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Ivy came and sat beside Robin, ' Thank you so much for today. The last few days were very hectic and Jack was disturbed in this new environment. Today he is feeling refreshed and enjoying very much.' Don't be so formal with me, Robin said. May I ask you a question? Of course, what is it? It is not that I want to intrude with your matter, it is just that I want to help you, if I could, Robin said, contemplating how to ask Ivy about this. I know and won't get angry with you if that's bothering you, Ivy confessed. Relieved, Robin asked, 'Jack's father is your Ex-husband?' Amused by Robin's question, Ivy said, 'No. I've met another guy and he ditched me. I was pregnant by then, so I couldn't able to terminate the pregnancy which resulted in Jack.' Shocked, ' How can you be so silly? How could you trust another person, when you just found out your husband cheated on you? ' Robin exploded after listening to Ivy, that she got cheated again. Ivy was smiling at him sluggishly, ' Do you think I would just believe anybody?' What do you mean?, Robin asked. Dwelling in the past, 'I never believed my ex-husband at first. It took us both 2 whole years to trust him love him and marry him. But it just took us just 6 months to get divorced. I took my time, tested him, dated him for 2 years and then I married, but still I got cheated. Do you think, after this, I would believe anyone? I wouldn't dare to make friendship even.' Robin was feeling relieved and also remorseful, and scared. Relieved that she has not been with anyone for the past 4 years, and feels regretful for not being able to express his feelings earlier than that bastard which led to Ivy's broken heart and mistrust in people. But he was scared to express his feelings, seeing how hard she was on people without trusting anyone. Yes, he is the father to my Jack. I never showed his pic to Jack, as I was scared that his father was not ready to accept him. What if he insults us both one day? I didn't want to see my boy heartbroken. Right now, this feeling is good. Jack loves his father, even though, he doesn't know how he looks and for the rest of his life, I'll be with him playing both father and mother roles, Ivy said with contempt. Today, she is feeling very happy and expressed her emotions openly to Robin for the first time. Are you not ready to marry anyone? What if someone loves you deeply and wishes to marry you one day? We will cross the bridge when it comes one day. What's the rush to think about it now? Ivy said her decision. Robin could feel her disinterest in love with another person. When he was about to ask whether she was still loving her Ex-husband or not, Jack shouted at them to come and play. They both went to Jack and played with him for the rest of the evening. They went to have dinner after leaving the Kid's Park and then departed in their ways. -- Jack, how was your day today? Ivy asked on their way home. Mom, I just loved it. Can we go to the Kid's Park again? Sure. How about next month? Yes! Yes! Thank you, Mom! Jack was thrilled to go there again. I liked the Roller Coaster and water rides. And uncle Robin always cared for me and looked after me. I like him very much. You know he knows all my favorite snacks. Jack was beaming with joy and sharing all his thoughts while Ivy was nodding to him. Uncle Robin knows all your favorite snacks because those were my favorite too, Ivy said. That means, Uncle Robin, likes you very much, right? It might be since we have been friends for so long. Then, what about dad? Does he also know all your likes and dislikes? He has stayed away from us for so long, will he forget about us? Why can't my dad be Uncle Robin? Jack conveyed what was in his heart. Ivy was shocked to hear such words from Jack. She could feel her son's desire to meet his father. But, she couldn't allow such thoughts on every man he met. 'Jack, I understand you want to meet your dad. But, listen, I will take you to him. Give me some time, till then don't assume things seeing all the adult men to be your dad with whoever you play. Your Dad will get angry when he comes to know. Okay?' Okay! Jack said and stayed silent for the rest of the journey. No one knows what he was thinking but he decided that day after listening to Ivy's words. ---- Robin was engrossed in his own world. His parents are forcing him, for so long to go on blind dates and agree to marriage. But, he always postponed it, reasoning them he wanted to settle down first. They are getting old, and he wants to make them happy soon, but he doesn't want to put pressure on Ivy. Robin thought to slowly make his move towards proposing to Ivy and no matter what this time, he didn't want to miss her. He felt that fate had given him another chance to pursue Ivy. --- Ivy, Jack, and Robin have spent their time very blissful today. But, seeing them together, only one person was with jealousy and anger. On the desk, there were pictures of all 3 at the kid's park and the person was holding Ivy's bikini picture and tracing her body outline. 'My dear, I'm coming for you soon. Don't you dare fall for another man? It took me so long to get back at you and I couldn't wait to hold you any longer. We can soon become a family of three. You made a big mistake by leaving me, and I will punish you so severely that you won't be able to get up from bed for 3 days straight... The man is laughing mysteriously seeing her photo.'
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