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ANNETTE'S POV "Guess who's here in Italy! It's Sheila and her friends!" Sheila stretched her hands so that her phone camera could take a selfie of everyone. "Annette, smile for the camera." I flashed my best smiles but soon got tired of the pouting and all. We just got to the airport and my back was already cramped, not a sign of preparedness for the journey to our hotel. What mattered to my friends was that we were in Italy and it was to have fun. I respected that for them. Maybe I could try and put all my pain behind and have some fun too. Either ways, vacation in Italy will be good. The ride to the hotel was full of excitement and good music. The driver was nice enough to drive us to places that was pleasant. "How about I take you to really nice places tomorrow?" The old man offered as we reached the hotel. Melissa looked at us, excitement coursing through her as she replied the man. "Be here by 8am. We will love to see the coasts." Very early the following morning, we dressed in light sunflower dresses, hats and sandals. The driver was already outside by the time we were ready. Getting the camera ready, Sheila took her place beside the driver, focused on capturing the beautiful places. We drove along the stunning Amalfi Coast in southern Italy, starting from Sorrento and winding through cliffside roads with breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea. Exploring charming coastal towns like Positano, Amalfi, and Ravello. Along the way, we stopped to eat our delicious fill of seafood, while taking in the ancient Roman historical sites, and even hike the "Path of the Gods" (Sentiero degli Dei) with panoramic views of the coastline. Settling in a small inn to continue another day, we visited a nearby beach where Jane collected the number of one of the Italian men. "He's so charming." She had described him that night. "Are you in love already, Jane?" Melissa asked. She scowled but soon smiled, eyes dreamy before she replied. "Yes. In love with his money." We burst out laughing. The next day, the driver arrived to get us again. We were on the road to discover the rolling hills, vineyards, and charming villages of Tuscany. Starting in Florence, we then ventured through the scenic countryside, visiting towns like Siena, San Gimignano, and Montepulciano. Enjoy the beautiful landscapes and indulging in the region's renowned food and wine. By the third day, I was feeling better and getting immersed in the vacation. However, a part of me was not satisfied. I was free but something within me was still tied to Gabe. I wanted to forget about him and sever the bond between us. He didn't care that we had that bond when he cheated on me so why should I care? "Let's go to the club tonight, guys." I suggested while we were lying on the bed, each on their phones. "What did you say?" Sheila asked, her brows furrowed. "I'm tired of sulking and focusing on my heartbreak. Maybe if I go out there and have fun with a man I have no commitment to, it will be easy to forget him." I said and they all looked at one another as though they weren't sure. "Look, guys, I know you all are worried about me but trust me, I'm certain about this." "Are you sure you're not grieving?" Melissa asked. I flashed her a glare. "Mel! I'm serious. I could do with some finetuning under there anyway." They nodded except Sheila who looked skeptical. "I don't mean to be a killjoy but if you're going to do this, you're sure it's not because you're grieving your relationship. You can't fall in love." Rolling my eyes, I grabbed Sheila's hands and smiled broadly. "There is no love. Gabe already taught me that. I will never commit to anybody who comes into my life. Not now, not ever." Sheila finally smiled and squeezed my hands too. I was grateful for my friends. They were my safe haven and I didn't know what I'd do without them in my life. The least I could do was make their efforts worth it in the end. Together, we shared an embrace. "Before we spend the whole time holding hands and dancing kumbaya, let's get ready for the club." Jane cheered, already jumping off the bed. "Not so fast, Jane." Sheila stopped her. She moved towards the drawer and pulled out four cards. "I got these cards from the hotel management so we can have access to the VIP sections of their club. That's where the bougie men are." "You're kidding!" Melissa squealed, unable to contain her excitement as she rushed towards Sheila. "Yeah. I got the cards for us." Still dazed and full of excitement, we began to rummage through our suitcases for what to wear. Sheila settled for a black jumpsuit that exposed her back and barely covered the front. She did a smoky makeup that gave her the dangerous look, her blonde hair curled and left to fall on her shoulders. Melissa wore her copper colored hair in a high ponytail, leaving curled strands around her face. She did a bold glamor make up so as to stand out with her glossy red lipstick. Jane also went with the bold makeup, wearing a short straight skirt with slits on the side, a see through top and black heels. I applied light make up with concealer, highlighter and I simply applied mascara and light lipgloss. My hair was brushed down and I watched them fall like waterfall down my back, covering the exposed part to my waist. I wore a short satin gown that I'd gotten from Shein the previous year on my twenty sixth birthday. I wore a pair of boot heels and carried my bag. We were ready. The rest of the night was us jumping and singing to the music even though most of the songs were in Italian and other languages we didn't understand. A man snaked his hand around Sheila, asking to dance with her. "You look so pretty, my darling," he had no accent which meant he was also a tourist. "Why don't you dance with us?" "Us?" I questioned but before I could ask anything, Sheila flashed me a wink and left with the man. I concluded she would be fine. She knew her way around Italy than anybody else. But as I danced with Melissa, she got a call and I was left alone. Not feeling comfortable dancing in such foreign place, it was only wise for me to leave. I reached outside the club and decided to tour the entire place. Perhaps, I was stupid to think anyone would bat their eyelids to look at me or pick me instead of my friends. I was too tired and frustrated that I went to the restroom to wash off the makeup on my face. It was no use. "I'm just trying too hard." I muttered to myself, trying hard not to cry. Turning off the faucet, I stepped outside and began walking around the building. The music blared from inside the club but it was so contrasting to how empty I felt inside. Moments later, I found myself in a garden. It was quiet, solemn and beautiful with all the flowers surrounding the environment. I saw a bench just around the corner and though it would be nice sitting there alone, just to clear my head. The moon hung overhead and the music was already fading away with each step I took forward. Soon, I turned the corner but my steps faltered with who I saw before me. As he dipped his head in the pool and emerged from the crystal blue water, his hair took a curly form. His abs and biceps beckoned to me as he further got out of the water. He had strong arms, defined abs, broad chest and muscled legs. The hair on his chest was so glaring especially as they glistened from being wet, I wanted to run my fingers through them and feel his muscles twitch as I do so. His lips looked too kissable for a man and his jawline too perfect. He must be a model. By the time I'd trace his features to his eyes, I realized I'd made a fool of myself. He was staring straight into my eyes and he didn't look pleased at all. "Um...sorry, I think I missed my way. I...I'll just take my leave." "You!" He said and I stopped in my tracks. The way he sized me up with his eyes made me melt inwardly. "I remember you. Looks like I'll have to file a restraining order against you, young lady. Since you keep spawning into my life." "What? I don't know you." "Oh, I forgot," he picked up a towel and began dabbing at his body. My toes curled at the way his muscles tensed each time he did that. "You were dead ass drunk the last time and it made your tongue loose. What happened now? Are you tongue tied?" I frowned at this crazy man who claimed to know me and shook my head in disagreement. "I would know if I'd met you before." "Why? Am I that good looking?" Again, I scowled. "No! Ew. What made you think of that?" "Then, why are you stalking me?" Now, I was beginning to flare up. Who the hell does he think he is accusing me of stalking him? "Like I said, I missed my way while trying to tour the hotel. I can't tell how I got here or why but if this keeps your arrogant self in check, I don't know you!" He didn't look the least bothered as he grabbed a pair of pants and wore it before sitting on the bench. I glared at him expecting a response but in truth, I was mesmerized by this perfect looking man that I didn't want to leave. His hazel eyes made him all the more commanding yet alluring. "I thought you wanted to sit. There's plenty space for you." How nice of him to offer a seat. I thought before going to sit beside him. We both faced the pool, silent. I could not shake off the feeling of him being beside me. He was really there and all I could do was sit. If anything, this man could invite me to his bed and I'll gladly agree. But I kept to myself, fiddling with my gown. "You look prettier without makeup though." Was that just my mind playing games or did he just say that? "What?" Our eyes were locked as I looked up into his. We were like that for what seemed to be an eternity. My face burning like a furnace despite the wind picking up.
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