

contract marriage
enimies to lovers
poor to rich

After going through a devastating heartbreak, Annette finds herself drawn into a whirlwind journey of self-discovery and unexpected romance. Encouraged by her friends to heal her wounds with a night of pleasure, Annette's life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters Connor Keith Friedman, a man whose charm and wealth captivates her attention.

As Annette grapples with her newfound desires and exploration, Connor reveals a startling proposition: a marriage of convenience in exchange for a life of adventure, financial security, and s****l exploration. Though hesitant at first, Annette's friends urge her to seize the opportunity, setting into motion a chain of events that will change their lives forever.

But beneath the surface of their romance lies a web of deception and danger. As Connor battles to secure his inheritance against treacherous foes, Annette finds herself torn between love and loyalty, grappling with secrets that threaten to tear them apart.

Caught in a deadly game of cat and mouse, Annette must confront her deepest fears and fight for the love she holds dear.

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ANNETTE'S POV Fatigue weighed heavy on my shoulders as I shuffled through the door of my cramped London apartment. The day at the office had been relentless, every task more demanding than the last. With my birthday looming in just two days, thoughts of celebration mingled with exhaustion, and I couldn't help but wonder what my boyfriend, Gabe, had planned for me. Despite my weariness, hunger gnawed at my stomach, driving me to the kitchen. I quickly cooked a plate of fried rice and steak, the sizzle of the pan echoing in the empty space. As I ate, I contemplated the evening ahead, knowing I'd be spending it with Gabe. The familiar route to his house felt longer tonight, each step heavy with anticipation and dread. Arriving at his door, I noticed it was ajar, a silent invitation. Ignoring the urge to ring the bell, I let myself in, expecting to find Gabe waiting for me in the living room. But the scene that greeted me shattered any semblance of normalcy. Moans of pleasure sliced through the air, drawing me toward the bedroom like a moth to flame. My heart plummeted as I pushed open the door, revealing Gabe was entwined with another woman. "Gabe!" My voice cracked with disbelief, but instead of recoiling in shock, he clung tighter to the woman beside him. "Yes? Don't you know how to knock?" "Why?" The question tumbled from my lips, a plea for understanding in the midst of chaos. "You're asking me? Girl, you know damn well that I've always been the one forcing things in our relationship." He spread his arms. "All you ever do is focus on work or your studies. Never having time for us." Anger surged within me, fueled by his callous indifference to my sacrifices. "Fourteen years, Gabe!" I cried. "Fourteen years and you're just realizing it?" "No. No. No. Quite the contrary, sweetheart. You just happen to have been blind to everything going on." "I work my asses off to put food on the table," I countered, my voice trembling with rage. "While you're here, betraying everything we built together." "We didn't build anything." His other words fell on deaf ears as I lashed out, the sting of betrayal too raw to bear. With one swift motion, I struck him across the cheek, the sound of the slap reverberating in the room. "That's one point for being a bastard!" I turned on my heel, refusing to look back as I walked away from the shattered remnants of our relationship. Fourteen years reduced to rubble in a single moment of betrayal. Just like that, my high school sweetheart became nothing more than a painful memory, lost to the depths of betrayal and deceit. My fingers trembled as I dialed Melissa's number, tears blurring my vision. When she answered, all I could manage was a choked sob before Melissa's soothing voice cut through the chaos. "Annette, sweetie, what's wrong?" Melissa's concern was obvious even through the phone. Struggling to compose myself, I managed to whisper, "I... I went to Gabe's... he's... he's been cheating on me." Melissa's gasp was audible even from across the line. "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry," she said, her voice brimming with empathy. "Meet us at Applebee's, okay? We'll be there soon." Thirty agonizing minutes later, Melissa, Jane, and Sheila burst into the restaurant, their worried expressions mirroring my shattered state. Melissa rushed to gather me into her arms, offering the solace of a friend's embrace. "He's been cheating on me," I repeated, the words heavy with pain. Melissa's response was firm, her tone laced with determination. "You need to forget about Gabe and move on, Annette. Thinking about him will only break you further." I nodded weakly, but the tears continued to flow, each one representing how broken my heart was. "I'm so sorry this happened," Sheila said, her bold red lipstick glaring in the room. "It's just that life sucks and how else can we wash that off if not to party!" I shook my head. "I'm sorry, I can't." Jane, always optimistic, chimed in with a hopeful suggestion. "Come on, Annette, it'll be fun. Who knows? You might find someone even better there." I opened my mouth to protest, to voice my doubts and fears, but Melissa cut me off with a decisive statement. "No 'buts,' Annette," she declared. "We're all going to the club tonight. End of discussion." Defeated but grateful for my friends' support, I nodded, allowing myself to be swept up in their plans for the evening. Maybe. Just maybe I could manage to start a new life. As the night descended, anticipation crackled in the air like electricity as my friends and I prepared to dive into the London nightlife. Melissa's exasperated yell cut through the apartment, urging me to shake off my sullen demeanor. "We can't go out and find a better man if you're moping around like that! Jeezus, you look like a mess!" Melissa's frustration was evident in her tone, but beneath it laid a hint of determination. With a collective effort, we rummaged through the wardrobe, discarding dresses until Jane held up a skimpy green number that caught our attention. "This will make your green eyes pop. Try it on." Jane exclaimed, her mischievous grin infectious. My scowl deepened at the sight of the revealing garment, but Sheila offered her perspective. "That's the point, Annette. We're here to attract attention." Reluctantly, I slipped into the dress, feeling exposed yet strangely empowered by its snug fit. The flared hemline accentuated my curves, drawing attention to my silhouette. With my hair cascading in loose curls around my shoulders and makeup expertly applied by Melissa's skilled hands, I transformed into a vision of confidence and allure. As I surveyed my reflection in the mirror, a mixture of apprehension and excitement churned in the pit of my stomach. With one last glance at my friends, who beamed with pride at their handiwork, I knew I was ready to embrace whatever the night had in store. With Sheila at the wheel, we drove to the next club in town, music blasting from the speaker. An hour into the night, after my friends had down glasses of alcohol, I slipped away from the pushing crowd, feeling like a ghost drifting through a sea of fun paradise. Melissa's laughter mingled with the clinking of glasses as she disappeared into a passionate embrace with the bartender, while Sheila's animated gestures captured the attention of a wealthy stranger in the corner. Jane, ever the adventurer, had vanished into the depths of a private room with a mysterious man, leaving me once again to deal with the ache of betrayal that weighed heavy on my heart. My eyes caught a quiet place upstairs where I could just be on my own. As I emerged into the cool night air, the noise of the club faded into the background, replaced by the distant hum of the city below. The view stretched out before me, a breathtaking panorama of twinkling lights and bustling streets, perfectly defining the turmoil that threatened my sanity. Wrapping my arms around myself, I felt warmth against the chilly wind. I was enjoying the quiet. But my moment of quiet contemplation was shattered by a commanding voice behind me, cutting through the stillness like a knife. "What are you doing out here?" The words were gruff and direct, holding an air of authority that made me jolt. Startled, I whirled around to face the intruder, squinting in the darkness to make out the figure looming before me. Despite the dim lighting, I could sense the intensity of his gaze, piercing through the shadows with a steely determination. "Really? Is scaring women your idea of a good time?" I shot back, my voice edged with sarcasm and frustration. "Newsflash, buddy, it's not exactly a turn-on." The man's response was silence, his features obscured by the veil of darkness that enveloped him. "What? You're shocked I didn't move an inch? Or did you think I was going to beg you to not hurt me?" I continued to ramble on despite his indifference towards my actions. Seconds later, however, security arrived with swift efficiency, escorting me out of the club and back into the harsh reality of the night. As I stood on the sidewalk, cheeks flushed with embarrassment, I cursed under my breath, the bitter taste of disappointment lingering on my tongue. "Are you okay? Why were you kicked out?" The other girls gathered around me looking haggard and tipsy. "I think I drank too much, and now I misbehaved." Sheila laughed and patted me on the back before going to the car's passenger seat. "You think you misbehaved? Wait till you hear how I peed on clubbers that are downstairs because I was not using my head for a second." Melissa chipped in. As I drove the winding streets of London, the conversation in the car took on a lively energy, fueled by the exhilaration of the night's adventures. Sheila, her voice tinged with excitement, regaled us with the details of her encounter with the wealthy stranger from the club. "He was loaded, I tell you," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "And not too shabby in the looks department either. I almost didn't want to leave." Melissa, always quick with a witty retort, chimed in with her own tale, her mischievous grin hinting at the mischief that had transpired behind the bar. "That cute bartender may have looked innocent on the outside but, boy, I tell you. Let's just say, he's got skills beyond mixing drinks," she teased, her laughter echoing through the car as she shared the juicy details of her rendezvous. Jane coughed, "I guess you could say the same for me because that gangster I went in with showed me there's more to this life than food and shopping!" The laughter soon died and Sheila turned to me, her expression questioning. "What about you, Ann? Did you hook up with someone?" Instead, a heavy silence descended upon the car, punctuated only by the soft hum of the engine. Sheila glanced at me expectantly, her eyes brimming with curiosity, but I remained tight-lipped, eyes fixed on the road. "Poor girl," Melissa said sympathetically, her hand reaching out to squeeze mine in a gesture of comfort. "You must be exhausted. Maybe a vacation is just what you need." The mention of a vacation sparked a glimmer of excitement in Sheila's eyes, her imagination already drifting to far-off destinations and sun-drenched beaches. "How about Italy?" she suggested eagerly. "We could lounge on the Amalfi Coast, sip wine in Tuscany..." I shook my head dismissively, the idea of an extravagant getaway seeming frivolous and impractical in the wake of recent events. "It's a waste of money," I muttered, my voice barely above a whisper. Try as I might, I couldn't muster the same enthusiasm that seemed to animate my friends. But even as I brushed off the suggestion, my mind wandered back to the mysterious man from the balcony, his presence lingering like a shadow in the recesses of my memory. Despite the darkness that cloaked his features, there was something about him that captivated me, drawing me in with an irresistible allure. As the city lights blurred past the window, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something I needed to do with my life now. It went beyond being an Intern for a company or curling into a ball and crying. "You're going with us, Ann." Melissa finalized and I had no choice but to sigh in defeat.

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