Where is Daddy?

1877 Words
Title: Where is Daddy? Genre: Fanfiction story based on two characters named Forth and Beam of 2Moons season 1 Warning: 18+ _______________________________________________________________________________________ It's 6 o'clock in the morning. Beam went from the kitchen and into his son's room to wake him up and send him to school. "Finn, baby. Wake up. You have school." The twenty five year old teacher and a mother gently rocked his son's small figure back and forth to make him get up. Finn groaned and stayed under his bed covers. "I made your favorite blueberry pancakes...." The six year old abruptly sat on his bed and hugged his mother. "Good morning, mommy!" "Morning, baby. Let's go. Time for a bath first." Beam carried the boy that's clinging onto his shoulders towards the bathroom by the hallway. After the bath, the two headed to their kitchen to share their breakfast. With smiles on their faces, they finished the food in to time. "That was yummy!" Finn said as Beam put the dishes away. The boy headed to the living room across the room to fetch his school things. "Thank you, my dear customer. Please come again tomorrow." "Yes I will, master." The young boy gave a military salute to the beautiful man who made his breakfast. Beam chuckled and picked up his messenger bag off the bar stool in front of the breakfast counter and checked the house before he took his son's hand and walked out the door. He locked the door behind them and lead the six year old to his car parked in front of their bungalow. Once they're both buckled up, Beam glanced to his left and smiled at his little prince wearing his elementary school uniform. "Ready?" "Yes, I am!" Finn threw a fist in the air like superman would when he is about to fly. "Alright, superman. Here we go." *** Beam drove for ten minutes before reaching Kongthanin Integrated School where he works and where Finn goes to for school. He teaches Mathematics and Science subjects to senior high school students. Finn is in kindergarten. Before getting off the car, Finn spotted one of his classmates. Mika. Her parents both took her to school today. Mingkwan and KitKat Daichipanya. "Mom?" "Yes, baby?" "You're my mommy, right?" "Yes, baby." "Where is daddy?" "....." "You said he works far away. But I want to see him. Mika and Piolo sometimes bring both their daddies with them." Finn pouted. Beam got off the car and opened the door to the passenger side. He picked up his son and hugged him tight while planting kisses on his face and hair. "I want to see him, too. But he works very far. You remember what we talked about superman?" "Mm-mmh..." "Well, daddy is like superman. He has to work somewhere far. But soon, he will fly and come back. Okay?" Finn nodded against his mother's shoulder. "Okay. I'll wait, mommy." Beam kissed his son's cheeks one more time before putting him down. "That's my soldier. ....Okay, let's get you to class. I will come by to pick you up at lunch after your class." He put Finn's backpack on him. He grabbed his bag from the car and locked it before they walked hand in hand towards Finn's classroom. *** At the high school department, Beam just finished his final lecture. Lunch is in a few minutes and he was getting ready to fetch Finn from the elementary department. Leaving the staff room, he bumped into someone. "Oh. Sorry, P'Pha." "You seem dazed, Beam. Heading to get Finn?" Phana asked his employee and best friend. He owns the school. Beam nodded. "Is Wayo picking up Piolo today?" "Mm. Beam?" "Yes, P'Pha?" Beam played with the straps of his bag. He stopped the younger man's anxious hand from playing with his straps. "Don't deal with the problem alone. I'm here you know." Beam raised his head and gave his best friend a thin smile. He nodded slowly. "I have to go, P'Pha." "Okay....Take care, Beam." "You too, P'Pha." *** "Mommy!" Finn ran to his mom soon as he saw him waiting outside the lobby of the elementary building. Some other parents are waiting for their kindergarten kids as well. "Hello, little soldier. How's school today?" Beam and his son began to walk out the building and headed to the high school department. "It was fun! I got five stars today!" the six year old proudly declared his accomplishment. "Woah! I see six in your forehead though." Beam poked his son's forehead where the stars are stuck by their teacher. "Really? Ah! It must be from the stranger teacher today. He gave me a star for wearing a superman shirt." Finn flashed his gummy smile at his mother remembering the man who gave him the golden star. "You have another teacher?" "Mm. Just for today, he said. He said today is special." 'Special, huh...' Beam thought. *** Beam and Finn had lunch at the high school cafeteria. After which, he took his son to the afternoon day care center next to the school and went back to teach two more lessons. When his lectures were over, he fetched his six year old from the center. "Wanna grab some ice cream on the way?" Beam asked his son when they got inside his white SUV. The boy's eyes widened. He loves ice cream. "Today is Friday, that's right!" On Fridays, the mother and son stop by the mall to get some desserts or pick up some movies to watch during the weekend. "Yippee!!!" Beam smiled as he ruffled his son's hair. *** After the date at the mall, Beam and his son Finn went home. He cooked their favorite for dinnner, lasagna while the six year old colored his new superhero book. When dinner was over, Beam gave his son a bath and let him watch the movie Life Of Pets while he himself took his own bath. He joined his son afterwards. They were busy laughing at the silly animals, they didn't notice the figure that is watching the two of them. Beam took Finn to bed after he fell asleep at the end of the movie. After making sure the house is locked, he turned off all the lights in their open plan living room and entered his own bedroom. Beam left his door open slightly. He sat on the bed and stared at the photo frame on his night stand. Tears fell from his eyes as he looked at the gummy smile of his son who was still three years old when the photo was taken. Beam is holding the little boy in his arms. "You missed three years." Beam uttered after he heard the click from his door. It was gently closed and locked. The figure who appeared to be wearing a combination of black outfit, slowly walked towards the bed and knelt in front of Finn's mother. The man in his late twenties took Beam's hands and cupped them inside his bigger ones. He put them against his face and sniffed the pale and smooth hands he missed so much for three years. He slowly got up, carefully pulling Beam with him. His tanned colored arms wrapped the smaller and pale figure into his broad chest. Beam sobbed and hugged the taller man back. He buried his face into the man's chest as more tears fall from his eyes. "He asked about you today." The taller man rubbed the back of Finn's mother as he placed kisses on his black hair. "I missed you so much, Beam. I missed our son, too. I'm sorry... I took longer, my love." Beam tightened his grip at the man's shirt on his lower back. "Three years. We were alone.....for three years." His sobs continued. The tanned man cupped Beam's cheeks and wiped the tears in his face. He kissed the pale forehead, then the straight nose, and then the rosy lips. The lips he had been longing to kiss. Beam rounded his arms on the other man's neck and responded to the passionate kisses he was given. He savored every millisecond that their mouths tasted each other. "Forth..." He whispered after breaking off from their long and deep reunion lovers kiss. "My Beam...happy anniversary, my love." Inside the room that Forth had locked, he made love to his husband. To the mother of his only son. To the person he loves the most. The person he longed to see for three years. Three years that he worked as an undercover agent. Far. Far away. It was painful. And very difficult to bear. But he's here now. With his family. * "Forth...ahhhnnn...ahhh..." Beam writhed in pleasure under his husband. His face and his body are drunk in heat, taking in all the sensation that Forth is sending to his whole being. Love. Lust. Longing. "God, I missed you so much, baby. I missed making love to you..." Forth lowered his face to savor Beam's lips again. He kept pounding on his husband's hole as they devour each other's lips and tongue. "Arhhhhh!!!" The couple both reached their climax for the fourth time that night. * While looking at the passed out figure of his beautiful husband, Forth got up to get something from his pants pocket. Beam grabbed the tanned hand before Forth could get up. "Don't go...please." Forth placed a kiss on Beam's forehand. "I'm not going anywhere, love. I'm just getting something." He stared at Beam with sincere eyes and his hand was slowly let go. He came back to the bed after fishing something from his pants that were laying on the floor. Forth slid a silver ring into Beam's finger. "Let me wear mine too, love." Beam smiled and then remove the ring that was on his necklace. He slid the identical wedding band into Forth's finger. Forth caressed the rings in both their fingers. He glanced back at Beam and kissed his lips. Pressing their foreheads together as they sat on their bed, Forth spoke under his breath. "I'm home, my love." *** The next morning, two very tired figures were making breakfast in the kitchen when a yawning Finn came out of his room. He gasped and blinked seeing the stranger next to his mother. "Teacher superman!" He exclaimed. Beam scooped his son off the floor and walked back towards Forth. "Didn't you say you wanted to meet him?" He asked the six year old. Finn tilted his head while looking at the other man, he's confused at his mother's question. "Hey, little soldier. Its me, daddy." Forth pointed at his chest as he introduced himself with a gummy smile on his face. Finn's eyes widened. "Woah! . . . Daddy!!!" He jumped from Beam's arms and into his father's. "No wonder Mika said we have the same smile. Gummy-gummy." Finn said as he stretched his fathers cheeks. "So you are my daddy?" Forth nodded. "Are you going to work far away again?" Forth shook his head. "You're staying with me and mommy forever?" Forth nodded. Finn smiled. "Welcome home, daddy." "I'm home, kiddo." Forth hugged his son along with his husband. He kissed both the top of their heads. "Daddy is home." The end. -ZiaJang 
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