Chapter 4

756 Words
My alarm rings the next morning punctually at six o'clock in the morning. With my eyes closed, I touch the bedside table until I land on the mute button. Sighing, I open my eyes and push my blanket aside. Unfortunately, I have never been an early riser. But that will have to change as quickly as possible, because my first day of work starts in two and a half hours. So I leave the bed by force and shuffle into the kitchen. The first thing I need in the morning is a strong cup of coffee. I turn on the coffee machine and lean against the counter. Suddenly the door of Bree's room opens. To my surprise, however, no woman, but a man stretches his head out of the door. However, this is not even about any man, but Noah. "Noah?", I sound more indignant than I should possibly. He quickly closes the door behind him and raises his hands defensively: "It's not as you think!" My right eyebrow goes up and I start to study it. In fact, he does not look like the typical one-night stand. He still wears exactly the same clothes as yesterday. "How is it then?", I take a sip from my coffee cup, but do not turn my eyes away from him. He sighs and starts to move. Next to me, he also leans against the counter and makes another coffee: "I put her to bed last night and was so tired myself that I fell asleep on the sofa." "Then why do you come out of her room?", Now I'm interested. "I checked to see if she's okay," he replies honestly, watching as the hot drink runs into his cup. Knowing that Noah is an honorable man and would never take advantage of a drunken woman, I decide not to ask any more questions. For a moment there is silence between us and we both sip our drink, as he breaks the emerged silence: "Today is your first working day in the new company, right?" "Yes, I have to ...", I look at the clock above the kitchen table: "About two hours to be there." "I never thought I'd see you up so early," he grins in amusement. "Haha, very funny", I look at him contemptuously. "I'm sorry," he apologizes, but the grin can not help but "you should rather get ready." "I still have time," I put my head back. "Just do not junk, okay?", He asks me one last time. I roll my eyes rolling: "I promise." *** I get out of the taxi and pay the driver. This thanks and then starts again. As I discover the huge building in front of me, I feel my heart beat faster. Here I will work from today. This thought is stranger than I thought. Since I do not want to be late, I scurry quickly through the front doors and head to one of the four elevators. After the job interview, the HR manager thankfully told me which floor I needed to go to. Otherwise I would probably be lost in this huge building. As the doors open, she gets in and leans against the back of the cabin after having the button labeled '24. Stock 'has been pressed. Elevators and generally height are not mine, which is why I'm not happy about it to the penultimate floor - above it is only the private apartment of the bosses - to drive. But some things can not be avoided and this is probably something that I have to go through. More people are climbing and I can not help but look at them. Most of them are women who, like me, are pretty casually dressed. A little nervous, I drive through the dark hair and put my head back. Next to me, a man with brown hair positions himself on the look of rather expensive clothes. He's probably a pretty tall animal. Anyway, it would not surprise me. You can certainly earn more than enough here. Fortunately the doors open again after a felt eternity. The man who stood next to me has luckily got off. This fact tells me that he is not my boss and that is potentially reassuring. Being in the elevator just before a panic attack is really not a good first impression. Well, maybe that's a little over the top, but the altitude really bothers me. I hope I get used to it, otherwise getting up early will not be my only problem.
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