1583 Words

ANNETTE'S POV "Are you crazy!?" Jane shrieked, all the colour on her face draining fast. I couldn't blame her for her outburst. "All these happened and all you could do was come back to live with him? As his wife?" I shook my head. She couldn't understand and I wasn't expecting her to. Anybody would expect me to report Connor to the cops, leave him alone or worse, harbor hate for him. "I would have thought of getting back at him if I didn't think things through." "What did you think through?" "He was young and naive when all of these happened, Jane. I wouldn't not blame him entirely for something that he had no control over." She scoffed. "He was an adult when this happened, right?" I nodded. "Yes. So, stop making excuses for him. Connor is a murderer and he deserves to rot in jai

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