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CONNOR'S POV The engine purred to a stop as I drove around the fountain and parked in the garage. It had been a very long day for me considering the number of meetings I attended and the long flight to London. I just had to respect my family's invitation to be there at the family's meeting. Especially since my grandfather passed on. There is no doubt they want me to be present at the meeting where his wealth and inheritance would go to his children. If we as grandchildren are lucky, we could get a piece. I got to the porch and a young man in suit collected my coat and suitcase. "Welcome back, Mr. Connor. The whole family has been waiting for your arrival." A scoff threatened to escape my lips. "I'm going to my room upstairs. Tell them I'll be there in an hour." The young man was hesitant as he made to speak but he dared not. He knows I've always been adamant when it comes to doing what I want and pleading or threatening me would be a waste of time. If he's wise, he wouldn't try the latter. "Okay, Sir. I'll inform them right away." After having a warm bath and lightly shaving off my beards, I slid into a black shirt, black suit and combed my hair so that it was laid back. I took a good look at my features in the mirror, carefully studying how far I've come since the death of my parents. Grandfather was the only one who stepped in and raised me in the best possible way. I grew up strong and confident, all thanks to his lessons. Checking the wristwatch, I decided to go to the dinner hall before my Aunts come for my head. "Here he comes," one of them announced. I could see from the corner of my eyes how they shifted in their seats and flashed me a look of distaste. Like that would do anything to sway me. "We thought you wouldn't come, nephew!" My father's immediate younger brother, Austin, called cheerfully and I quipped him one of my tight smiles as he came over for a hug. "Not when this involves grandpa. You know I wouldn't miss it for the world." Austin stood a few inches apart to study me. "You've grown so quite big and tall, nephew. The last time I saw you, you only weighed what? Thirty pounds? Forty?" Everyone laughed except me. "Shall we get straight to business?" "Does everything have to be business with you, Keith---" "Connor!" I corrected my aunt, Shelley. "And yes, I don't have time for frivolities." "Very well, then. Let's begin." A small man with small glasses perched on his nose started. He must be the lawyer. I remember him but I couldn't quite place where. "As your father's or grandfather's lawyer, I have been trusted to share with you what Lord Henry Friedman wished to give to his family from the wealth he accumulated during his time here on earth. According to him," the lawyer flipped the page of his file. "He has eight children, four daughters and four sons. One of which is late. May his soul rest in peace." My jaws clenched. I knew who they meant. That was my father. The first son of my grandfather. Yet he died without a particular cause or explanation as to what killed him. The case was just swept under the carpet. "So, among the seven children, Lord Friedman shared his wealth equally." His voice faded in my head as I was already getting bored and tired of the whole thing. I just wanted to get over this so I can return to my company and try to convince my investors to donate to this charity foundation. We needed enough money to push this project and sitting here while listening to a huge amount of money willed to my Uncles was not helping matters. "Connor? Connor?" Startled, I snapped out of my thoughts to find everyone staring at me. The lawyer flashed me a smile and I wondered why. "Did you even hear a thing he said?" Ray asked, running a hand over his face. He was the youngest son and child of my grandfather. I just stared at him. "It's okay. I can always read the will again..." "Is that even necessary?" Austin cut in, a quick laugh escaping his throat. "I mean, my nephew must have other important things to do. "No. It's important that everyone gets this information very well." "Go on." I said. "So, to Connor Keith Friedman, your grandfather willed to you his two huge yatch located in Miami, two multimillionaire companies named Goody and Shares located in Los Angeles and a box of something valuable. He said I should hand over this file to you as only you can understand the content." The lawyer finished reading and looked up at me. I raised my brows in anticipation. "So, where is the file?" "Not so fast, Mr. Connor. Your grandfather put a clause to your inheritance." "What is that?" Shelley asked. "It says you have to be married before getting your inheritance. That includes the yacht, the companies and the box of heirloom." The lawyer finished and stood up, adjusting the papers into his briefcase. "That will be all. Thank you all for listening." Silence enveloped the hall as everyone pondered over what just happened. "Wow! Just wow!" Ray started. "So all we get is a bunch of dollars and he gets a whole ass inheritance to pass for generations?" "I mean, it's not bad if he gets the companies. We all know he's good with businesses." Anastasia teased, a quirky smile on the corner of her lips. "This is absurd and crazy! Especially having to pass the heirloom to him." Shelley cried. They continued to argue atop their voices until a loud voice overrode the conversation and they stopped. "We need to stop this bickering and focus on tasks at hand." Austin faced me. "Dear nephew, as you can see, father has willed all these to you and there is nothing we can do about it. But don't you think it's a little selfish of him to force you to get married before getting these things?" "Selfish?" I asked. Ray tutted before rising from his seat. "I know he must have convinced father to do this for him seeing how much he loved him!" With that, he left the hall. Anastasia and her twin sister, Diana rose from their seats as well. "I'm just going to check on the kids now." There was an awkward silence that fell on the hall until one by one, they all left. Austin still sat on his chair, his gaze fixated on me while I stared into space. I still couldn't believe grandfather left all these for me. Why me? Yes, I know we had a pretty close relationship while he was alive but he could have split all these among his children instead of passing it down to his grandson. My hands turned into fists as I was again reminded of the last time I saw him on the sick bed. "Keith? Is that you?" His frail voice had called as I stood by the entrance holding a bunch of flowers. "Yes, Grandpa. And I already told you, I don't go by that name anymore. It's Connor now." "Oh, my lovely grandson," he coughed and pressed a gentle palm on my arm. "You should know you will always be the little boy Keith in my eyes." "It's okay." "Also, what about our last discussion?" I shifted uncomfortably on the chair as he brought it up. "I told you already, grandpa. I'm not ready for another commitment." He looked at me, pity glaring in his eyes. "It's been thirteen years, my boy. When are you going to move on from your first marriage?" "Never, I guess." "You were young and ignorant when you first let her into your heart. She just wasn't meant for you. But now, I'm sure you know better. However, locking everyone out of your heart won't make things better." I shook my head. "Maybe I'm just being careful." "Or you're afraid of giving in to your feelings again. You're afraid it won't work this time. You can't tell if you don't try. Not every woman is like Anika." Now, driving through the streets to go to the nearest club to let off the steam, I couldn't get our last discussion off my head. Two years later and he still found a way to bring up this matter even though he's in the grave. He never rests, that man. That made me chuckle a little. As I set my foot into the club, I gave the management my card and they quickly arranged a private place for me to drink, enjoy the view and be alone. "We just looked through our available spaces and we have one on the second floor at the balcony. The view is really spectacular." The manager said with a professional smile on his face. "Alright. I'll take it. Put that on my card." "Right away, Sir. I'll have a waiter come take your order in a minute." I started up the staircase and reached the balcony, immediately taking off my coat before I could open the glass door. What I saw made me stop in my tracks. I was conflicted and already contemplating calling up the manager to yell at him. Someone else was in a private space I just paid for? I was irritated as well as upset that I would have to deal with this. So, when I spoke, my emotions couldn't do but emerge with my words. "What are you doing here?" It was more of a remark than a question. When she jerked and turned to face me, I was taken aback. My raging mind calmed the hell down seeing this woman before me. She was wearing a green dress that did things to my head which was strange. Her body was diabolical and so was the dress she wore. She looked like the devil herself in a pretty dress. Each curves well defined and attractive. I couldn't see the color of her eyes in the dark but I was damn sure they would be beautiful. Her hair looked full and silky all I wanted to do was run my hands through them. I was speechless. "Really? Is scaring women your idea of a good time?" she shot back, her voice edged with sarcasm and frustration. "Newsflash, buddy, it's not exactly a turn-on." Her words shocked me to the bones and at once, my irritation resurfaced. Thankfully, the security officers arrived at the scene as soon as possible. "What? You're shocked I didn't move an inch? Or did you think I was going to beg you to not hurt me?" Every other thing she said got drowned in the music as she was escorted outside the club. I could only conclude she was drunk and didn't know what she was doing. Either ways, she was one of those women who think they can get away with anything since they are pretty. I know because I met one of them before, dated her and even married her. She was my first love if I can call it that. Maybe I'd just been blinded by her beauty that I didn't realize she was using me. As a twenty two years old, meeting Anika was like a dream I didn't want to wake up from. She was one of the hottest girls I've ever met and she made me believe it was a privilege being with her. Three years later, after series of arguments, fights, break up and reconciliation, we got married because she was pregnant for me. I remember begging her not to abort the pregnancy but she went behind after our wedding to do that. Six months later, she filed for divorce. For a whole year, she fought hard to get a huge chunk of my wealth which she succeeded in doing eventually. She lied to the court that she lost the baby and needed compensation for that. It worked. And I was left broken, shattered and cold ever since. After downing the whisky I ordered from the bar and scrolling through my laptop for the latest news, I decided there is only one way to go about the inheritance. To forget about it and avoid getting hurt. But can I raise eight hundred million dollars to be donated to the charity foundation from my money? I'll decide after I'm back in Italy.
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