Chapter 3

787 Words
"Delilah", a familiar voice sounds behind us. A little startled, I turn in the direction of the exclamation and see Noah. On his lips he wears a warm smile as he approaches us. "Come into my arms, baby," he spreads his arms and I return the hug grinning. I really love the heartfelt way we treat each other. She is just so full of trust and friendship. "It took you quite a long time," I reproach him playfully, as I press my face against his hard chest. "I'm sorry," he breaks away from me, "Speaking of what you know, I brought someone in. Rick said it was okay." I fall back into my seat and look at him expectantly. Now I'm really excited. So far, I've met his friends from ancient times only very rarely. "Oh right," I remember: "Where is the high visitor?" "Hey, be nice," he reminds me, before he turns around and beckons a person. "I'm always," I say with conviction. A young woman follows Noah's signal to our little group. Her skin is slightly tanned and her black hair curls over her shoulders. At the sight I can not help but look at her from head to toe. Apparently Bree sees my eyes, because she looks at me a bit puzzled. Immediately I turn away and instead look at Noah, who now takes on the idea of this lady: "I would like to introduce you to Megan, she is only here for two days, but I wanted her to meet my best friends. " Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Bree tense as he says 'girlfriends'. "I'm glad to meet you", Megan gives us a charming smile. "It's also a pleasure for me," I move a bit to the side, so she can sit down next to me. The silent request she comes immediately after and falls on the couch. I can not miss the scenario of what happens between my two friends. Noah looks at Bree a little hesitantly, who then also makes room. He lets himself fall and smiles softly: "Nice to see you." Bree's heart can hear me banging right now. "I think so too," she avoids his gaze and takes another sip. The nervousness is obvious to her. Megan takes a Gals from the tray and then bends over to me: "She likes him, right?" I really do not have to laugh. "Is that so obvious?", The question is meant rather rhetorically, since the answer is undoubtedly yes. "Absolutely," she whispers, "Does he know that too?" I'm honestly also over-questioned. Because I only know that she likes him in any case. Whether he noticed her love behavior, but I have not asked correctly "What are you two whispering about?", Noah interrupts us at this moment and looks at us with a slightly reprimanding look. Apparently, he has to think what we have whispered about or even overheard. "Oh, nothing special", Megan steers quickly away from the topic. "Aha," he nods slowly, but his eyes sprayed mistrust. "Do we want to go dancing?" I ask the young South American on my left. This nods promptly and rises in sync with me. Apparently, she also believes that we should give the two a little time alone. This night could have real potential for something more than friendship between the two. *** When I return to our table with already aching feet, I see, as expected, my two best friends from afar. But in a position I did not expect. Bree has her head on his shoulder and he gently strokes her hair. I fall down on the sofa opposite the two and notice Noah's hand on her leg. A slight grin appears on my lips. Bree keeps his eyes closed and it almost seems like she is sleeping. When Noah's and my eyes meet, he holds his forefinger in front of his lips and means to me to be quiet. I form a silent "Is she sleeping?" With her lips. He nods and pulls the young woman a little closer to him. Then he whispers, "I think I'll take her home right away." A little surprised, I look at him: "Should not I do that?" After all, he's here with Megan and wants to spend his time with her. He shakes his head vehemently: "I like to do that." He looks down at my girlfriend and it almost seems as if he could not help smiling softly. Noticing this look, I smile indulgently, "All right, but please take care of her." "Of course," he nods with a matter of course, which makes me smile broadly. This is another of those moments when his feelings for her become clear.
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