on my lips. I can feel his tongue brushing my lips and I think he wants me to open my mouth. " Hannah " he said my name. Ye. . . . . yes I replied to him with trembling voice. Open your lips. He whispered. But why?....... I asked in puzzlement. Hannah open your mouth no more questions just do whatever I said. I immediately opened my mouth, and he inserted his tongue in my mouth exploring every inch of my mouth it feels amazing. But which kind of kiss it is what he is doing. He bites my tongue with his teeth and then brush my tongue with his tongue. I moaned in his mouth "Aden " I start moaning in his mouth and he continued on his work. He is making me crazy for him. He holds me by my waist and I feel his hands roaming on my waist. I hold him from his neck he is taking me more and more I felt melted in his hands and powerless too. He breaks the kiss and come down placing soft kisses on my chin to neck. My body start trembling, and I'm feeling that I'm on fire. He starts kissing on my neck on his favorite place. I feel his one hand roaming on my stomach coming up to my chest there is less distance left in his hand and my chest curve he run his mouth down to my chest I opened my eyes and stop him. Aden Aden stop it. I place my hand on his hand to stop his hand. He looked up at me, I see his eyes are filled with anger and desire of lust. He was looking at me with big eyes. It's like that he is going to punish me right now, and I'm going to regret on it. Aden Aden let me go. I turn and try to open the door, but it was locked. Aden open it. I need to leave, Please! He starts his car without saying anything. Aden stop where are you taking me. Stop it right now he stares in my eyes and in that moment he looks like a wildbeast he drop his gaze from me and start driving. He stopped his car in front of a tall building. He got out of the car and opened my door and held my wrist tightly. What happened to him?.........Why is he acting like that?......... Aden leave me let go of my hand. He didn't say a single word and lead me to this tall building. He push me into the lift and roughly holding my wrist. Aden it's hurts leave, please! He leads me to the first floor. He grabbed me roughly I oppose to set me free from his grip, but he is too strong. He leads me to a beautiful huge penthouse. I know this is the penthouse Emily's father gifted her on her birthday, and it's look very familiar to that. He dropped me on the couch. I was laying on that couch. He set off his coat and threw it on the floor. He was towering over me, I can see the lust for me in his eyes. He look like a predator who is ready to play with his prey. God help me please. He set his self top of me. I try to slip out from one side, but he put his both hands on both sides of my body. His eyes are boring into my body. Aden what are you doing? Stop it please I beg you stop it right now. " Hannah " he said in a low voice he is looking deep into my eyes. How many times I have warned you to not to leave, but you're taking it very lightly. Aden you're insane. Please don't do anything without my permission.
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