My Roommate is a Cat

1091 Words
Title: My Roommate is a Cat Genre: LBGT+ Fantasy ____________________________ “Kyahhh!!!” That scream almost exploded Tharn’s eardrums as soon as he entered the room he was assigned at the new school he enrolled in. He was frozen by the doorway, eyes wide open, blatantly staring at the panic in someone’s face in front of him. “Get out! Get out!” The said person screamed as started throwing pillows after another to Tharn failed to catch his breath and process the sight before him. Tharn. Eighteen years old. Freshman. His piercing eyes were glued to the person inside the dorm room he was assigned by the school administration. “Y-You— Tharn was lost for words. “A cat! I know!” The other person yelled while holding a blanket over his naked body. Tharn opened the door just as he transformed from a feline to a human. His name is Type. A rare black cat. It’s no wonder Tharn lost his bearing the second he landed eyes on him. Where do you think these two are? Well, Tharn and Type go to a school for shifters, one of many schools in the world that secretly nurture and bring up young shifters away from prying eyes of oblivious humans. A person can be smart but humans? Humans are idiots; that’s what Type thinks. They’ll ruin any shifter given any chance. “Now get the f**k out, you f*****g tiger! Get out! Get out!!!” Type screamed on top of his lungs seeing the other guy not moving by the doorway. It was not just the invasion of his privacy that got him so riled up. Tharn’s presence brought upon a thick air of who knows what. What Type knew is that he was feeling suffocated by Tharn’s aura. Tharn didn’t attempt to leave; instead he blinked once before a smirk registered on his face. “No need to be scared, little kitty.” “YOU!” Type’s eye sockets were almost bulging. His nose flared. Without paying attention, he grabbed the closest item he could find nearby and threw at his intruder. “Eh? Your underwear?” Tharn said with a very playful grin. He caught the Pokémon printed boxers. Whilst fiddling the said piece of clothing in his hand, he stared back at Type with a sly smile. Type’s face caught on fire. Desperate to grab back his underwear, he stepped forward. It was then at that moment that his day couldn’t have gotten worse. He tripped. Type heard a whistle. “Nice butt.” Type’s spirit almost flew across the universe out of deep humiliation. Am I being punished? *** “How’s your room? Got a roommate?” Win asked Tharn when the two were reunited in one of their classes. Win is a white fox shifter. His family came from the Northern Lands of Tuathi and since moved and lived in Austur, in the east. Tharn and Win became friends then when they learned they are both shifters. The playful grin on Tharn’s face got his friend asking questions. He was curious. “Come on! What is he? She? A lion? A raven? Maybe a dragon?” “Dragons are extinct, Win,” Tharn said. "Okay... Then what? A wolf?" "Wolves are assigned with other wolves," Tharn said. "Then what?" Win asked, this time shaking his friend's shoulder, impatient to get an answer. "A cat." "A cat?!" Win exclaimed and quickly closed his mouth upon noticing his action. "Is it a tabby? A Russian blue? A ragdoll?" "A pure black one." Win gasped in shock just as another student arrived at the lecture hall. Everyone turned to the doorway then went back onto their own devices, busy fiddling on their phones or chatting with one another. Seeing Tharn stare at the doorway longer than the others made Win look as well. "Who's that?" "My black kitty," Tharn said before getting up and running towards the door when the said newcomer ran off. "Hey!" Tharn called the other guy as he ran after him. A teacher passed by and scolded the two for running. Tharn quickly apologized and when he turned to continue chasing the black cat, he was gone. The hallway was empty and only hushed conversations from the closest lecture hall could be heard. Looking to his side, Tharn saw the stairs that lead to the ground floor. Quickly, he jumped off the rail and landed on the lower level. 'Where is he?' Tharn thought. As he walked around the corner, his nose caught the scent identical to the smell that greeted him on the room he was assigned to. He dropped his things in the room there after he got a call from Win. He thought it was an emergency but turned out nothing. Just another boy trying to get inside his best friend’s pants. "There you are," Tharn spoke as he approached the person he was chasing. Type almost hissed at Tharn as he turned around. He was hiding behind a bush on the side of the building. "Why are you following me?!" "Dunno," Tharn said, amused at the look of panic in Type's face. "Black cats are good luck charms they say so I followed one. Like I would let this chance slide." "I'm not some lucky charm! Leave me alone!" "Eh? Nobody tells me what to do, little kitty..." Tharn places a finger on Type's chin with eyes looking at his lips, taunting. Type aggressively removed the said finger and whisked it away. "Well, I'm not just a nobody." "I bet," Tharn said through a husky voice. He saw the movement in Type's adam's apple along with the sudden dilation of his pupils. "Relax. I'm not going to attack you," Tharn added. "Like I can't take you on!" "I'm hoping you will." "You fuc-- "Such a hostile little kitten," Tharn teased with a smirk. He has never felt so curious of another person much more of a fellow feline. Perhaps because Type was a cat. A black cat. Perhaps... "Asshole!" Type shouted, glaring as he took off. He felt his heart pump harder and his ears almost popping to shift. "So cute," Tharn said as his gaze followed the feisty cat. "See you in our bedroom!" He yelled. Type's ears instantly turned dark and furry. "Asshole. Asshole. Asshole!!!"   ///the end///  
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